July Full council guest speaker

The next full council meeting will be the 10th July at the Rec Hall at 7.30. Alison Waine who heads the dog warden team from SBC will be presenting, advising on current and hopefully future laws to help combat dog fouling. Everyone is welcome to listen to her talk and then there will be a… read more

Public survey on new rules for dog fouling

Please see the following message from SBC on their public consultation to try to bring in new rules to combat dog fouling:   “We are starting today the formal consultation for our Borough Wide PSPO regarding dog control. This is in two parts: the first is regarding dog fouling giving us the ability to issue… read more

June Parish/Borough Surgery

The surgery is 11.30 to 12.30 on Sat 3rd June at the Calley Memorial Hall.  Everyone is welcome along for a chat or to ask a Cllr a question.

Next Finance meeting

The next meeting is Wed 31st May at 7.30pm in the Recreation Hall off Norris Close. There will be a public recess at the start of the meeting for any questions.

Friends of Holy Cross Church website

The Friends of Holy Cross are a group that preserve and maintain The Church of The Holy Cross in the village of Chiseldon. You can find out more about their work on their website.

Social Housing resident required to sit on SBC housing panel

Swindon Borough Council has a housing panel which helps to form decisions on social housing. Ideally a local resident in social housing will be on this panel as requests are often more likely to be heard if an informed local resident makes them. Ward Cllr Eric Shaw is looking for someone who can join this… read more

Forth coming Parish meetings

Monday 3rd April 7.15pm Rec Hall – Planning meeting. There will be a talk and Q&A session from City and Country in regards to the Burderop Park planning application. Residents are welcome to listen to the talk, and there is a public recess at the start of the meeting. Monday 10th April 7.30 Rec Hall…. read more

Dog warden update

If you have a concern over a stray dog then you can call the SBC dog warden direct on 01793 466139 and they will come and collect the dog. The dog will be placed in the council pound and the owner will have to pay to retrieve the dog.   As we all know, unless… read more

Micro chipping for free from SBC

Free Microchipping Goes Mobile With Council Help! A free mobile microchipping event will be staged by Swindon Borough Council in Wroughton and Wichelstowe on Saturday 1st April, working in partnership with the Blue Cross. The service – available for both dogs and cats – will be held at three separate stops around Wroughton, to be… read more

Green Waste Service information

Residents Encouraged To Sign Up To Garden Waste Service Now That Spring Has Arrived Now that spring has arrived and the growing season is upon us, people in Swindon are being encouraged to add their names to the growing list of households that have signed up to the Council’s green waste service. Last year, some… read more