Volunteers Needed to Listen to Schoolchildren Read

Additional information: Schoolreaders is a national charity which recruits volunteers to go into schools that have asked for our help. We match them to a local primary school. Volunteers go in once a week to listen to children read, which has proved very successful before lockdown: at the beginning of March. we had 12,500 being… read more

Swindon: It’s up to all of us – coronavirus update

The latest newsletter from Swindon Borough Council includes: An update on the situation in Swindon from Steve Madden, Director of Public Health The latest Government updates Advice on car sharingLocal testing available A survey about coronavirus You can read the newsletter by following the link below. Swindon Borough Council – It’s Up to All of… read more

Summer Library Service Newsletter

The latest newsletter from the Swindon Library and Information Service is now available. Follow the link below to find out about the latest news, including progress towards  reopening. Swindon Library and Information Service Newsletter.

Planning applications S/20/0285 & S/20/0286 have been withdrawn

Planning applications S/20/0285 & S/20/0286. We are delighted to hear that these planning applications have now been withdrawn by Earthline. Ltd. You may have seen that a further application from the company had also recently been refused by SBC officers. This follows numerous objections on a number of grounds received by us from residents living… read more

Tenant Focus, July 2020

Click the link below to view the latest edition of the Tenant Focus newsletter, containing news, advice and links to support services for anyone renting accommodation within the area. Tenant Focus Newsletter

Introducing Our New Safety In Neighbours Burglary Campaign

THERE’S SAFETY IN NEIGHBOURS Our new Neighbourhood Watch campaign to prevent burglaries As lockdown eases in the UK, we’re expecting a rise in burglaries. We’ve partnered with the Home Office to create a new social media campaign to help keep people safe and continue the great work your scheme is already doing. Our new Safety… read more

VJ Day Remembrance Event — Saturday 15th August

On Saturday 15th August at 11.00am Father Roger will conduct a short service to remember those who gave their lives as part of VJ day. This year marks the 75th anniversary of this day. The Parish Council will be planting a small tree and plaque to remember those who died and the ceremony will be… read more

Neighbourhood Watch – July Newsletter

The July ‘Our News’ newsletter is here Click here to read it The time has come once again to grab that cup of tea, put your feet up and enjoy our newsletter. This month we reflect on perception of crime in lockdown and the successes of Neighbourhood Watch Week. As well as looking at what… read more

New Eastern Villages – July Newsletter

The New Eastern Villages (NEV) is one of the largest greenfield developments in the country, and we want to keep you updated as work progresses. This newsletter contains updates about the development and the accompanying roadworks. You can view the newsletter below New Eastern Villages – July 2020 Newsletter.

Tenant Focus – July Newsletter

View the latest Tenant Focus newsletter, to see all the latest information including: Rent payments during coronavirus Update on void and lettings Can you claim £98 to help with your energy bills? What is Swindon SEND Families Voice? Reporting or requesting new repairs Update on improvement works Swindon Street Reps have been combatting fly-tipping And… read more

Covid 19 Update

You can see the full newsletter here. Dear residents, The past few months have been a challenge for all of us but I’m incredibly proud of how the community across Swindon has rallied round to support one another. This newsletter can help you find out more about the important announcements made by the Government this… read more

Notice from Ridgeway View Family Practice

We have received the following communicationn from Ridgeway View Family Practice: The latest Government advice is to wear face coverings in enclosed public spaces: face coverings may be beneficial where it is hard to follow social distancing measures and you are more likely to come into contact with people you do not normally meet. With… read more

Neighbourhood Watch Week 7-13th June 2020

Wiltshire Neighbourhood Watch Association Neighbourhood Watch Week 7-13th June 2020 We have seen a surge in neighbourliness as people look out for the vulnerable and talk to their neighbours more than ever – a silver lining to the cloud COVID-19 has cast over our daily lives.  In recognition of such a magnificent response, the theme of… read more