Council to support families in need this Christmas, with the distribution of supermarket vouchers

Thousands of families will be offered supermarket vouchers ahead of the Christmas and February half-term school holidays, as part of a scheme facilitated by Swindon Borough Council. The Council was awarded £624,935 by the Government to support families with the cost of food and fuel during the next two school holidays. Around 7,000 children in… read more

New Road Survey

It is 4 years since changes were made by Swindon Borough Council to New Road, to reduce speeding and make the road safer for cars accessing the road from Canney Close and The Canney, as well as pedestrians, and cyclists. We would like to understand how people now feel about the change, how well is… read more

Christmas in Chiseldon

Our tree and lights are now up on New Road for a little bit of festive sparkle. Thank you to a resident who donated the tree from their garden (if you could all get growing for future years please!) and we had a donation towards to the costs involved from another kind resident. The lights… read more

How to use a defibrillator

Defibrillators are very easy to use. Although they don’t all look the same, they all function in broadly the same way. You don’t need training to use one. The machine gives clear spoken instructions – all you have to do is follow them – and it won’t shock someone unless they need it. You may… read more

Openreach Fibre Broadband information

Please do read the article below in the Swindon Advertiser which outlays the way the scheme works. We can also confirm that: The scheme needs a good level of support from residents on the electoral register (the figure used for calculating the sign up %) for Chiseldon Parish. There is a threshold of households needed… read more

Millennium Wood Bulb Planting

Wendy, Tony and Bethan from the Chiseldon Gardening and Countryside Club, myself, and Karen who provided her Rotavator, planted 1000 bluebell bulbs last week at the Millennium Wood between the allotments and Farm Shop. The Parish Council provided funds for the bulbs and the gardening club and Karen assisted with all the hard work. Thank… read more

Residents asked to contribute to Council plans to reduce the borough’s carbon footprint

Local people are being asked to give feedback on the Council’s ambitious Carbon Reduction Strategy, which looks to make Council operations carbon neutral by 2030, along with wider plans to lead the entire borough towards net zero by 2050, delivering on Government targets. The consultation, which can be accessed by visiting the Council’s website, will… read more

Chiseldon Councillor Vacancies

Chiseldon Parish Council needs you! We are calling for community heroes to put themselves forward for one of FIVE vacancies on our local Parish Council. We want people of all backgrounds and experience to represent the community and help #MakeAChange. There are five simple steps to becoming a Chiseldon Parish Councillor: Contact the clerk to… read more

Chiseldon Local History Group Calendar now available

New stock of the Chiseldon Local History Group Calendars is now in, the first batch sold out so we have ordered some more. They are on sale in Oakley’s on the High Street, £5 each. If you can’t get to Chiseldon to buy yours, message me and we will try to help.

Footpath closed for cable repair

The footpath between the allotments on New Road and the Farm Shop will be shut from Monday 30th Nov for 4/5 days. SSE need to drill some test bore holes to make sure that when the underground cable ruptured earlier in the year, the oil leak didn’t contaminate the ground. Signage and barriers will be… read more