Tennis Re-opening

Following the Prime Minister’s announcement, we are pleased to confirm that outdoor tennis courts will be able to open from 29th March. This will mean recreational tennis will be able to resume, including: Singles and doubles social play including club sessions organised activity for groups (maximum group size subject to confirmation) 1:1 coaching Pay and… read more

Football Re-starting

Outdoor sport is due to return on 29th March which includes grassroots football. As such Chiseldon FC is expecting to resume both training and games soon after this date. The adult Sunday Football League has confirmed its season will resume from 4th April and will be extended into June with the aim of completing all… read more

Census 2021 is coming

Households across Swindon will soon be asked to take part in Census 2021. The official census date is 21 March. The census is a survey that gives us the most accurate estimate of all the people and households in England and Wales. It will include questions about your sex, age, work, health, education, household size… read more

We have a Food Waste Hero in Chiseldon!

I’ve been made aware of a scheme where shops provide their food that is shortly going out of date but fine to eat to local “Food Waste Heros” who can then distribute in their local community. We have a lady called Nicki who lives in Chiseldon who is one such hero and is happy for… read more

Council joins forces with HSE to crack down on businesses who are not COVID-compliant

Swindon Borough Council is working with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) to contact 6000 businesses in the borough to make sure they are COVID-secure. The Council is responsible for enforcing health and safety checks at a number of premises across Swindon including shops, hairdressers, beauty salons, warehouses, distribution sites and supermarkets. In order to… read more

North Wessex Downs Forum 2021

This year’s Annual Forum of the North Wessex Downs AONB on Friday 29th January is a free, online event.  Learn about our achievements over the past year and our plans for the future with presentations about Sparkling Streams, Mend the Gap and the Visual Improvement Programme.  There will be the opportunity to ask questions of… read more

Holy Cross Church services

Holy Cross Church is now only holding online services via Zoom. They are 10.30am every Sunday. You will need to contact Father Roger for the joining code. Or email

New Councillors Co-opted

We are pleased to announce that 2 new Councillors were co-opted on Monday 11th Jan at our Full Council meeting. Pauline Barnes has lived in Chiseldon for 35 years with her family. Prior to retirement Pauline worked in many roles caring for others.  She has an interest in youth provision for the Parish and joins… read more

Help for Domestic Abuse Sufferers In Wiltshire

Now more than ever it is important that people of Wiltshire know where to access help if they are victims of Domestic Abuse. Calls to both national and local helplines are soaring as people are finding that the restrictions of the pandemic are creating a toxic environment in the home which is both frightening and… read more

Urgent action required from Swindon businesses for grants available

Welcome to the latest business newsletter In this edition, you’ll find: Urgent action required from you for business grants Updates regarding new business grant schemes EU Transition support for local businesses Other support available in Swindon Urgent action required for business grants As Swindon has changed Local Restrictions Tiers several times over recent weeks, often… read more

Neighbourhood Watch National Newsletter – Our News January 2021

Please follow the link to view or download the  January 2021 Neighbourhood Watch national newsletter. January 2021 Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter This month we launch the Neighbourhood Watch Crime and Community Survey 2020 findings, recruit for a new Volunteer Development Manager, share crime prevention advice and look at the new community projects we are running. As… read more

Swindon: it’s up to all of us to protect our NHS

  Coronavirus (COVID‑19) is spreading fast in Swindon. The Great Western Hospital (GWH) is today treating more COVID-19 patients than at any point in the pandemic so far. That’s over 120 coronavirus patients including those in intensive care. The GWH is battling with COVID-19 alongside all the existing 24/7 emergency health needs of our community,… read more

Council to provide support to vulnerable Swindon residents at risk of COVID-19

A package of support measures is in place for local people who have been identified by the NHS as clinically extremely vulnerable to coronavirus. Thousands of Swindon residents will receive a letter from the Government’s National Shielding Team over the coming days providing advice on what they should do during the current lockdown. Clinically extremely… read more

Policing Precept – Survey Launched

Wiltshire and Swindon’s Police and Crime Commissioner is asking all residents for feedback on the proposed policing precept for 2020/21. Today (5 January), PCC Angus Macpherson has launched a survey to collect feedback on policing: what is being done well and where improvements could be made, as well as a proposed increase in the policing element… read more