Uplands Enterprise Trust

We have an exciting opportunity for an enthusiastic, self-motivated and hardworking person to take responsibility for and support the development of a small holding and outdoor facility for students with learning difficulties. 25 hours per week /52 weeks @£9.00/hour The role involves general maintenance of the small holding, small animal management, preparation of on-site teaching… read more

The Arts Society, Pewsey Vale

The Arts Society, Pewsey Vale monthly lectures are held in the Bouverie Hall, Pewsey SN9 5QE, and cover a wide range of subjects relevant to the wonderful world of The Arts. The hall is open from 7 pm with lectures beginning at 7:30 pm for approximately one hour. Coffee/tea and wine is available from 7… read more

What’s on this March

What’s on in March 2018 3rd March – Borough Councillor’s Surgery, Calley Memorial Hall 11.30am – 12.30pm 3rd March – Great British Spring Clean, meet at Chiseldon House Hotel 10am CANCELLED 5th March – Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel 10am – 12pm 6th March – Chiseldon WI, Holy Cross Church Hall 7.30pm 11th March –… read more

Netball in Chiseldon — An Update

We’ve received the following message on the subject of establishing a netball club in Chiseldon: Following a fantastic response to the idea of a netball club opening in Chiseldon, the great news is that we are currently looking for a coach and actively applying for funds to get ourselves up and running! We would love… read more

Events in March 2018

New Eastern Villages (NEV) Development – Highways Consultation Event Swindon Borough Council will be holding 2 ‘drop-in’ events to publicise the proposed transport schemes for the New Eastern Village as following: White Hart Junction Improvments A420 Gablecross Junction Improvements Great Stall Bridge Southern Connector Road Event 1 Date & Time: Saturday 3rd March 2018, 9am… read more

Update on the Chiseldon First Transient Travellers site

Mike Ash, Acting Corporate Director, Communities and Housing , Swindon Borough Council attended the Environment, General Purpose and Amenities Parish Council meeting on Monday 19th February. Mike provided an update to the meeting on the latest improvement to security at the Chiseldon Firs Transient Travellers site.  Security  upgrade: At the entrance to the site a series of… read more

New Eastern Villages Information Events – March 2018

Details about upcoming NEV (New Eastern Villages) information events are available in the downloadable document below: NEV upcoming information events Updated plans and a list of frequently asked questions can also be viewed at www.swindon.gov.uk/nev from 1st March.  

Acoustic in the Alley, Thursday 22nd February

We’ve received the following information about upcoming Acoustic in the Alley events: Just to remind you that Acoustic in the Alley is on Thursday 22nd February at 8pm, in the Brown Jack, Wroughton, in the skittle alley at the back of the pub. Free parking; £1 entrance. Hope to see you there! See below for… read more

NCN45 resurfacing – M4 to Chiseldon

Part of Railway Path will be closed Part of Railway Path will be closed for resurfacing work from 16th February to 19th March. The section affected will be on Route 45 of the National Cycle Network between the bridge over the M4 south of Coate Water Park, and Hodson Road, Chiseldon. Diversions will be signed… read more

Glades On The Path

A great day on the path today, working between Ogbourne St George and Chiseldon. A strong team from Network Rail created a glade in the scrubby woodland and put up a dead hedge round it. This will improve habitat for invertebrates and small mammals, and will (I hope) allow some understory to regenerate in the… read more

Chiseldon Parish Council Recreation Hall Hire

The Recreation Hall The Recreation Hall of Chiseldon Parish Council, located at the end of Norris Close is fully equipped and just had a recent clear up, with new carpets and fresh coat of paint. For more information on hires and rates click here.

Junction 16 update

Updates to work being done on Junction 16 There have been a number of overnight closures this week to allow the contractor to install drainage and lay pipes. The team are also installing kerbing around the junction as well as preparing areas for upcoming surfacing works. Drainage works are ongoing, with manholes being installed on the south… read more

Furniture Restoration Clinic

Restoration Clinic Got a furniture renovation project that you’d like help with? Whether it is an antique, upholstery or up-cycling projects, I can help you begin and give you the confidence to finish! Dates and fees: Thursday 22nd February 10am to 2pm – £30 Saturday 24th February 10am to 4pm – £45 For more information… read more

Half-Term Fun For All The Family At STEAM

Staff at STEAM have devised brand new activity sessions and an Artist’s Trail for children this February half-term. Joanna Arnott, Lifelong Learning Officer at STEAM, which is owned and managed by Swindon Borough Council, said: “We’ve got lots going on in the museum for February halfterm, including some brand new drop-in activity sessions on Thursday,… read more

UK Government Smart Meters Rollout 2020

As I’m sure you’re aware, the Government is rolling out smart meters into all homes and businesses before 2020. However, research shows that a huge percentage of the population are still not aware of the options available. Working in conjunction with the smart meter authorities nationwide, we are ensuring that all local councils have the… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – February 2018

Points Of Interest From the Meeting held in February 2018 Neighbourhood Watch The next Neighbourhood Meeting is Monday 26th March 2018 at 7.30pm at the Recreation Hall off Norris Close. Everyone is welcome. Dates for 2018 will be on the Parish Council website and also on the noticeboards at New Road by the Spar, at… read more