Tender For Recreation Ground Car Park Work

Tenders are now being accepted for work to improve and expand the Rec ground car park off Norris Close. Some requirements: Tenders MUST be received in full by 30th September Work MUST be able to start between 29th October and 5th November latest Contractors must be able to meet at the Rec Hall car park… read more

A Message From Friends Of The Path

Sustrans is preparing a grant application to provide money to make improvements to the path surface and alignment near Dukesmead Kennels, north of Ogbourne St George.  To support this, they need to quantify how well used the path is at this point.  We would like to arrange a survey to count path users over 1… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – March 2018

Points of interest from the meetings held in March 2018 Neighbourhood Watch The next Neighbourhood meeting is Monday 4th June 2018 at 7.30pm at the Recreation Hall off Norris Close. Everyone is welcome to attend. Dates for 2018 will be on the Parish Council website and also on the noticeboards at New Road by the… read more

SBC Road Closure at Alexandra Park

We have received the following information from Swindon Borough Council: Please be aware of the closure of the former MOD Road/Comet Way due to essential maintenance work to be carried out. This unavoidable work will be commencing on Tuesday 28th August 2018 and the road will be closed to all vehicles for 4 days. Therefore… read more

Community Charity Scarecrow Trail

The Resident’s Scarecrow Trail Residents of the Parish set up a scarecrow trail for Community Charity with impressive results, truly showing the commitment our residents have to being creative and supportive.

Norris Close Parking Update

Norris Close parking Improvements Update: We are currently waiting for revised plans to come back from SBC in regards to parking on Norris Close. There are no plans to remove the green area. Residents of Norris Close will be consulted before any work is agreed on. The Parish Council have a long term commitment to… read more

Rainbow Bookshop, Swindon

The Rainbow Bookshop in Edgeware Road, Swindon – which donates all of its profits to charity – has launched a website. Please see details below.

Road Improvement works to take place at Coate Roundabout

The Coat Water Roundabout is due to be closed while vital resurfacing and relining work is undertaken. The works will be carried out overnight between 8pm and 6am from Monday, 20th August to Friday 31st August 2018, excluding the August Bank holiday weekend. There will be a full closure of the roundabout from all approaches,… read more

Report It, Don’t Ignore It Campaign

Reporting Suspected Child Abuse And Exploitation In July, Swindon Borough Council launched the ‘Report It, Don’t Ignore It’ Campaign in partnership with Wiltshire Police. The Campaign encourages all Swindon residents to report child abuse or exploitation if they suspect it is happening. Residents need to know that they don’t need to be sure that the… read more

Tenant Scrutiny

What is the Tenant Scrutiny Panel? Tenant Scrutiny is an independent tenant’s group that aims to have greater transparency in how Housing Services operate and to help out tenants at the heart of the organisation. What we do and what we have done… The Tenant Scrutiny Panel scrutinises (reviews) Swindon Borough Council’s Housing Services Do… read more

We Need You

Volunteering Opportunities This Summer Forget Me Not Cakes Channel your inner Mary Berry by volunteering to bake a birthday cake for Swindon’s most isolated people. Youth Club Volunteer Help young people get involved with activities like arts, sports, health and well-being and music. Ad-Hoc Volunteer These opportunities are specifically designed for people who would like to volunteer… read more

Regent Circus Road Closures

Temporary Road Closures At Regent Circus For Resurfacing Work Overnight road closures are to be introduced at Regent Circus next month as vital improvement works near completion. From 8pm to 6am on Monday 6 August, Tuesday 7 and Wednesday 8 August, the road by the Central Library and MECA will be closed to allow for… read more