Tenant Focus E-Newsletter October 2019

Important information for Tenants Important information on non-payment weeks Tenants are reminded that the remaining non-payment weeks for the year are: Week 39 – 23 – 27 December 2019 Week 53 – 30 March – 3 April 2020 To qualify for the non-payment week your rent account should not be in arrears, unless you have… read more

Local partners working behind the scenes to support Honda staff and supply chain

Actions to help Honda-associated companies deliver a programme of welfare support for their Swindon workforce are being coordinated by a group of partners from across the public and private sector. The Honda and Supply Chain Coordinating Steering Group, led by Swindon Borough Council, was established back in February to support the national Honda Taskforce convened… read more

Beat the Street Swindon enters final few weeks

Swindon’s six-week long Beat the Street challenge has reached a grand total of 187,000 miles as the game enters its ‘Go Active’ week. Beat the Street is a free walking and cycling game taking place across the town and some villages until 6 November with prizes of sports, fitness and book vouchers for the teams… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – October 2019

Points of interest from the meetings held in October 2019 Memory Café The next memory café is Friday 25th October at the Church Hall from 10.30am and is the one year anniversary of this volunteer scheme. Everyone who has Dementia, and those caring for someone with Dementia is welcome to attend. There is a relaxed… read more

What’s on In November

What’s on In November 02 November Borough Councillors Surgery, 11.30am – 12.30pm, Calley Memorial Hall, Draycott Road. 04 November Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am – 12 noon 05 November Chiseldon WI, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 10 November Remembrance Day Service, Holy Cross Church, 10.45am 11 November Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am –… read more

Notice Of Temporary Road Closure – B4005 Hodson Lane, Chiseldon, Swindon

This Order has been made to allow ground investigation works to the Hodson embankment and will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on the B4005 Hodson Lane between Broome Manor Lane and the A346 Marlborough Road. Traffic will be diverted via B4006 Marlborough Road, Pipers Way, Croft Road, Swindon Road (Wroughton), Moormead Road (Wroughton), Marlborough Road (Wrougton)… read more

Art tour’s success sees Civic welcome new exhibition

The Council’s Civic building has become a new home for a selection of items in Swindon’s prized art collection. The new pop-up art exhibition, which represents the second phase of the Council’s Art on Tour project, officially opened at the Civic Offices today (21 Oct) and features art by some of Britain’s most important painters,… read more

Chiseldon Primary School Christmas Raffle

Raffle items for the school Christmas fayre on 6th December. The fayre is open to everyone to come along, and they would be very grateful of any raffle prizes. If you have a donation you can contact the school on: 01793 740349 or complete and enquiry form on their website https://www.chiseldonprimary.co.uk/contact-details/

Beat the Street Swindon set to ‘Go Wild’

Beat the Street players in Swindon are being encouraged to ‘Go Wild’ this week and to explore the town’s parks and green spaces while playing the game. Taking place until 6 November, the Beat the Street initiative has seen the town transformed into a giant game where residents are rewarded with points and prizes for… read more

Roadshow promoting volunteering in local communities

People will have the chance to find out how they can give something back to their local communities at a volunteer roadshow that is sweeping the Borough. Swindon Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing team will be out and about across Swindon over the next couple of weeks promoting some of the volunteer opportunities that are… read more

Welcome back to Cllr Andrew McDonald

The Parish Council is pleased to welcome back Cllr McDonald who was co-opted onto the council Monday 14th October by unanimous vote. Cllr McDonald had to leave the council earlier this year for personal reasons but is now able to re-join. He lives in Chiseldon with his family.

21st October EGPA Meeting Cancelled

Due to low Parish Councillor numbers and low numbers in attendance for the EGPA meeting next Monday 21st October, we have had to cancel this meeting as we are not quorate. We will move more pressing issues to the November full council meeting and the remainder will be moved to the November EGPA meeting.

Highways E-Newsletter October 2019

£45m of vital improvements The Government has given us more than £45m to create extra capacity on our highway network before thousands of extra homes are built in Swindon. The funding will be used to make improvements to the White Hart Roundabout in East Swindon as well as creating a new access route into Wichelstowe… read more

Plans for M4 tunnel to go on display

A £26m major highways scheme, which is the next stage in unlocking thousands of homes and employment land at one of Swindon’s newest housing developments, will be unveiled to the public next week. The Wichelstowe Southern Access will create an additional access into Wichelstowe by building a tunnel under the M4 motorway helping to support… read more

More Than 60 Arrested As Part of County Lines Action

A total of 62 people have been arrested this week (w/c 07/10/19) as part of the Force’s on-going campaign to target drug gangs involved in County Lines. Approximately 50 officers have been involved in Operation Jetway over the week. Following from our media release yesterday (10/10) a further three males were arrested yesterday evening: A… read more