Trace Lost Pension

Over the years it’s easy to lose track of different pensions, especially if you’ve changed jobs, moved house, or if pension companies merge or change name. Pension Tracing Service is free and can help you trace a pension that you’ve lost track of, even if you don’t have the contact details of the provider. Visit… read more

Hedge Laying Success

Another lovely morning, with only a passing shower to bother us. Another 20m or so now laid, between Coate Water and the motorway: we’re now a little less than half way along. My thanks to The team of eight, two of whom were new to hedge laying. I hope they enjoyed it! The Woodland Trust… read more

Wichelstowe Southern Access Road

Work to build the embankment south of the M4 is progressing well. The embankment will play a major part in how we will create a tunnel under the M4 without closing the road. We will be explaining how this will work in future editions. You may have noticed that average speed cameras have been installed… read more

Bishopstone Parish Council Vacancy

Bishopstone Parish Council are looking for a Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to replace their existing clerk who has served the Parish for the past 21 years. The council wishes to appoint an energetic and self-motivated individual to manage its business and to carry out all aspects of its financial administration. The ideal candidate will… read more

Second Consultation on BT programme of intended public payphone removals

Dear Councillors, Second Consultation on BT programme of intended public payphone removals The first consultation on British Telecom’s proposals to remove a number of phone callboxes from Swindon Borough has now ended. Swindon Borough Council has considered the future of each of the callboxes, reflecting on a number of different factors such as location, level… read more

Great British Spring Clean 2020

On Saturday 28th March in the morning, the Parish Council will be organising the annual litter pick in conjunction with the “Great British Spring Clean”. Please put this date in your diary and let us know if you can join us. Amazing offer from the Chiseldon House hotel. If you take part in the Annual… read more

Council commits to carbon neutrality by 2030

Swindon Borough Council has committed to going carbon neutral by 2030 as councillors step up the fight against climate change. At a meeting of the Full Council last night (23 Jan), members unanimously agreed a motion committing the Council to reduce its corporate carbon emissions, with the aim of making the Council’s estate and activities… read more

Friends of the Railway Path: hedge laying

Our second hedge laying day of the winter will be on Saturday February 1st: details are below. Date: Saturday February 1st Time: 10.00 – 3.00 Meeting location: see map below. We will continue work along the stretch leading from Coate Water to the M4. Parking is available in the public car park at Coate Water… read more

Rock’n’Roll Bingo Night

Take away the numbers and just find your favourite tunes! Saturday 7th March Chiseldon Primary School, Castle View Road, Chiseldon 7:30 for 8pm start With a cash bar, snacks for sale and a raffle. Tickets £5 Over 18s only Raising money for new school equipment Tickets available from the Oakley’s Spar shop, Chiseldon Primary School… read more

Your Swindon E-Newsletter January 2020

Know a young person who’s looking for their first job? If you know a young person who is on the hunt for their first job and needs support finding a career that matches their skillset, bring them to JobFest. JobFest brings together Swindon’s young talent with local employers who are looking to find their next… read more

Mannington road improvement scheme complete

Shoppers using Mannington Retail Park are benefitting from a scheme which will significantly improve congestion at a major Swindon roundabout. A new slip road from the retail park directly onto Great Western Way has just been opened, which will reduce the amount of traffic leaving the shopping area at the Wootton Bassett Road exit and… read more

Recycle for Charity

Donate your used inkjet cartridges with us and raise money for the Wiltshire Search and Rescue. Each inkjet cartridge will get £1 for the charity. You can either put them in the box located at the Chapel office or post them to us using envelopes that you can pick up from the office. Contact us… read more

What’s On In February

What’s On In February 31 Jan Memory Cafe, Holy Cross Church Hall, 10.30am 01 Feb Borough Councillors Surgery, 11.30am—12.30pm, Calley Memorial Hall, Draycott Road. 03 Feb Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am—12 noon 04 Feb Chiseldon WI, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 10 Feb Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am—12 noon 10 Feb Chiseldon Parish… read more

Improvements to the Railway Path

Improvements complete for path linking Swindon to Marlborough You may have noticed quite a bit of work on the path recently, undertaken by Sustrans: there’s some new surface, new benches and signing and quite a lot of tree management. We hope this makes the path easier and more enjoyable. There’s an article about it in… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – December 2019

Points of interest from the meetings held in December 2019. VE DAY Friday 8th May 2020 Update The Parish Council are organising a community event on the Recreation field for the 75th Anniversary of VE Day. We have so much booked for this fantastic event. Musicians, stalls & games, food and drink; plus the boring… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – September 2019

Points of interest from the meetings held in September 2019. Memory Café The next memory café is Friday 25th October at the Church Hall from 10.30am. Everyone who has Dementia, and those caring for someone with Dementia is welcome to attend. There is a relaxed atmosphere with singing, and music from local musicians. There is… read more

Highways E-Newsletter January 2020

Wichelstowe Southern Access Road When driving towards Junction 16 of the M4, you may have noticed that work has started on the Wichelstowe Southern Access. Construction of a temporary embankment has begun and cables used by Highways England to monitor Swindon’s roads have now been relocated. The Southern Access, which will create an additional route… read more