Coronavirus Update from Swindon Borough Council

Latest Government announcement on the COVID-19 pandemic Prime Minister Boris Johnson has just announced that cafes, pubs and restaurants must close from tonight (20 March), except for take-away food, to tackle coronavirus. All the UK’s nightclubs, theatres, cinemas, gyms and leisure centres have also been asked to close “as soon as they reasonably can”. The… read more

Eligible Swindon businesses to receive business rate relief from next month

From Swindon Borough Council: Swindon businesses in the retail, leisure and hospitality industry who are eligible for the Government’s 12-month business rate holiday will see it reflected in their bills from next month. Swindon Borough Council will be administering the financial help to all firms who qualify following a package of support announced by the… read more

Parish Councillor Surgeries Cancelled

The April and May Ward/Parish Cllr surgeries at the Calley Hall on a Saturday morning have been cancelled. If you need to reach a Ward Cllr for any reason, their details are: Jenny Jefferies Brian Mattock You can reach the parish council by emailing

Age UK Helpline for COVID-19

If there are any elderly people who have health concerns at this time, Age UK has a free helpline on 0800 055 6112, open 7 days a week, 8.00am to 7.00pm. They can also help with welfare, care and housing issues.  

Gardening in the Rain

From Dick Milliard: An intrepid (brave? foolhardy?) group of seven of us spent most of the morning in the Old Town Railway Cutting in Swindon, clearing vegetation from the rocks in two locations.  We finished with most of the job done, at the point when the rain made it rather hazardous underfoot. The left hand… read more

M4 J15 Badbury

Highways England operates, maintains and improves England’s motorways and major A roads. I am writing to let you know we will shortly be carrying out works in this area. The works As part of our commitment ot improve traffic flow in this area, we plan to improve capacity on the A419 by adding a dedicated… read more

A Policing Model Fit For the Future

During the last few months we’ve been making some changes to how we police our communities across the county. We introduced a Community Policing model five years ago to ensure the service we provided was best suited for our communities. However, with changing communities, priorities and types of crime Chief Constable Kier Pritchard commissioned an… read more

Easter Tennis Camps

17th April – 16th April (10am – 3pm) £20 members £25 non members available for booking online now. Early drop off from 9.00am available free of charge. To book please visit

Tenant Focus – March 2020

Important information for Tenants Rent increase for 20/21 Following a consultation, the Council have decided to increase council rents for 2020/21 by 2.7%. This rent increase followed a 1% reduction for the past four years. The increase will be spent on maintaining our current services. Response to the consultation was mixed, with some agreeing with… read more

An Introduction to Scented Plants

Join Chiseldon Gardening & Countryside Club on the 11th March starting at 7:30pm at the Holy Cross Church Hall off Butts Road. For a talk presented by Peter Biggs of The Wanbrough Herb Nursery on the introduction to scented plants. Peter is a garden designer based in Swindon who has won numerous medals at Malvern… read more

More work on the Railway Path

A productive day last Thursday. Sustrans has installed a new bench near the lineside hut between Ogbourne St Andrew and Ogbourne St George. We’ve cleared an area round it (and removed lots of nettle roots) and now planted it with local wildflower seeds. We’re not sure how the area is going to develop, and it… read more