January’s washpool work day

On the 22nd January a group of volunteers took part in the following tasks: adding new woodchip to the sheep pen and path. Thank you to all those involved.

Grab A Cab Information (Free Taxi to Vaccination Centres)

Vaccination is our best defence against COVID-19, reducing the risk of being hospitalised or becoming seriously ill from the virus. We want to make sure that all residents eligible for a vaccine in Swindon are able to attend a vaccine appointment, to give them the best protection against the virus. That’s why Swindon residents who… read more

14 January Swindon Borough Council E-Newsletter

It’s fantastic to see that more than 85 per cent of adults across Swindon, Wiltshire, Bath and North East Somerset have received their COVID-19 booster vaccination so far. A huge thank you must go to all those who continue to support the vaccination programme, including our brilliant team of volunteers in Swindon, who selflessly give… read more

PCC wants your views on plans to increase policing precept by £10

Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, is urging residents to have their say on proposals to increase the policing precept by £10 per year for the average household (band D). This follows a recent police funding announcement from the Home Office which was based upon the assumption that all PCCs would seek to use the… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – January 2022

Points of interest from the meetings held in January 2022. Christmas tree event on New Road The annual event was held on Wed 8th December 6.00pm at the tree on New Road opposite the memorial. My personal thanks for all the staff and Cllrs who came along and ensured the event was safe and successful…. read more

Wiltshire Community Foundation January 2022 e-bulletin

Happy New Year and welcome to our first Funding and Advice e-bulletin of 2022. In this issue you will find details of our grants programmes that are currently open for applications, including the newly opened High Sheriff Awards and Arts Council England Let’s Create Jubilee Fund. If you are considering applying for one of our… read more

Marlborough Road closure update from Swindon Borough Council:

We have been working with ward councillors and the contractors responsible to ensure a replacement shuttle bus service is provided in the morning and evening peaks between Alexandra Park, Thorney Park and Wroughton to help those residents impacted by the Marlborough Road closure in Wroughton. This is being funded by those responsible for the work…. read more

Police and Crime Plan

What does Wiltshire Police need to do to engage better with your community? How can the Police & Crime Commissioner make sure there are more officers on the front line? What can the Police & Crime Commissioner do to ensure there is an effective and prompt response to reports of crime? We want to hear… read more

#] North Wessex Downs AONB Annual Review for 2020/21

Here is the link to the North Wessex Downs AONB Annual Review for 2020/21 where you can open and download the pdf. It captures many of the activities and achievements of what was, another very significant year for the North Wessex Downs and the country’s other protected landscapes, as work continued to conserve and enhance… read more

The Monthly Newsletter For All Neighbourhood Watch Supporters

Happy New Year, and welcome to our first newsletter of 2022 for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales! This year, we are thrilled to be celebrating 40 years since the first Neighbourhood Watch group was formed in the UK in Cheshire in 1982. To kick-start our celebrations, we have proudly launched a special-edition 40th… read more

Come and join the fun!

Chiseldon Rainbows, Brownies & Guides would like to invite parents of children to get in touch about joining the Girlguiding. For more information please contact: 07456347542 or 07754855441

Thank you to all who donated

We are thrilled to announce with your help we were able to raise £169.30. Thank you so much for this fantastic donation towards the Brighter Futures Dementia Appeal. Your gift will help Brighter Futures first goal of raising funds for ‘Dementia Friendly Clocks’, which will make a stay or visit to hospital less confusing. It… read more

Temporary closure of National Cycle Route 482 due to tree work

The cycle path will be closed between Barnfield and the River Kennet from 10th to 14th January between 8am and 5pm on to enable pruning and felling of trees due to ash dieback. To ensure the safety of everyone, please respect the staff and their secure working area. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. For… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – December 2021

Points of interest from the meetings held in December 2021. Christmas tree event on New Road The annual event was held on Wed 8th December 6.00pm at the tree on New Road opposite the memorial. My personal thanks for all the staff and Cllrs who came along and ensured the event was safe and successful…. read more

The Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter For Supporters

The December newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales can be read here: https://www.ourwatch.org.uk/sites/default/files/documents/2021-12/Dec%202021%20OUR%20NEWS_0.pdf This edition features pieces on our amazing partnerships with Patlock and ERA, the Neighbourhood Watch Community Grants Fund, Neighbour of the Year Awards 2021, the success of Park Hall Area Neighbourhood Watch using WhatsApp, how to make sure we… read more

Science Museum Group Wroughton Solar Park Community Benefit Fund

The Science Museum Group Wroughton Solar Park Community Benefit Fund opens 1st November, 2021 via the Wiltshire Community Foundation Small Grants – up to £2,000 This programme supports projects which will improve the lives of people living in the parish areas of: Wroughton, Chiseldon, Clyffe Pypard, Broad Town, Broad Hinton, Ogbourne St George, Ogbourne St… read more

Carers Emergency Card Scheme

The Emergency Card Scheme is available to all carers over the age of 18. Do you worry about what would happen to your cared for (dependant), whether an adult or child, if you were taken seriously ill or had an accident? If so, the Emergency Card Scheme can offer you peace of mind. Please see… read more

New path

A new path has been laid at the Chapel Offices/Museum/Butts Road cemetery, replacing the old crumbling tarmac path.