Ridgeway Bell Articles – February 2022

Points of interest from the meetings held in February 2022. Neighbourhood Plan Meeting 13th Dec 2021 Our meeting at the Chiseldon House Hotel was well attended and our presenter Andrea Pellegram provided us with a lot of information, and also answered a lot of resident’s Q&A’s. The presentation, accompanying note and video recording are all… read more

Roadworks: M4, Swindon 21 February – 26 February

Delays possible – Lane closure Description: Construction – Improvement/Upgrading – M4 Junction 15 Westbound Exit Slip. Lane 1 Closure for M4 Junction 15 Improvement Works. Works location: Offslip J15 Swindon Public facing description: one.network has automatically assigned a category of Unclassified works to this Works based on the information available. Please note: Works Descriptions are… read more

Macmillan Castles Bike Ride Sun 3rd July 2022

Each year a team of volunteers organise a charity bicycle ride on the ridgeway, The White Horse Trail, Barbury Castle, Smeeth’s Ridge, Hackpen and the old railway path as a fund raiser for Macmillan Cancer Support. The event normally takes place the first week in June. However on that date this year, everyone will be… read more

Hire our hall

Don’t forget that over half term the Rec Hall can be hired for games of ping pong for the kids, or just to give them some inside space to run around in if the weather is bad. Why not get together with a group of friends and share the costs for a couple of hours?… read more

Notice Of Temporary Road Closure – Draycot Lane, Chiseldon

Public Notice Swindon Borough Council Section 14 – The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Notice Of Temporary Road Closure – Draycot Lane, Chiseldon This Order is being introduced to allow Openreach to lay new duct and will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on Draycot Lane on the verge outside Draycot Close. Traffic to be diverted via… read more

Community Tree Planting Day in Wroughton

Saturday 26th February, 11.30am – 4pm, Meet at Maunsell Way Recreation Ground SN4 9JF. Bring a spade and wear sturdy footwear/gloves. Wroughton Girlguiding will be running a pop up café. We hope to see you there! For more details please see the attached poster or email projects@wroughton.gov.uk If you would like to help out at… read more

February Our News Newsletter For Neighbourhood Watch Supporters Out Now

Our second newsletter of 2022 sees the launch of our Volunteer Recognition Awards 2022 to recognise volunteers who have dedicated more than five years working in their communities on behalf of Neighbourhood Watch. Find out more on page 4. It features the findings of our Neighbourhood Watch Crime and Community Survey 2021, details of our… read more

Surviving Winter Grant

You could be entitled to £100s off your fuel bills £200 Wiltshire Surviving Winter Grant You may be eligible if you are: over pension age on a lower income worry about the cost of heating We can also advise on other schemes like Warm Home Discount and Winter Fuel Payment Call Age UK Wiltshire 0808… read more

Friends of the Railway Path: workday

5 of us spent a day in the cutting at Whitetfield Farm yesterday, grubbing out brambles and blackthorn from the chalk bank. This was the first workday we’ve had for about 2 years, and we haven’t done anything on the chalk bank since the autumn of 2019, so it was beginning to get quite overgrown… read more

Beautiful images of our Washpool

Some beautiful images of our Washpool taken by a resident. The “Washpool Area Restoration Project” WARP volunteer team are always looking for volunteers to come along to their workdays into order to keep the area looking good for everyone to enjoy.

Gigabit Fibre update from Ward Cllr Sumner:

We met with the project and civils teams this afternoon for an update on the Wanborough, Liddington and Chiseldon builds. Generally: Since our last update the build team have secured the right space in the Swindon exchange and routing work follows with engineers testing the fibre that has been laid and mapping it for their… read more

Changes to recycling box collections this week

Due to a surge in staff shortages because of heightened COVID-19 cases in our Waste and Recycling team and general staff sickness, we have made the difficult decision to suspend recycling box collections only on the following days: Tomorrow (1 February) Wednesday, 2 February Thursday, 3 February Friday, 4 February If you are due to… read more