NHS’ National Booking Service opens for autumn COVID-19 boosters

From today (7 September), around four million people most vulnerable to COVID-19 will start to be invited to book in their COVID-19 booster vaccine as the NHS’ National Booking Service launches appointments for autumn boosters. The National Booking Service went live this morning with frontline health and care workers, immunosuppressed people, and people aged over… read more

Energy rebate scam emails

Action Fraud is warning the public about a sharp rise in reports relating to fake emails purporting to be from Ofgem, the independent energy regulator for Great Britain. The emails claim that the recipient is due a rebate payment as part of a government scheme and provides links for the recipient to follow in order… read more

Queen Elizabeth II

1926 – 2022 The Members of Chiseldon Parish Council are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her dedication and service to the country and its citizens was unwavering. We join the nation in mourning her passing and offer our sincere condolences to her family.   Messages of Condolence… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – September 2022

Points of interest from the meetings held in August 2022 Neighbourhood Plan Housing needs Questionnaire From Monday 1st August our volunteers have been hand delivering a Neighbourhood Plan Housing Needs Questionnaire to all households in the parish.  We hope to have finished delivery at the time of printing this article.   The questionnaire is really important… read more

The Swindon Railway Festival returns to STEAM on Saturday, 10 and Sunday, 11 September 2022, 10am – 5pm!

Experience the amazing detail of 23 of the UK’s finest model railway layouts that will be uniquely displayed alongside iconic Swindon-built locomotives. You’ll also see live steam as Hatch Heritage & Stem Engineers display a selection of their vintage traction engines, plus new special exhibitions, unique trade stands and modelling demos. This year’s event will be held… read more

Notice of temporary road closure – Turnball, Chiseldon

This Order is being introduced for Wales and West Utilities to carry out works and will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on Turnball outside No’s 4 to 7 Alternative Route – via Turnball, New Road, May’s Lane and vice versa The Order comes into the force on the 3 October 2022 for 6 months but it… read more

Fleming Way set to close for major redevelopment

One of the biggest regeneration schemes ever seen in Swindon will reach a significant milestone this weekend. Fleming Way will close from this Sunday (4 Sep), to pave the way for a major redevelopment, which will act as a catalyst for further investment in the area. Over the next three years, Swindon Borough Council is… read more

Overnight closure of Brimble Hill, 15th September

A message from Chiseldon and Wroughton Parish Cllrs: Overnight closure of Brimble Hill – from the junction with Hodson Road in Chiseldon to Junction with Dairy Hill in Wroughton on 15th September for 1 Night between the hours 20:00-06:00 only. Councillors Jenny Jefferies and Lawrence Elliott in Chiseldon and Councillors Cathy Martyn, David Martyn, Brian… read more

Park Yoga Wanborough, Saturday 3rd September

Park Yoga aims to connect people to the natural outdoors, through a relaxing, energising and breathtaking yoga session, improving wellbeing and creating a positive ripple effect throughout communities. Come and try a FREE one-off outdoor yoga session At Hoopers Field Wanborough, SN4 0AN 9.30 – 10.30am Saturday 3rd September Open to everyone & anyone Just… read more

August 2022 Edition of Neighbourhood Watch ‘Our News’

In this edition: What it means to be an ‘active bystander’ Our new Community Safety Charter Creating inclusive communities Keeping your home secure whilst on holiday Discounted product offers Download the August edition of Neighbourhoood Watch ‘Our News'(pdf, 1.6 mb)

Swindon Museum and Art Gallery teams up with Richard Jefferies Museum to celebrate Coate Water’s 200-year Anniversary.

In celebration of Coate Water’s 200 year anniversary, Swindon Museum and Art Gallery has loaned a selection of artwork to display at Richard Jefferies Museum. This work is facilitated through the Art on Tour programme, which makes Swindon’s art collection accessible through partnerships across the Borough. The exhibition, Coate 200, will show artworks inspired by… read more

Free Courses from the Prince’s Trust Team Programme

CPC has received the following message, which we’re passing on for the benefit of our residents: I am emailing on behalf of Inner Flame. We’re a local youth charity that delivers the Prince’s Trust Team Programme to 16-25 year old youths in the Swindon and Wiltshire area. We’d love to work with the parish councils,… read more

Swindon’s Great Western Brick Show celebrates 20 years at STEAM

One of Swindon’s most popular events will celebrate its 20th anniversary at STEAM – Museum of the Great Western Railway with a special tribute to the town’s railway heritage. The Great Western Brick Show returns to the Swindon Borough Council-owned museum on Saturday, 1 and Sunday, 2 October. Set alongside iconic GWR locomotives and historic… read more

Public Notice: Temporary Road Closure – High Street, Chiseldon

Public Notice Swindon Borough Council Section 14 – The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Road Closure – High Street, Chiseldon This Order is being introduced to allow for Wales and West Utilities to carry out mains replacement works and will prohibit vehicles from proceeding on High Street junction of Butts Road outside No 14…. read more