Skate Park proposal survey update

The EGPA committee reviewed the results so far of the proposed skate park survey that was launched in March, to see if there was a local appetite for a skate park for kids, and whether a portion of the grassed area at Castle View Road would be a suitable location. The results were polarised with… read more

80 and 81 diverted bus route

Whilst New Road is closed, the 80 and 81 buses are following a  diverted route: From Landmark, the bus will turn left at the end of Mays Lane, onto the open section of New Road and turn right at the T-Junction onto the A436.  It will then take the next right onto The Ridgeway at… read more

Easter fun at Lydiard Park

Children will have the chance to explore Lydiard Park as part of a special trail on Easter Sunday (9 April). The Great Lydiard Park Easter Egg trail will see those taking part search for eggs hidden around the lake of the Swindon Borough Council-owned park, which will spell out a word to gain a prize…. read more

No changes to waste and recycling collections this Easter 

 This article is part of the SBC local updates newsletter. Waste and recycling collections will be going ahead as normal over the Easter weekend, so please place your waste and recycling out as normal. If you’re lucky enough to be visited by the Easter bunny, remember to recycle your Easter egg packaging. Here’s how: Cardboard: remove… read more

Litter Pick

A massive thank you to everyone who came along and litter picked on Saturday 25th March. We had a good turnout and a lot of waste was collected. Thanks to all the pubs, the hotel and Allbuild who all helped make the event a success.

Workday Report from 23rd March

We’re sharing the following message from Dick Millard: The 23rd March was a typical Spring day with lots of weather in quick succession.  This didn’t deter a team from Intel, who came out to work at the spot where the Railway Path crosses a byway, Gypsy Lane which is the boundary between Swindon and Wiltshire. … read more

Wild Grass Areas

The Parish Council will be reserving some grass areas around the parish as wild areas again this year. Verge edges will be kept short for vehicle visibility and the remainder will be cut as usual. If you see some longer patches, these are not missed out, they are to help wildlife.

Washpool Easter Egg Hunt

Washpool Easter Egg Hunt Join us for an Easter egg hunt on Saturday 8th April at 11 am at Washpool! More details will be shared shortly – view on Facebook

B4005 New Road – Proposed Investigation Works

Download PDF: HD-2223-013-001-DR-004 Trial Trench Details As a representative for Swindon Borough Council, I write to inform you of the upcoming investigation works. The location of the site and the extents of the works are attached to this email. The purpose of these works is to investigate the underside of the carriageway for a future… read more