Venues prepare for plastic ban this October

Venues owned and operated by Swindon Borough Council are preparing for the England-wide ban on single-use plastics, which comes into effect from October. From 1 October, a new law will ban businesses from supplying, selling or offering certain single-use plastic items including plates, bowls, cutlery, trays, polystyrene cups and food containers. It is expected that… read more

Young people in Swindon to benefit from anti-social behaviour reduction programme

Hundreds of young people in Swindon benefit from programme designed to reduce anti-social behaviour Swindon Borough Council has used funding from the Government’s Safer Streets Fund to commission programmes to be run in schools and colleges to help educate students and reduce anti-social behaviour. The Council was given £1.4m in the latest round of funding,… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – August 2023

CHISELDON PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Points of interest from the meetings held in July 2023 The Old Chapel, Butts Road, Chiseldon SN4 0NW Facebook page – Chiseldon Parish Council Notices email:; telephone: 01793 740744 Free Summer youth club! Please spread the word.  The council has signed up with BEST to provide some free youth… read more

HMRC or Creditor Issues

Disclaimer: Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. 2023, YOUR BUSINESS & THE YEAR AHEAD Have… read more

Weekly food waste collections being rolled out across Swindon this autumn

The countdown to the biggest change in waste and recycling services in Swindon for 15 years will begin in earnest over the next few months when new recycling containers start being delivered to residents. And, households are being encouraged to put their new containers in a safe place until the new collections begin being rolled… read more

Good news from Brighter Futures

The July 2023 update from Brighter Futures – the registered charity of Great Western Hospitals Trust – is here. Please follow the link below to view the pdf. Brighter Futures update – July 2023

First youth session at BEST

CPC is so pleased with our first youth session provided by BEST  – see photos below! Visit to book spaces on the remaining 5 sessions.  They take place every Thursday 10.30 to 12.30 during the school holidays.

Waste Recycling Disruption

A message from Swindon Brough Council: Due to driver shortages as a result of sickness and leave, there’s currently some disruption to waste and recycling collections, which we apologise for. Our website continues to be updated daily with details of missed collections and advice on what to do if your collections have been affected. Thank… read more

Hodson Road, Swindon – Road Closure

Hodson Road, Swindon Roadworks, delays likely, 31 July – 06 August Traffic management: Road closure Description: Carriageway surfacing, Patching, Iron works adjustments, Road Marking reinstatement and other associated works. Works location: B4005 Brimble Hill Junction to B4005 Hodson Road, Broome Manor Junction Responsibility for works: Swindon Borough Council Current status: Planned work about to start… read more

Swindon Carers Centre: Carers Cuppas

Join us at a Carers Cuppa  Swindon Carers Centre is launching two new Carers Cuppas in Wroughton and Chiseldon thanks to funding from the Wiltshire Community Foundation. A carer is anyone who cares, unpaid, for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health condition or addiction cannot cope without their… read more

Workday on the Railway Path

We have received the following update from Dick Milard, after a hard-working team carried out restorative work on the railway path earlier this month: Today, a lovely team from Arval spent a day on the Path.  In between Marlborough and Ogbourne St Andrew, there is a spot with two benches and an obelisk.  A few… read more

July edition of OUR NEWS (Neighbourhood Watch newsletter)

The July edition of OUR NEWS is here We are pleased to bring you the latest edition of our newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales. Here are some highlights: Sign up for one of our ASB Webinars Nominate for the Volunteer Recognition Awards Become a Cyberhood Watch Ambassador Find out how Neighbourhood… read more

Get help paying your energy bills

If you’re falling behind with your energy bills, and finding yourself struggling to pay, the best thing to do is contact your supplier as soon as possible. Your supplier has to help you – usually by negotiating a payment plan that you can afford. There are a range of options suppliers could offer if you’re… read more

CPC Donation to Wiltshire Air Ambulance

“On behalf of Wiltshire Air Ambulance, thank you to Chiseldon Parish Council for your wonderful donation of £333.33 hiring out your gifted marquees. We truly appreciate your support and generosity donating the proceeds to us.” To see the full letter from Wiltshire Air Amblulance, please see the pdf that’s linked to below: Wiltshire Air Ambulance… read more