January Edition of Our News (Neighbourhood Watch)

The January Edition of Our News, the Neighbourhood Watch newsletter, is now available to view or download below: January 2024 Newsletter – Our News Disclaimer: Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council…. read more

New website lets Swindon residents have their say on plans for Swindon’s future

A new online engagement hub is available to encourage local people to have their say on the Council’s long-term priorities. It builds on a series of community engagement events starting next week and will share Swindon Borough Council’s draft Swindon Plan, which aims to deliver on the administration’s three priority missions for the Borough. Doing… read more

Walking and Cycling – Washpool and Coate Water

We managed to grab a corner of the new Coate Water walking map that SBC produced, to promote our very own Washpool site. You can see the map here if you are interested in reversing the route and walking via Washpool to Coate Water: Paths to Coate A walking and cycling route, with description and… read more

Where does Swindon’s food waste go?

Approximately 200 tonnes of food waste has already been removed from Swindon’s general waste bins since the service rolled out across the Borough, which has saved the Council £30,000 in just two weeks. But what happens to it after it has been collected? Once we’ve collected your food waste, we handle it in the most environmentally-friendly… read more

Chief Constable Update – 22nd December 2023

Chiseldon Parish Council shares communications it receives which may be of interest to our residents. Dear Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, As this is the last fortnightly letter to you in 2023, I thought I would take a moment to reflect on the past year of policing in Wiltshire: I hope the above gives… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – January 2025

CHISELDON PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Points of interest from December 2024 The Old Chapel, Butts Road, Chiseldon SN4 0NW Facebook page – Chiseldon Parish Council Notices email: clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk; telephone: 01793 740744 Christmas Lights switch on – 2nd December. We had a great event, thank you so much for everyone who came along and enjoyed it with us…. read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – January 2024

CHISELDON PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Points of interest from December 2023 The Old Chapel, Butts Road, Chiseldon SN4 0NW Facebook page – Chiseldon Parish Council Notices email: clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk; telephone: 01793 740744 Merry Christmas to all our residents from the Staff and Councillors at Chiseldon Parish Council.  We wish you a restful happy time and a joyous new… read more

Our 2023 donations to Wiltshire Air Ambulance

In November, a new donation of £133.33 was given to the Wiltshire Air Ambulance charity by the Parish Council for the loan of our two marquees earlier in the year. This brings the year’s total to £466, and the grand total to £1316. If you want to hire one of our marquees then please contact… read more

Are you interested in being a volunteer for Citizens Advice Swindon?

We have received the following from Citizens Advice, Swindon Our organisation runs on volunteer power so we would love to hear from you! If you feel inspired to volunteer your time, we are seeking help in the following roles: Advisers Assessors Receptionists Full training provided for all roles. A fantastic opportunity to meet like minded… read more

Christmas recycling and tree collections

Waste and recycling collections won’t be taking place on Monday 25 or Tuesday, 26 December. Residents who are due to have a collection on either of these days should put their waste or recycling out ready for collection by 6.30am on Wednesday, 27 December and leave it out until it’s collected. As the crews catch… read more

The December edition of OUR NEWS (Neighbourhood Watch) is here

From Neighbourhood Watch: We are pleased to bring you the latest edition of our newsletter for Neighbourhood Watch supporters across England and Wales. Here are some highlights in December’s edition: Reach out to your neighbour this Christmas – small ways you can make a big difference to your neighbours and community during the festive season…. read more

Council’s finances are on a ‘cliff edge’

Senior councillors will meet on 13th December to discuss Swindon Borough Council’s ‘extremely serious’ financial position. The local authority is currently forecasting a £6.5m in-year budget gap and an estimated £14.1m shortfall for the following financial year (24-25) due largely to inflation and the significant additional costs associated with Children’s Services. And the Council’s Cabinet… read more

Good defibrillator news – Hodson

A good news update. The residents of Hodson, The Calley Arms pub, the Parish Council and the Calley Memorial Hall fund trustees have been working on a project to get a new defibrillator purchased and installed outside the Calley Arms Hodson. There is a long list of thanks so forgive me if I forget anyone…. read more

‘The Big Give’ Christmas Giving Challenge for Brighter Future (Great Western Hospitals)

Next Tuesday sees the launch of the UK’s largest online Christmas Giving Challenge ‘The Big Give’. This year Brighter Futures is taking part in the challenge and raising much needed money to help the Emergency Department (Way Forward Appeal) at Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Matched funding of £5,000 has been secured from Dr… read more

Chief Constable Update – 24th November 2023

Chiseldon Parish Council shares communications it receives which may be of interest to our residents. 24 November 2023. Dear Police and Crime Commissioner, Philip Wilkinson, Since taking on the role of Chief Constable earlier this year, I have received lots of feedback from our communities and teams within the Force that they want to see… read more