Wiltshire Police taken out of ‘special measures’

Today (May 21), HMICFRS has confirmed Wiltshire Police has been taken out of the Engage phase of its performance monitoring process due to significant improvements made It was given the Engage status in 2022 but has made sustained improvements to the service provided to the public under the leadership of Chief Constable Catherine Roper She… read more

Defibrillator Training 4th June 6.30pm on MS Teams

You are invited to join us and Clive Setter from Heartsafe for an online training and Q&A session on how our parish defibrillators work. PLEASE CONTACT THE CLERK WHO CAN EMAIL YOU THE MS TEAMS LINK. clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk   If required the meeting ID is 339 607 544 393 The password is BabFz4 We advise downloading… read more

Extra £1.5 million funding to support residents impacted by high living costs

SBC is administering an extra £1.5 million in Government funding to support Swindon residents most impacted by high living costs. Originally announced by the Chancellor in the Spring Budget, the six month extension to the Household Support Fund (April to September 2024) came after Councillor Jim Robbins, Leader of Swindon Borough Council, joined more than… read more

Annual Litter Pick 2024

Thank you to everyone who came along on Saturday 18th May for the annual litter pick.  We didn’t get a group photo this year but well done to everyone who came along.  We collected a trailer load of waste between us.

Support Swindon Carers Centre during Carers Week

Swindon Carers Centre is inviting people to support unpaid carers during Carers Week (June 10 – 16). An unpaid carer is anyone looking after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of an illness, frailty, disability, mental health condition or an addiction and cannot cope without their support. Swindon Carers Centre is… read more

Notice of Casual Vacancy

PARISH OF CHISELDON in the Chiseldon Ward. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish Council following the resignation of Councillor Bri Cleaver on 14/5/2004 Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now applies. The rule allows… read more

The May edition of OUR NEWS (Neighbourhood Watch) is here

Disclaimer: Chiseldon Parish Council publishes information on services and organisations which it feels may be of interest to parishioners. However, this does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Council. In addition, please note that we cannot guarantee the security or safety of any external websites. We are pleased to bring you the latest… read more

Chiseldon Emergency Contact List

In October 23, the Parish Council created a community emergency contact list. This is a list of people who would help in the event of a local emergency – for example, flood, snow storms, prolonged electricity outage. I am renewing that list now, to make sure the contacts are still valid. If you would like… read more

Notice of Casual Vacancy – Councillor for Chiseldon Parish Council

Notice of Casual Vacancy PARISH OF CHISELDON in the Chiseldon Ward. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish Council following the resignation of Councillor Andy Rogers  on 1/5/2004 Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules, 2006 now… read more

Ridgeway Bell Articles – May 2024

CHISELDON PARISH COUNCIL REPORT Points of interest from April 2024 The Old Chapel, Butts Road, Chiseldon SN4 0NW Facebook page – Chiseldon Parish Council Notices email: clerk@chiseldon-pc.gov.uk; telephone: 01793 740744 Youth Club in Easter holidays At the time of writing our first session took place on 3rd April. The kids enjoyed a wide range of activities;… read more

Speed Indicator Device

At the Parish Council planning meeting on the 26th April, approval was given to buy another SID (Speed Indicator Device) to be located on New Road, on two locations, moved between them. We still need to get SBC’s permission for this and arrange installation quotes and costs, but fingers crossed. We had advice from SBC… read more

Washpool Workday

The Washpool volunteers met on Sunday 21st April to clear the remains of the fallen willow tree, and plant a “dead hedge” using the remains. The hedge is a perfect natural way of creating a barrier, providing wildlife habitats, recycling materials and costing nothing. Other plants will grow though the hedge and some new willow… read more

Speed Watch Volunteers – a message from the team.

Vacancies for Chiseldon We are looking for Volunteers aged over 17 to join the team to help deal with the local issues of speeding. Currently we are a small team, looking to run 2 hourly sessions a week, mostly in Chiseldon, but would like to cover Badbury, Hodson, and Draycot as well. Community Speed Watch… read more