New community funding from Science Museum Group Wroughton Solar Park.

Wiltshire Community Foundation is delighted to announce new funding for the community from Science Museum Group Wroughton Solar Park.  The solar park started to generate power in July last year and has now released its first funds to benefit the community in the surrounding area. Grant funding is available for local community groups for applications… read more

Public Rights of Way – please help to keep them clear

The Council maintains over 400km of public footpaths and bridleways. Some of these are surfaced paths within the urban area of the borough but many pass through the fields and countryside around the town. Those fields are often cultivated by farmers to produce food for people or farm animals and, unfortunately, sometimes the footpaths and… read more

Junction 16 update

Works on junction 16 continue to make good progress, with the majority of work on site being drainage, earthworks and utility diversions. The works may start to impact your journey as work increases on the southern half of the roundabout. On Monday, 10 July, there was a one night closure (8pm to 6am) of the B4005 Hay… read more

Evening bus service – probable cancellation

Unfortunately it looks like the evening bus service will not run after 14th August due to low numbers of users. Could all users of any bus service please ensure that any card they have is swiped on the bus’s machine to ensure their journey is recorded. If the queue for the bus is busy and… read more

Transport Report July 2017 – evening bus services to be cut

Transport Report – July 2017 — evening bus services to be cut The evening bus services operated by Thamesdown, Service Nos 70A and 72A, funded by Wiltshire Council and Swindon BC and not run as a commercial service, will be withdrawn from Monday 14th August 2017.  We have heard of a number of concerns from… read more

Butterfly Walk – Sunday 30th July

We’re passing on the following message from Dick Millard regarding the forthcoming Butterfly Walk: We are repeating a visit to a nice patch of chalk grassland growing in a cutting at the side of the Path just north of Ogbourne St George.  The diverse flora attracts butterflies and moths, and on a sunny day in… read more

Acoustic in the Alley – Thursday 27th July

We’re passing on the following information from Bryony Mitchell regarding Acoustic in the Alley: Acoustic in the Alley is on Thursday 27th July at 8pm, in the Brown Jack, Wroughton, in the skittle alley at the back of the pub. Free parking; £1 entrance. Also, all welcome to the annual BBQ on Wednesday 26th July,… read more

Wanted: your views on funding Wroughton Library

What are your views with regards to the Parish Council sponsoring (funding) a session at the Wroughton Library? Now that the mobile service has stopped, where are people going? Please contact the Clerk using the contact form on this website with your comments, thanks.  

Rail Disruption

From 8th July, Network Rail will be carrying out work in the Chippenham area to prepare for new trains later in the year. As a result, services will be amended and replacement buses will run on routes via Chippenham. For more details on these changes, and other planned engineering works on the Great Western line, visit the… read more

Neighbourhood Watch Meeting, 31st July

The next Chiseldon Parish NHW meeting will take place on Monday 31st July commencing at 7.30pm at the Recreation Hall.  Feedback will be provided from the recent meeting involving Parish Council representatives and PC Sophia Best, Community Co-ordinator (South Rural) and Insp. David Hobman, Swindon South.  Information will also be shared following the Wiltshire NHW Association AGM. … read more

Vacancy for Clerk on Baydon Parish Council

Baydon Parish Council have a vacancy for a clerk. This is a part-time position working for 7 hours a week for a salary of £282.02 pcm. Please view or download the details below: Baydon Parish Council – vacancy for clerk For further details, please contact Charlotte on    

How to report fly-tipping of hazardous waste

We would like to clarify the fastest way for residents to get a response to fly-tipping that includes hazardous waste, such as needles. Unfortunately, Chiseldon Parish Council is not equipped to deal with hazardous waste, and so reporting this directly to Swindon Borough Council is much quicker. If you come across potentially hazardous waste –… read more

Holy Cross Church Fete – Saturday 10th June 2017

Saturday 10th June saw the residents of Chiseldon Parish come together for the Holy Cross Church Fete. Thanks to the efforts of organisers and contributors, a good time was had by all, at an event that included a barbeque, the Wroughton Silver Band and many stalls. For further details, please see The Swindon Advertiser‘s article.

Friends of the Railway Path workday

Dick Millard writes about the Railway Path workday: Six of us spent a useful day on the Railway Path earlier today.  The recent wind has been tossing things about, and we came across a lot of branches and small trees that needed moving away from the path.  All very tangled at times.  We met lots… read more