What’s On In November

What is on in November 4th November – Borough Councillors’ Surgery, Calley Memorial Hall, 11.30am – 12.30pm 6th November – Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am – 12 noon 7th November – Chiseldon WI, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 8th November – Chiseldon Gardening Club, Holy Cross Church Hall, 7.30pm 13th November – Craft Club, Chiseldon House Hotel, 10am –… read more

M4 Junction 15 (Swindon, Wiltshire)

M4 Junction 15 – Resurfacing Kier Highway, on behalf of Highways England, will be resurfacing sections of the roundabouts at junction 15 to address defects such as Potholes and low skid resistance areas. In order to carry out the work as efficiently and safely as possible, the eastern and western sides of the roundabout non-consecutively…. read more

Stay Safe Online

Do you need some confidence in staying safe online? If you are aged over 60 you are entitled to a visit from a online safety volunteer who will talk you through using your digital equipment safely. Please see the attached poster on how you can book your visit.

Greenbridge Roundabout

Dorcan Way Lining The lining layout on the Dorcan Way approach to the Greenbridge roundabout will be revised to allow for left turning traffic to use both the left and middle lanes. The lining removal and painting is planned to be carried out on the night of Monday 23th October and a revised advance direction sign… read more

Safer roads for everyone

Safe Drive Stay Alive Roadshow Safe Drive Stay Alive seeks to provide an educational experience that teaches young people not only the dangers, but also the consequences, of poor and dangerous driving. Events in Swindon ran over six days at the end of September at the Empire Cinema, Greenbridge, and were attended by approximately 2500… read more

Thamesdown’s new fleet of buses

Thamesdown Buses Thamesdown Buses has invested a further £2M on 13 brand new, low emission single deck buses that feature contactless payment, USB charging points and free wifi for its customers. These new buses will be featuring on the roads very soon across the town’s network.

News from the Washpool

From WARP We might be entering the quiet time of year in terms of nature’s cycle but there’s still been a lot going on down in the Washpool! One of the old metal kissing gates has been replaced with a brand new wooden gate that allows our contractors to gain better access to the area… read more

Friends of the Path workday: October 14th

Friends of the Railway Path Workday The Friends’  next workday will be on Saturday October 14th at Ogbourne St George.  We will be working on a stretch of path just north of the old Ogbourne St George railway station, where the path width is getting restricted by the usual mix of overgrowing hedge plants.  I… read more

Open Evening To Find Out More About Fostering

People Invited To Open Evening To Find Out More About Fostering Swindon Borough Council’s fostering team are running an open evening for any residents who have thought about becoming a foster carer and would like to get more information. Staff from the fostering team and existing foster carers will be available to answer any questions… read more

Keevil Parish Council – More information/job description

Job Description for Clerk Vacancy Job Title: Clerk to the Council Accountable to: The Council via the Chairman of the Council Salary: LCI SCP 18 through 22 Hours: Part Time, 4 hours per week Overall responsibilities The Clerk will be the only Officer of the Council and as such is under a statutory duty to carry out all… read more

Keevil Parish Council

Vacancy for Clerk A vacancy will occur for a Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer. The current Clerk is looking to step down after 15 years in post, and the Parish Council is seeking to fill this important role from 1st January 2018. Keevil has 372 persons registered on the Electoral Roll and an Annual Precept of £6,500…. read more

Flowers in Station Road/New Road

Flowers planted on the green area of Station Road/New Road had coursed some concerns regarding their height which were effecting exiting the junction. The residents who plant these flowers have ensured that in future years a smaller plant will be chosen, however they were upset to see that someone recently had taken it upon themselves… read more

Draycott Foliat bus stop

Improvements to be made to the Draycott Foliat bus stop Swindon Borough Council have advised that work will go ahead to improve the Draycott Foliat bus stop on the 7th October. They will move the pole with the timetable to a more visible location for the bus driver to see, cut back the tree and… read more