NEV consultation

New Eastern Villages (NEV) – Highways consultation event From 3.30pm to 6.30pm on Tuesday, 23rd January we will be holding a ‘drop-in’ event at Coleview Community Centre, Towcester Road, Coleview, to publicise the proposed transport schemes for the New Eastern Villages. Plans will be available to view on our website from 9am on Monday, 22nd January and will outline: White Hart… read more

SSE Priority Services

SSE Priority Services Register SSE maintain the local electricity network, in the event of a power cut they have a priority service for people in extra need of continuous power – the disabled, those with a chronic illness or using home medical care such as dialysis, those with special communication needs – blind partially sighted,… read more

Netball AD

Netball in Chiseldon Don’t worry about the extra helping of Christmas pudding, the double cream and topping up of glasses because netball is coming to Chiseldon this Spring – all we need is for you to sign up. Subject to interest, we are aiming to launch an 8-week coached session to be held at Chiseldon… read more

New STEAM exhibition

New STEAM exhibition to focus on the art of publicity A number of striking publicity materials produced by the GWR will form the basis of a new exhibition at STEAM – Museum of the Great Western Railway. Entitled The Art of Publicity, the special exhibition opens 8th January and focuses on the artwork used to… read more

Swindon JobFest 2018

Your chance to meet employers who recruit young people On behalf of Swindon Borough Council, Education Business Partnership (EBP), will be delivering the JobFest 2018, at STEAM on 6th March 2018. Now in its 4th year, JobFest 2018 will bring together Swindon employers who are offering apprenticeships and employment opportunities to 16-24 year olds in… read more

Lectures for Arts Society Pewsey Vale 2018

Lectures for Arts Society The Arts Society, Pewsey Vale monthly lectures are held in the Bouverie Hall, Pewsey SN9 5QE, and cover a wide range of subjects relevant to the wonderful world of The Arts. The hall is open from 7 pm with lectures beginning at 7:30 pm for approximately one hour. Coffee/tea and wine… read more

Swindon Libraries – January 2018

Swindon Libraries wishes you a very Happy New Year and a fantastic festive season. As your New Year begins it’s a good time to reflect on the changes you might want to make in your life. Do you want to learn a new sport or hobby? Learn a language? Read more books? Join a Reading… read more

Butts Road Reminder

Resurfacing work happening on Butts road A reminder that Butts Road is closed to traffic on 9th January 2018 for 4 days and 22nd January 2018 for 3 days for resurfacing work. Residents in Butts Road have received a letter, The information has been added to Facebook and website and there are signs at the… read more

Policing Precept 2018/19

The policing precept consultation which launched on 2nd January is looking for the views of Wiltshire residents on the proposed increase of £12 a year. Currently the average band D household contributes £14.19 per month to local policing, but if residents back the proposal then this would rise to £15.19 per month. As a Force,… read more

Fire Service Raises Concerns Over Bioethanol Fires

Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service (DWFRS) is asking owners of bioethanol real flame fires to ensure that they are fully aware of the fire risks they present. Bioethanol real flame fires are becoming a popular feature in the home, especially at this time of year. They are easily affordable, provide the visual attraction… read more

Temporary Winter Housing Provision

HOSTS, which is a collaboration of voluntary agencies and Swindon Borough Council, is behind the Temporary Winter Housing Provision. The facility will open the 3rd January 2018 until mid-March to offer support and accommodation for 12 to 18 individuals with the aim of helping them progress to the next stage of their lives. The provision… read more

Network Rail: Swindon Electrification Update from Network Rail

Please see below for updates on our latest work in the Swindon area to electrify the railway between London Paddington and Cardiff. Roman Road/Ermin Street Bridge We are currently working to raise the parapets (sides) of the bridge to provide a barrier between bridge users and the overhead lines which will power new electric trains…. read more

Severe Weather Emergency Protocols (SWEP)

There are currently no legal protections for people sleeping rough in England during severe weather – the provision of shelter is not a statutory duty, even when conditions are life threatening. However, there is a humanitarian obligation on local authorities to do all they can to prevent deaths on the streets, and for their partners… read more

Transformation Of Junction 16 Continues To Take Shape

A major junction improvement scheme which will reduce congestion and delays at Junction 16 of the M4 will enter the final few months of construction in the new year. The £11.5m upgrade of the busy motorway junction has been unfolding before motorists’ eyes over the past 12 months with all the major earthworks, drainage works,… read more

Touch Tennis At Chiseldon

Touch Tennis Shake off the post Christmas blues … and pounds….. come and join us at our Touch Tennis Tournament on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 at 6pm. All ages and standards are welcome, Touch Tennis is fun, played with large racquets and large sponge balls on mini red courts! The cost is £5.00 to include… read more

Volunteering opportunities

Trustee with Adult Social Care Oversee professional standards and delivery to make sure the Care Home Volunteers service is carried out with integrity and accountability and is legally compliant. Volunteering with Swindon Libraries Swindon Libraries are looking for volunteers to get involved in a variety of activities.There is something for everyone, whatever your interest and… read more

Chiseldon Parish Council Closing Times

Christmas Closing Times Chiseldon Parish Council’s Clerks office will be closed from Friday 22nd December at 12.00, and will re-open Wednesday 3rd January 2018 at 9.30am. Emails will be monitored for any urgent issues.

Vacancy For A Councillor

Parish Council of Chiseldon (Chiseldon and Lawn WARD) Notice is hereby given that by reason of resignation of Cllr John Martin a vacancy has occurred among the members of the Parish Council. Any person willing to fill this vacancy should apply to the Clerk in writing (email is acceptable) on or before Friday 5th January… read more