July Full council guest speaker

The next full council meeting will be the 10th July at the Rec Hall at 7.30. Alison Waine who heads the dog warden team from SBC will be presenting, advising on current and hopefully future laws to help combat dog fouling. Everyone is welcome to listen to her talk and then there will be a… read more

Public survey on new rules for dog fouling

Please see the following message from SBC on their public consultation to try to bring in new rules to combat dog fouling:   “We are starting today the formal consultation for our Borough Wide PSPO regarding dog control. This is in two parts: the first is regarding dog fouling giving us the ability to issue… read more

Great Get Together at Stratton Fire Station Saturday 17th June

Great Get Together at Stratton fire station this Saturday The final arrangements are being put into place for Stratton fire station’s Great Get Together picnic this Saturday (17 June). The fire station in Highworth Road will be open to the public between 2pm and 5.30pm to allow the local community to enjoy a range of… read more

June Parish/Borough Surgery

The surgery is 11.30 to 12.30 on Sat 3rd June at the Calley Memorial Hall.  Everyone is welcome along for a chat or to ask a Cllr a question.

Next Finance meeting

The next meeting is Wed 31st May at 7.30pm in the Recreation Hall off Norris Close. There will be a public recess at the start of the meeting for any questions.

Yellow line changes in Chiseldon

The following documents explain the changes to take place within Chiseldon with regards to yellow lines. VO 7 Public Notice Statement of reasons Advertising plan New road removal of DYL 3.5.17 Advertising plan New road introduction of DYL 3.5.17

Bus timetables over Easter

Easter Bus services Good Friday: only 80/81 are running on a Saturday timetable. Easter Saturday: X5, 80/81 and Thamesdown 70A 72A will be running on normal Saturday timetable. Easter Sunday and Monday: only service 80 running on Sunday timetable (only running 2 hourly as far as Marlborough) For further info look at the bus company… read more

March 2017 Police report

Police Report for the period 1st – 31st March 2017 For the period noted above the Chiseldon Parish has had three burglaries reported two of which were garages. An offender has been arrested and interviewed in relation to these and our enquiries are on-going at this time. The third was a house on the Badbury… read more

Rail disruption during April

Rail disruption during April From 8th to 23rd April 2017, be aware of potential disruption if you’re travelling through Bath Spa railway station. Network Rail is modernising the station in preparation for new, longer trains which will enter service later this year. The work will include making the platforms wider and will also reduce the stepping… read more

IMPORTANT – Castle View Play area

IMPORTANT MESSAGE – The playground on Castle View Road has a damaged piece of equipment. One of the wooden top bars of the climbing areas has broken. The equipment is currently on the floor. Our contractors are visiting at 9.00am tomorrow to remove the wooden bar and unattach the ropes to make the area safe…. read more

Thursday’s Youth club van at Castle View green

Youth Mobi van. Every Thursday evening in term time the BIOS van visits the Castle View green area to provide a youth club for local kids. They arrive around 7.20pm and stay until about 8.45pm (later on lighter evenings). It’s aimed for children who can stay unattended. You can get more information on their website… read more