Transport Report – August 2017
Evening Bus Services – update
6th Formers School Transport saved
As the Ridgeway Bell was going to press, we are no nearer knowing if we have an evening bus service. A lot of work has been done in the last month by SBC officer, Nigel Hale, in getting quotes from both Thamesdown and Stagecoach West to run some form of evening bus service; either one, two or three services in the evening. These figures have now gone to the Cabinet member for Transport, Cllr Mary Martin but we have yet to hear the outcome. Both Chiseldon and Wroughton parish councils have strongly voiced their views.
There has been some success in retaining the 6th formers transport to Ridgeway School, which was due to be cut in September 2018. An exception has been made for Ridgeway School catchment area. We would like to thank parents who took part in this consultation, with 45% of the views from the Swindon South area.
To finish my report, one interesting thing from the new GWR fast trains, that because the electric wires have not yet reached Swindon, the trains will operate in diesel mode with a maximum speed of 100 mph, with the current HSTs doing 125mph, so travelling times will be longer.
Cllr David Hill
Transport Representative – Chiseldon Parish Council