Chiseldon Parish Council undertakes to serve the community responsibly, fairly and openly. A key part of this is to set out clearly the rules and guidelines which we follow in our deliberations and decisions. The documentation which we adhere to is accessible from the links provided.

We treat everyone with courtesy and respect and ask for the same in return. We ask that you treat your councillors and council staff courteously without violence, abuse or harassment. Councillors and council staff have the right to carry out their civic duties and work without fear of being attacked or abused. Any behaviour whether that be verbal, physical or in writing, which causes either councillors or council staff to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed, or threatened, is totally unacceptable. The zero tolerance policy includes abuse, aggression or threats made in person, over the telephone or in written communication, including on social media. The council considers threatening behaviour to be: Attempted or actual aggressive, or physical actions made towards any councillor or member of staff. The use of aggressive, or abusive language, (including raising of the voice, swearing, shouting or in writing) which threatens or intimidates councillors or council staff’. This policy applies throughout all council meetings, but it also applies to any councillor or council staff away from council meetings.

Amanuensis and Listening Companion Policy

Asset Register policy August 2023

Bad Debt Policy August 2023

Biodiversity Policy Sept 2023

Biodiversity Net Gains Plan

Bribery and Anti-corruption policy

Cemetery Regulations

Co-Option Criteria

Code of Conduct

Communications & Social Media Policy

Complaints Policy

Conserving Biodiversity Acts

Contractors Procurement Policy

Data Protection Right of Access Form

Disciplinary Policy

Dignity at Work Policy

Discussions with Developers Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Equal Opportunities Statement

Expenses Policy

Financial Regulations

First Aid Certificate

Freedom of Information

Grants and Donations Funds policy

Grievance Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Investment Strategy

Memorial Work Permit

Memorial Tree & Bench Policy

Menopause at Work Policy

PAT Certificate 2023

Petitions Policy

Preventing Crime and Disorder Acts

Public Health Funerals Policy

Publication Scheme

Reserves policy

Sickness & Absence Policy

Standing Orders

Training and Development Policy

Clerk’s contract