1. Attendances and apologies for absence. (Absences without apology to be recorded separately)
  2. Vote on approval of apologies.
  3. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations requested.
  4. Public recess


  1. Tennis Club to present their accounts in regards to their lease obligations. – See additional documentation


  1. Review of strategy document and further updates discussed & approved. – See additional documentation



  1. Vote on EGPA committee request for £395.25 plus VAT for a leaf blower for use by the handyman to keep pavements clear.
  2. Vote on EGPA committee request for £100 to pay for extra Handyman hours to cut out ivy on Parish trees.
  3. Vote on EGPA committee request for new dog bin at Badbury – costs £103.82 inc VAT for bin. £50 plus VAT to install. Collection £130 plus VAT a year.
  4. Vote on EGPA committee request to spend £100 on re-locating the noticeboard at Badbury. Fee to SBC for “Item on the Highway” permission.
  5. Vote on EGPA committee request to approve £500 from reserves to go towards a defibrillator at the Recreation Field for public use. Look at donations and match funding for the remainder of the cost.
  6. Vote on EGPA committee request for 2 new signs. 1 for Chapel gates at £27.18 plus VAT and one for the Recreation Hall for £73.30 plus VAT
  7. Vote on Clerk attending “Preparing for annual audit” course at £35.00 plus VAT
  8. Review & Vote on Clerks hours per week with a view to increasing from 22 to 24. From Jan 2020.
  9. Review and vote on including a Clerk’s assistant in the budget from April 2020.
  10. Grant request from the Dementia Café organisers of funds for hall hire for 2020. See additional documentation


  1. Review & vote on accuracy of Accounts for October 2019. – See additional documentation

• BUDGET & PRECEPT FOR 2020/2021

  1. Review budget document. Suggest amendments for approval at December full council meeting.
    EGPA committee request funds to create a wildflower meadow at Strouds Hill. (Subject to SBC contract with CPC over maintenance of this land)
  2. Review Precept request. Suggest amendments for approval at December full council meeting.


Exempt items
Certain items are expected to include the consideration of exempt information Finance Committee is, therefore, recommended to resolve “That, in accordance with Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded during the discussion of the matters referred to in the items listed below, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information, as defined in the respective paragraph of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Act, and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information”.

Item restricted:

  1. Auditor Advice. Altering the employment status of casual staff in line with employment law. Discussion & vote.

Reason for Restriction:
Schedule 12(A) Local Government Act 1972, Paragraph (1,2,3):

  1. Information relating to any individual.
  2. Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.
  3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).

Information is not exempt if it is required to be registered under-

  • The Companies Act 1985
  • The Friendly Societies Act 1974
  • The Friendly Societies Act 1992
  • The Industrial and Provident Societies Acts 1965 to 1978
  • The Building Societies Act 1986 (recorded in the public file of any building society, within the meaning of the Act)
  • The Charities Act 1993

Information is exempt to the extent that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Information is not exempt if it relates to proposed development for which the local planning authority may grant itself planning permission pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town & Country Planning General Regulations 1992(a).


  1. Update from Cllr Rogers and Clerk – see additional documentation
    Includes request for further funds from reserves


  1. No items


  1. No items
  2. Items for the next agenda.
    (Note, these items cannot be discussed or voted on at this meeting)

Legislation that allows the Council to act:

7. Vote on EGPA committee request for a leaf blower. LA 1983 S5. Litter bins in England and Wales.

8. Vote on EGPA committee request for extra handyperson hours.

Highways Authority Act 1980 s96, part 4. A local authority, if they are not the highway authority for a highway maintainable at the public expense in their area, may, with the consent of the highway authority, exercise with respect to that highway any of the powers conferred by subsections (1) and (2) above on the highway authority.
Section 1 – Subject to the provisions of this section, a highway authority may, in a highway maintainable at the public expense by them, plant trees and shrubs and lay out grass verges, and may erect and maintain guards or fences and otherwise do anything expedient for the maintenance or protection of trees, shrubs and grass verges planted or laid out, whether or not by them, in such a highway.

9. Vote on EGPA committee request for new dog bin. LA 1983 S5. Litter bins in England and Wales.
10. Vote on EGPA committee request to spend £100 on re-locating the noticeboard at Badbury. LGA 1892 s.8 (1)(i) Parish property, maintenance & improvement of

11. Vote on EGPA committee request to approve £500 from reserves to go towards a defibrillator at the Recreation Field for public use. Public Health Act 1936 (234) – Provision of life saving appliances

12. Vote on EGPA committee request for 2 new building signs. Local Government Act 1894. S8(1) (i) Parish Property, maintenance and improvement of

13. Vote on Clerk attending “Preparing for annual audit” course at £35.00 plus VAT. LGA 1972 s.111 Subsidiary Powers of local authorities

14. Review & Vote on Clerks hours per week with a view to increasing from 22 to 24. From Jan 2020. LGA 1972 s.111 (2) A local authority’s power to appoint officers on such reasonable terms and conditions as the authority thinks fit is subject to section 41 of the Localism Act 2011 (requirement for determinations relating to terms and conditions of chief officers to comply with pay policy statement).

15. Review and vote on including a Clerk’s assistant in 2020 budget. LGA 1972 s.112 Appointment of staff

16. Grant Request. LGA 1972, s.137

17. Review Accounts N/A

18. Budget N/A

19. Precept 2020/21. LGA 1972, s.150, section 4. Expenses of Parish & community councils.

20. Auditor Advise N/A

21. VE day funding. LGA 1972 s.145 provision of entertainment.