19/57 Approval of Apologies given:
A proposal was made by Cllr Bates that that the apologies be accepted, seconded by Cllr Rogers, all Cllrs were in favour.
19/58 Absence without apologies:
19/59 Public Recess:
None, as no public attended.
19/60 Vote on Co-option of Cllrs
Not required as no new candidates had come forward.
19/61 Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.
Cllr Rawlings has an allotment
19/62 Approval of minutes from 22 July 2019
No changes
A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings that these minutes be therefore accepted; seconded by Cllr Bates, all Cllrs were in favour.
19/63 Action points:
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training
Cllr Harris to email out to Councillors link to training. DONE
19/51 Create reply to SBC on Redlands potential planning application.
19/45 Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with name of jeweler to get quote for, for Chairman’s badge of office. CLERK TO LOOK THIS UP.
Cllr Jefferies
19/45 Cllr Jefferies to get 2nd quote for updating Chairman’s badge of office – currently with Deacons Jewelers
19/55 To provide Clerk with location of hedge where a letter is needed.
19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell
19/64 Community Safety. Cllr Sunners
June Crime Stats: 10 overall, 5 at Garage, 5 throughout Chiseldon.
Cllr Sunners raised a general concern about the level of Graffiti throughout Swindon. Cllr Jefferies stated that the graffiti at the Firs has been dealt with.
19/65 Ward Councillor Reports
Cllr Jefferies is progressing all items listed below:
- Slipper Lane/Turnball – DYL request
- Turnball/Hodson Road junction DYL request to make fire hydrant accessible
- Dropped kerb required at Slipper Lane/Turnball junction
- Access issue to property at Dykes Mews
19/66 Committee Reports
Finance from Cllr Harris:
Nothing to report
Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA): Cllr Rawlings:
Football Club will be requesting permission to make changes to the club house and to add dugouts. Football Club coming back with suggestions as to new dugouts.
Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Harris:
Nothing to report from committee.
Grants Sub-committee:
Nothing to report back.
Risk Assessment from the Clerk:
None outstanding
19/67 Review and Vote on SBC draft Local Plan and SHELAA documents
Some discussion took place on the above, however, the Chairman stated that it was apparent that some Cllrs had not read the Local Plan, so took the decision to bring back to Full Council in September.
19/68 Discuss and possible vote on changing the location of the monthly Ward/Parish surgery from 2020 to incorporate a regular visit to Badbury.
Cllr Rogers advised that Ward Cllr Sunners would be holding a surgery in Liddington to which all Badbury residents would be invited. And that the surgery advertised in the Ridgeway Bell each month would now include an explicit invite to Badbury residents.
Cllr Rogers suggested that these be trialled for the rest of the year, which all Cllrs agreed.
19/69 Delegated emergency powers
These have been enacted to approve insurance for the Washpool area (WARP) at a cost of £410.86 with Came and Co. Approved by Cllrs Harris, Rogers and Rawlings, and by the Parish Clerk.
19/70 Discuss and vote on an amount added to a new reserves fund for VE 75th year celebration arrangements in 2020.
It was unclear from the details provided what level of funding was being sought and it was decided that this should be supported with a draft budget.
19/71 Finance Committee to discuss and approve £66.00 expenditure from EGPA committee to empty Rec ground garage.
Cllr Rawlings reported that the shed had now been cleared, and that security for it needed to be improved. Cllr Harris provided details of how this should be done.
Action: Cllr Rawlings to progress.
Resolved that the council approve the costs of £66.00 plus VAT for Allbuild to remove the rubbish from the Rec ground garage area. Proposed by Cllr Rawlings and seconded by Cllr Jefferies. All Cllrs in favour.
19/72 Discuss & vote on possible match funding for 3rd AED (Defibrillator).
It was unclear from the details provided where the defibrillator was intended to be located. It was felt that the Tennis Club could work with the Football Club to self-fund the machine or seek funding from the Calley Memorial Hall Fund. Alternatively, if the location and funding method could be clarified, the council would welcome the item being brought back to the table.
Action: Clerk to discuss with both Chiseldon Tennis Club and Football Club and other sports users of Rec Ground.
Cllr Rogers stated, that the Clerk had given a similar offer to Badbury, whereby, Badbury would raise £1,000 towards the cost of a defibrillator which could possibly match funded by the Parish Council. Several businesses and residents have already offered contributions towards this.
It should be noted, however, that the current 2 defibrillators received money from the Calley Memorial Hall Trust.
19/73 Finance to discuss & vote on Rec Car Park drainage
One quote had been provided by EGPA for the improvement of drainage which is a continual problem at the Rec. However, the quote did not detail what specification was used to gain this quote.
Cllr Rawlings should gain two quotes with a detailed specification which should be brought back to Full Council on 9 September. All Councillors present felt that the work should take place before Winter. Further discussion in next council meeting.
19/74 Vote on S/LBC/19/1075 for retrospective approval from Whichway Cottage, Badbury
Cllr Harris advised Council members that retrospective approval was being sought, as one of the windows planned to be put into Whichway had broken, hence, replacements were then fitted.
SBC Conservation had paid a site visit and where fine with the window replacement, stating that the work undertaken had enhanced the overall building.
Cllr Harris proposed that retrospective approval be given, seconded by Cllr Rawlings, with all Cllrs in favour.
19/75 Items for next agenda (Correspondence to be emailed in advance of meeting)
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified
17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS – some councilors still outstanding to do GDPR training.
Cllrs Harris and Rawlings have completed their GDPR training
19/51 Create reply to SBC on Redlands potential planning application.
19/45 Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with name of jeweler to get quote for, for Chairman’s badge of office. CLERK TO LOOK THIS UP.
19/67 Agenda item for Sept – Local plan and SHELAA draft – replies to SBC
19/72 Talk to Football club to see if they an raise a 50% grant for a defib along with the Tennis Club who are looking for a grant.
19/70 Add to next relevant committee – VE day 2020 costs to be approved.
Cllr Jefferies
19/45 Cllr Jefferies to get 2nd quote for updating Chairman’s badge of office – currently with Deacons Jewelers
19/55 To provide Clerk with location of hedge where a letter is needed.
19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell
Cllr Harris
19/67 Re-send email ref Local plan and SHELAA review for all Cllrs to read.
Cllr Rawlings
19/71 Arrange rubbish removal from Rec ground garage.
19/74 Bring 2 further quotes to full council for further Rec ground drainage issues