Find out more about the New Eastern Villages
The New Eastern Villages will be one of the largest greenfield developments in the country. It will feature 8,000 homes, new schools, employment spaces and community and leisure facilities. The New Eastern Villages team are holding three drop-in sessions to give residents the chance to find out more about the development and see plans for the major highways projects which will begin in October 2019.
Saturday, 20 July – 9am to 12.30pm at Grange Sports Centre, SN3 4JY
Wednesday, 24 July – 1.30pm to 6.30pm at Coleview Community Centre, SN3 4AS
Thursday, 25 July- 3pm to 8pm Hooper’s Field, Wanborough, SN4 0BY
Find out more about the New Eastern Villages
For more take a look at the full E-Newsletter from Highways News.