19/37. Vote on Co-option of Cllrs.

Not required as no new candidates had come forward.

19/38. Declarations of interests & vote on any dispensations applied for.


19/39. Approval of minutes from 10th June 2019

Change to text on page 3 item 19/33

A proposal was made by Cllr Rogers that these minutes be therefore accepted; Cllr Bates seconded this and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/40. Action points:


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS. ONGOING. DEADLINE TO BE SET FOR THIS.


19/27 Advise Envisage to start cutting churchyard grass as part of their contract. DONE

19/33 Ask for feedback on DYL for Slipper Lane/Turnball junction. DEADLINE 12TH JULY FOR FEEDBACK, THE CLERK TO REPORT TO WARD CLLRS.

19/41. Report from Ward Cllrs.

Ward Cllr Mattock:
Food waste recycling trials to start in Sept. They will let the PC know ASAP if Chiseldon is part of the trial.
Areas not recycling enough will be targeted with mailshots etc to encourage participation.

Next stage of the SHELAA – There are still 3 sites relevant to the PC on the document so the PC should expect further enquiries.

Ward Cllr Jefferies:
Members Hotline have been asked to not close a case when it moves to a different department – as the issue can then not be tracked.

The approval of the location of the SID on Hodson Road is being chased.

Stagecoach will not change their decision to stop the bus service to Marlborough. The buses are still coming into Chiseldon from Swindon however.

Ward Cllr Jefferies is to follow up on the dog fouling issue at Home Close, to ensure all further actions have been taken.

It is confirmed that Mays Lane will not be dug up by BT Openreach when laying new fibre-optic as they are using existing ducts.

19/42 Community Safety

The South Swindon Safety Forum met last week and provided the following updates:
There were 8,500 “999” calls to the force in June 2019. All were answered within 4 seconds. A call out regarding a “Blue Light” situation is allowed a maximum of 15 minutes to attend, all “Blue Light” incidences responded to in 11 minutes or less.
41 new officers have been appointed, with 12 being additional Community Co-ordinators. South Swindon should be allocated 5 or 6 of these officers. There will be a summer drink drive campaign and another community point in the Brunel Centre.
There has been a 12% reduction on crime overall including a 13% reduction in dwelling burglaries and 54% reduction in vehicle offenses. There has been a 20% increase in driving offences but the police have been running campaigns to target this.
Bishopstone and Wanborough how have their Community Speed Watch set up.
The South Swindon stats for May 2019 show 1116 crimes. 19 were in Chiseldon Parish, with 12 being non-payment of fuel at the Esso station.

The recent distraction burglary in Chiseldon – the Bobby van has visited and offered advice.

Community Speed Watch – it was confirmed that figures go to the police but feedback has not been received for a number of months now. The team are waiting for new recruits to be trained up for Chiseldon.

Ward Cllr Mattock leaves at 19.56

19/43. FINANCE. Approval of costs of strimmer for Handyperson

Costs not received in advance of meeting to distribute. Move to 22nd July meeting for vote.

19/44. FINANCE. Approval of £400 costs to repair Memorial Stone on New Road – Limeway approved by EGPA

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to award the work to Limeway costing £400. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/45. FINANCE. Approval of costs to update the Chairman’s badge of office

Only 1 quote received from Deacons of £120 for 6 new bars plus £12 per engraving.

It was decided to obtain 2 more quotes and review again.

Cllr Jefferies to use a contact she has and Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with a name he recommended.

19/46. FINANCE. Report on Clerks’ hours and workload and any staffing requirement.

The Clerk recommended a temp for 5 hours at a cost of £57.55 to catch up with the paperwork. A permanent member of staff is not yet needed.

It was decided it would be beneficial to give the Clerk a budget to handle the engagement of a temp rather than bring to council each time. £100 was suggested.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rogers to approve a £100 budget for the Clerk to employ a temp as required. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/47. FINANCE. Approval of Finance minutes from 30th April.

These minutes cannot be approved as Cllr Harris is the only current Cllr who attended this meeting in April. The Clerk will investigate the proper procedure/wording for this document.

19/48. FINANCE. Approve costs of £65.00 plus VAT for the Clerk to attend a WALC VAT course.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to approve a cost of £65 plus VAT for the Clerk to attend the VAT course. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all EGPA committee Cllrs were in favour.

19/49. PLANNING. Purchase of pole and associated works for the SID on Hodson Road.

Details of the quotes by Allbuild and STORM were received before the meeting.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rogers to approve Allbuilds costs of £281.98 for 2 posts to be installed. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/50. PLANNING. Approval of minutes of Planning committee from 25th March, 15th April and 6th June 2019.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to approve the planning minutes from 25th March as an accurate record. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made by Cllr Rawlings to approve the planning minutes from 15th April as an accurate record. Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey to approve the planning minutes from 6th June as an accurate record. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/51. PLANNING. Redlands airfield potential application for a 2nd plane to fly

The council agreed that this would be to the detriment of residents of the parish with the extra noise a second plane would create.

It was agreed the Clerk would draft a response to SBC to be included on the application.

A proposal was made by Cllr Jefferies for the Clerk to write to SBC with an objection to any application for Redlands to fly a second plane. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/52. PLANNING. Possible re-location of Badbury noticeboard.

Cllr Rogers advised that some residents are unhappy with the current location. SBC Highways had previously determined that this was the best location based on road safety.

It was asked whether the pub, care home or business park may host the board?

The Clerk is to draw up a consultation letter for Cllr Rogers to hand out to all residents of Badbury.

19/53. Emergency Delegated powers to be approved for emergency decisions by the Council.

The Clerk advised that it is good practice to approve Council members who can approve an emergency decision if a deadline is before a meeting can be held.

It was suggested the Clerk, Chairman, Vice Chairman and Committee Chairman (if relevant) should be listed as emergency signatories. 3 out of the 4 nominated members should be able to make a unanimous decision.

A proposal was made by Cllr Harris for the Clerk, Chairman, Vice Chairman and Committee Chairman to have delegated powers to make emergency decisions for the council. With 3 of the 4 named members having to be in agreement. Cllr Rogers seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/54. Approval for Chairman and Vice Chairman to sign committee papers in the temporary absence of committee Chair’s. To also sign and approve staffing matters in the absence of the Finance Committee.

A proposal was made by Cllr Kearsey for the Chairman and Vice Chairman to sign committee documents in the absence of the committee chairs. To also sign and approve staffing matters in the absence of a Finance Committee. Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

19/55 – Committee reports

Finance from Cllr Harris: Nothing to report

Environment, General Purpose and Amenities (EGPA): Cllr Rawlings:

The probation team is not available for work until August.
The hedge at New Road will need to be cut then, brambles have been removed.
There is grass cuttings fly tipped at Badbury and at allotments.

A hedge letter is needed – Cllr Jefferies to provide information.

Planning, Transport Development and Highways from Cllr Harris:

Nothing to report from committee.

Cllr Harris advised on next stage of local plan review and SHELAA from SBC.

Cabinet meets 10th July to discuss the local plan. This includes information on the current 5 year housing land supply. The 3 Chiseldon sites will again be considered.

Cabinet have to approve the next draft before it goes to public consultation.

Remember that inclusion on the SHELAA (or not) doesn’t hold much weight with a planning application. An inspector will not give it undue weight when making a final decision.

Cllrs are all encourage to read the document sent through by SBC via the Clerk. The Parish Councils decision on how to respond to the draft document will be decided in August 19 full council meeting.

Grants Sub-committee:

Initial meeting held but nothing reported back.

Risk Assessment from the Clerk:
The Chapel and Museum for June completed and signed off – no issues.
For July – Pavilion, Rec ground, cemeteries and allotments – Cllr Kearsey to do these. Financial risk – Cllr Harris to do this.

19/56. Agenda items for next meeting

Water leak reported on New Road near Meadow Stores
Cllr Harris agreed to write a section for the next Ridgeway Bell to attract new Cllrs. Ward Cllr Jefferies to write one also.

Meeting closed at 21.14


All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


17/68 All Cllrs to do on-line GDPR training. CHASE CLLRS


19/33 Ask for feedback on DYL for Slipper Lane/Turnball junction

19/43 Item for next agenda – Approve strimmer purchase.

19/47 Investigate correct wording for minutes that cannot be approved

19/51 Create reply to SBC on Redlands potential planning application.

19/52 Draw up consultation letter for Badbury for noticeboard.

19/53 Updated delegated powers list with procedure for signing committee documents whilst committee dissolved.

19/55 Add SHELAA/Local Plan review discussion & Vote to August agenda.

Cllr K Bates

19/45 Cllr Bates to provide the Clerk with name of jeweler to get quote for, for Chairman’s badge of office

Cllr J Jefferies

19/45 Cllr Jefferies to get 2nd quote for updating Chairman’s badge of office

19/55 To provide Clerk with location of hedge where a letter is needed.

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell

Cllr Harris

19/56 Write an article for Ridgeway Bell