Public Recess: no public
19/05. Voting of Chair to chair the meeting. Cllr Kearsey volunteered to chair this item and all other Cllrs were in agreement.
As the Committee Chair and Vice Chair are no longer on the council a Chair is to be voted on for this meeting.
Cllr Harris proposed himself and Cllr Rawlings seconded. There were no other nominations.
Cllr Harris took the role of Chair for the remainder of the meeting.
19/06 – Voting in of committee Vice Chair (if needed).
The Committee decided that there was no need for a Vice Chair at this time
19/07. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Harris lives in Norris Close ref item 8 on the agenda.
19/08. Approval of minutes from 15th April and 25th March 2019.
The committee were not quorate to approve the April 15th or March 25th minutes so this item will move to the next meeting. Action for Clerk
19/09. Action points from last meeting on 15th April & 25th March 2019.
The interim meeting on 15th April had no action points.
Actions from 25th March:
17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site. ONGOING – CLERK TO CHASE DEVELOPER DIRECT FOR AN UPDATE. NO REPLY FROM DEVELOPER. SBC ARE WAITING FOR DEVELOPER TO DO YEAR END AND THEN PROCEED WITH HANDOVER.
18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction.
18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. CHASE WARD CLLR SUMNER FOR REPLY. WSP THE J15 CONTRACTOR WILL NOT INCLUDE THIS IN THEIR J15 WORK.
18/77 Talk to SBC highways for quote to install a pole for the interactive speed sign. TO CHASE. CHASE AGAIN. CLOSED AS CPC HAVE 2 EXTERNAL QUOTES NOW.
March public recess AsK WC Mattock to update committee on the situation with Draycott Foliat parking and lighting with SBC. DONE
18/101 May sub-committtee meeting for grants – need to create their TOR and report back to either Full Council/Planning with progress. ONGOING
18/104 Item for April full council – Norris Close parking decision. DONE
18/105 Add Strouds Hill seating area to EGPA agenda and write to residents for their views. DONE
18/106 Create laminated planning meeting procedures for the public and supply to other committees to adopt the same document. DONE
18/109 Move Cllr Mills requested agenda item to June agenda. REMOVED ACTION AS NO LONGER NEEDED.
18/110 Chase Ward Cllr Mattock for update on Dykes Mews parking. CHASED
18/111 Ask Ward Cllr Foley to ask SBC for dropped curb at Slipper Lane/Turnball. ONGOING
18/113 Move Castle View Road parking layby to future agenda, once Norris Close layby under way. DONE
19/10. PLANNING. Application for 23 Norris Close. S/HOU/19/0679 Single storey side/rear extension & front porch.
The Committee had nothing to report back to SBC on this application. Cllr Harris did not partake in the discussion.
19/11. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on temporarily suspending the planning committee and moving actions to Full council until Cllr numbers improve.
Cllr Rawlings made a proposal to approve the temporary suspension of the planning committee and that all matters would be dealt with at full council meetings until Cllr numbers were sufficiently improved. Cllr Kearsey seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
19/12. PLANNING. Discuss and vote if needed on History Group proposal to add a new interpretation board to the outside of Holy Cross Church.
The committee viewed the information from the history group for the proposed location of the board and had no issues or objections. The Clerk is to remind the group to make sure all SBC permissions from planning and highways are in place where needed.
19/13. PLANNING. Review current list of planning applications.
Nothing to note.
19/14. PLANNING. Possible Redlands Airfield application on second plane to fly. (CPC are not a mandatory consultee on this application)
The Clerk had received no information from Ogbourne St Andrew Parish Clerk on this matter when requested so the item is to be moved to the next agenda.
19/15. TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT. Proposed cancellation of no80 bus service by Wiltshire Council. Would affect St John’s school children and Seahorses Care Home staff.
There is no definitive decision yet from Wiltshire Council or SCB. It is estimated that it will cost an additional £10,000 per annum to keep this service active. No action at present.
19/16. HIGHWAYS. Double Yellow Lines needed on Slipper Lane/Turnball junction – update.
Highways at SBC would need to consider this request. Comments from residents will assist in SBC making a decision. The Clerk is to ask for public feedback on this.
19/17. HIGHWAYS. Dykes Mews Parking issue
There is no update from SBC Ward Cllrs on this issue. The Clerk is to chase up.
19/18. HIGHWAYS. Painted parking bays and extra parking at Draycot Foliat.
No further update received from Ward Cllrs or SBC – move to next agenda.
19/19. Items for the next agenda
Meeting closed at 19.58
17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site. ONGOING – CLERK TO CHASE DEVELOPER DIRECT FOR AN UPDATE. NO REPLY FROM DEVELOPER. SBC ARE WAITING FOR DEVELOPER TO DO YEAR END AND THEN PROCEED WITH HANDOVER.
18/24 Follow up with Ward Cllrs on reducing speed limit at Draycot Foliat.
18/101 Grants sub-committee. Make sure committee has a TOR and reports back to Full council.
18/110 Chase Ward Cllrs for update on Dykes Mews parking issue
18/111 Chas Ward Cllrs for update on dropped curb at Slipper Lane/Turnball.
19/08 Add approval of 25th March and 15th April, and 6th June planning minutes to full agenda.
19/12 Report back to History Group on decision of council on new interpretation board
19/14 Move Redlands Airfield planning application item to next agenda
19/16 Ask for public feedback on the need for DYL at Slipper Lane/Turnball
19/17 Chase up Ward Cllrs on Dykes Mews parking issue
19/18 Chase up Ward Cllrs on Draycot Foliat parking issues