Public Recess

Claire Eggert addressed the Council in regards to the safety of Hodson Road, on the bend as you exit the village towards Wroughton. There have been at least 4 accidents this year they have assisted with. B.Cllr Foley and SBC have been approached by Ms Eggert in the past about this issue. Ms Eggert was invited to join the Environment meeting on Thursday 15th September where this could be discussed in more detail.

David Pearce addressed the Council in regards to the New Road Build Out. As a member of the Community Speed Watch team he has seen evidence that this scheme has slowed down the traffic on New Road. On an average session of recording speeds, the list has gone from around 50 records to 5 or 6 records per session.
Cllr Brady advised that we are unable to have the full discussion on the future of the Build-Out tonight and this will be re-scheduled for a future Parish Council meeting where the public will be invited to attend. We will make sure the speed watch data is reviewed as part of this.

16/49. Declarations of interests.

Cllr Ian McMurray has a conflict with 2 outstanding planning applications.

16/50. Approval of minutes from 8th August 2016

Page 1 – include Kayley May’s surname as “Cole”.
Page 2 – add missing word “informed” to para 1 and correct spelling of “Governance”.

The minutes were then proposed as approved by Cllr Ian McMurray, seconded by Cllr Chris Rawlings and all those at the meeting were in favour.

16/51. Matters arising and action points:

Matters arising:

There has been no response from Cllr Dale Heenan in reference to the dangers of the remaining bus stop for Chiseldon being on the opposite side of the A346. This item is now part of the 15th September Environment agenda for follow up.
It was noted that Cllr Dale Heenan has also not replied to the residents bus petition that was submitted.

Action for Clerk to get update from Cllr Heenan on the bus service proposals.

Cllr Hill noted that SBC library staff had presented a proposal to create a trust scheme which will enable more libraries to remain open. This is to be reviewed by SBC.
The situation of the Mobile library will be discussed at a separate meeting.
Action for Clerk to ask Stephen Taylor at SBC for the meeting date for this.

Cllrs West and Wright are attending a meeting at BPCA tonight due to a concern that residents’ views are not adequately being reflected. They will feedback as appropriate to the Parish Council.

Action Points:

Clerk Action Points – Ongoing action – find out what external bodies the PC should belong to.

Cllr Brady and Cllr Sunners 16/44 – trying to arrange a date for a meeting with the Police Superintendent.

Cllr Sunners 16/44 – Talk to PC Draper about insurance premiums increasing due to crime at the Esso Station – ongoing.

Cllr West 16/48 – Need to check with Cllr West as to whether there is another BPCA meeting the PC should attend.

16/52. Policing Update

PC Draper could not attend the meeting and a report has not been received at this time.
Once the report has been received it will be circulated to all Councillors & displayed on FB & website page.

16/53 Borough Council Reports

There were no Borough Councillors present at the meeting and no written report had been received in advance. A report will be requested and will be circulated
The Parish Council requested the Clerk advise the Ward Councillors to make every attempt to ensure in the future that at least one Ward Councillor attends the Parish Council. If that is not possible the Parish Council request that a report is sent in advance of the meeting.
Action for Clerk to request a post meeting update from the Councillors and advise on future meetings.

16/54 – Review of Committee reports and Correspondence

Planning: Cllr McMurray is meeting with B.Cllr Shaw on 15th Sept to discuss some transport and Manor House development issues.
Our comments have been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate in regards to the Esso Service Station appeal over the additional building and storage area to the side of the site.
In regards to the Patriots Arms planning notice, B.Cllr Foley has taken this issue back to SBC.

Finance: Cllr Harris presented the income and expenditure reports that had been signed off by the Finance committee on the 7th September. It was confirmed that the electricity invoice for the Chapel was based on recorded and not estimated figures.
Cllr Harris also advised that the Committee had signed off on expenditure for a new printer for the Clerk, and a new on-line accounting system, and to re-key in all data back to 1st April 2016.
The expenses policy has now been emailed to all Councillors and has been approved on a vote by the Finance Committee.
There is an ongoing discussion on quotes for an upgrade to the Parish Website.
1 quote has been received for CCTV at the Chapel, 2 more are needed.

Environment: The Chapel wall has dried out and the remainder of the pointing will be done this week. There are a number of outstanding items that the Environment Committee are still waiting for SBC to action. A list is to be compiled and SBC asked for completion dates.

Recreation: No issues to report. Cllr Sunners will be doing the weekly checks of the CVPA and Rec Hall and Ground.
Cllr Hill raised the point that John Perrett needs a letter of thanks for his work. Clerk to create this on behalf of the Recreation Committee.
A risk assessment for the Rec Hall has been completed for the Guides.
Cllr Bowles noted that Scrap Store are selling off paint at very good prices, Cllr Walton to check if this may benefit the painting of the railings for the football club.

Cllr Hill noted that we must have speed restriction signs in place before we put speed bumps on the Norris Road track, otherwise we may be liable for vehicle damage. Clerk to make a note of this for the Recreation meeting on the 19th
Clerk noted that Sheena Smith did an excellent job of deep cleaning the kitchen at the Rec Hall.

Badbury Park : The Chair, Cllr Harris, West and Wright have been advising and supporting the Badbury Park Community Association and the residents during the Community Governance Review Period this will continue until the end of the review process 30th September.

16/55. AOB

The new Standing Orders were voted on. Cllr Walton proposed, Cllr McMurray seconded and all those at the meeting in favour.

An idea was raised to have an Xmas event for Councillors and Clerk after the December council meeting. Councillors to have a think about what they would like to do.

Village networking tea party confirmed for 12th Nov 3-5pm at Chiseldon House Hotel. Will have local businesses, groups and clubs in attendance.

In regards to the Correspondence, not all houses have received the leaflet from SBC about local governance. The deadline for these deliveries is still a week away so it was suggested we report back on any missing leaflets after this deadline.

Our response to the Library consultation is due in by 30th Sept, to be sent to Mary Martin.
We need to know more about the mobile library service cuts before this.
Clerk to find out about a meeting date for the mobile library and also compile our library consultation reply.

The Steam Event on Tues 20th Sept is being attended by Cllrs Hill, Rawlings, Brady and Harris. Jason Humm from SBC is presenting future highways plans and also an update on NEV plans.

The meeting closed at 7.48pm

Cllr West

16/48 Advise the PC when the next Badbury Residents Association meeting is so the PC can request attendance.

Cllr Walton

16/54 Investigate whether Scrap Store would be a good source of paint for the railings at the football pitch.