15/77. Declarations of interest.
Public recess.
There were no members of the public.
15/78. Election of officers.
As Cllr Bowles already has considerable committee commitments, Cllr McFadyen was elected as Vice Chair on a proposal from Cllr Sunners, seconded by Cllr Bates; all those at the meeting in favour.
15/79. Approval of minutes.
Page 1 (opening statement). The discussions on outstanding work at the tennis courts involved the entire committee, not just Cllr Walton as stated.
Page 1 (minute 15/67 – Football matters). Cllr Bowles pointed out that softball had been advertised by those concerned with the team.
Following these changes, the minutes of the meeting held on 15 June were approved by Cllr Walton, seconded by Cllr McFadyen; all those at the meeting in favour.
15/80. Matters arising.
Page 1 (opening statement). Cllr Bowles enquired about the reference to a further funding application from the Tennis Club. She was told that this referred to a possible application for Jubilee Funding which may not be necessary as most of the required work was being undertaken by the Probation Service. Cllr Brady pointed out the need for a balanced approach with regard to Jubilee Funding, to ensure that as many eligible groups as possible receive support. Cllr Walton pointed out that there is a planning requirement for the Council to undertake some tree planting, and Cllr Bates confirmed that he has some contacts who can help with the removal of the old fir trees, in return for the cost of fuel. Cllrs Walton and Bates will arrange this work as part of a ‘finishing off’ meeting at the site.
Page 2 (minute 15/69 – Castle View Play Area). Cllr Bates informed the meeting that the shackles have now been fitted to the swings. The Clerk will let the inspector know that this work has been completed.
Action points
- Cllr Sunners has had some difficulty obtaining a quote from a burger van and will check with BIOS to see if they plan to run their service throughout the summer or whether there will be a break until early September.
- The former Clerk emailed Justin Moon on 24 June and asked him to liaise with Cllr Walton regarding the floor of the Recreation Hall. Cllr Walton confirmed that he would follow this up.
- The fete was a success from the Council’s point of view but the meeting felt that a stronger display could be arranged for next year: including a list of key achievements and some photographs from the preceding 12 months.
- All other actions points had been actioned or are considered elsewhere on the agenda.
15/81. Football matters.
In the absence of Matthew Clarke, Cllr Sunners reported that training for young people seems to have begun. The committee needs to contact Mr Clarke regarding the moving of post holes and filling in any worn areas of the pitch. Cllr Sunners will pursue this.
15/82. Tennis Club.
Cllr Bates reported possible issues with the use of combination locks at the tennis courts and Cllr Bowles said that she was still waiting for information on the public access days. It is believed that Oakley’s Spar is running the hire of the courts but the meeting felt that more information was required.
Cllr Bates will ask the Tennis Club to share the minutes of their committee meetings with the Clerk from now on.
The Clerk will write to the Tennis Club and ask for the dates for public access (as per the new lease) and details of the hiring process for courts, along with the deposit required. She will also offer the Tennis Club use of The Old Chapel for future committee meetings and underline the requirement for a Tennis club representative to attend meetings of the Recreation Committee from now on.
15/83. Castle View Play Area (CVPA)/Teen area.
The Clerk reported various comments that had been made on weekly inspection reports and Cllr Sunners confirmed that the condition of the play area had remained broadly the same for the past 12 months. In addition, Richard Kemp, a Swindon Borough Council Health & Safety representative, has visited the CVPA within the past year and informed the Council that there are no urgent works required.
Cllr Sunners stated that we pay for an annual inspection of the CVPA equipment by a qualified fitter and he believes the next such inspection is due in November. The weekly inspections are predominantly to remove litter and maintain a general overview of the area.
The Clerk will write to other Parishes and compare these arrangements to ensure compliance with best practice.
15/84. Pavilion.
Cllr Sunners informed the meeting that an attempt had been made to lift the grill on one of the changing room windows. This had been reported to the police and the grill battened down for safety.
15/85. Recreation Ground.
Attendees at the recent Church Fete had expressed some concern about speeding vehicles on the track in the vicinity of the Recreation Ground. The meeting considered a range of options and Cllr Walton undertook to look into rubberised speed bumps and signage.
15/86. Recreation Hall.
Cllr Sunners confirmed that the quotation he received (for £380) to replace both doors was on a like-for-like basis. He will also make sure that the doors would be appropriately decorated for weather-proofing.
The meeting then discussed three quotations that have been received for lighting work in the vicinity of the Recreation Hall and at The Old Chapel.
Cllr Sunners reported a conversation with Janet Busby from Swindon Borough Council’s planning department that confirmed no planning permission would be required for works to improve a car park.
One contractor (S J S Electrical Services) suggested we make use of an existing Tennis Club pylon when designing a new lighting solution and, as the Tennis Club has no objection, the meeting agreed that the other two contractors should be asked to consider the same approach. Cllr Bates reported previous problems with PIR lighting but the meeting agreed that such technology would probably be required.
Cllr Sunners agreed to ask S J S Electrical Services to develop a specification for work at the Recreation Ground, which will then be given to the other two contractors who will be asked to re-quote for the work.
The appointment of S J S Electrical Services to undertake lighting work at The Old Chapel was proposed by Cllr Brady, seconded by Cllr Walton; all at the meeting in favour.
Whilst working at The Old Chapel, S J S Electrical Services will also be asked to quote on the removal of the two electric heaters from the wall which requires remedial work.
15/87. Youth Activities.
Cllr Brady reported an increasing number of young people gathering on the Green and climbing trees, giving rise to safety concerns. Cllr Sunners agreed that there had been an increase in anti-social behaviour and stated that he would inform PC Draper of the Committee’s concerns.
The Clerk will also contact B.Cllr Foley regarding possible work to remove some of the low-hanging branches around the Strouds Hill car park and the work required to replace some damaged posts.
15/88. Care of Vulnerable People.
No current issues
15/89. Any Other Business.
In recognition of the work that they have undertaken at the Recreation Ground, Cllr Walton proposed that a donation of £500 be suggested at the next Full Council meeting, seconded by Cllr Bates; all at the meeting in favour.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm.
Summary of Action Points
Cllr Bates
15/80 (with Cllr Walton) Arrange the removal of fir trees at the Recreation Ground as part of a ‘finishing off’ meeting at the site
15/82 Ask the Tennis Club to send copies of their minutes to the Clerk
Cllr Sunners
15/80 Check the provision of BIOS services over the summer months to see whether a burger van is required
15/81 Contact Matthew Clarke regarding work to move post holes
15/86 Check that the new doors for the Recreation Hall will be appropriately decorated
Ask S J S Electrical to write a specification for lighting work at the Recreation Ground then pass to the other two contractors for a re-quote
Inform S J S Electrical that they have been appointed to replace the lighting at The Old Chapel (and ask them to quote for the removal of two wall heaters at the same time)
15/87 Speak to PC Draper regarding young people climbing trees on the Green at Strouds Hill
Cllr Walton
15/80 (with Cllr Bates) Arrange the removal of fir trees at the Recreation Ground as part of a ‘finishing off’ meeting at the site
Liaise with Justin Moon regarding the flooring at the Recreation Hall
15/85 Look into options for rubberised speed bumps and signage on the track leading to the Recreation Ground
15/80 Inform the CVPA inspector that shackles have now been fitted
15/82 Write to the Tennis Club regarding public access days, hiring procedures for the courts, use of The Old Chapel for committee meetings and representation at Recreation Committee
15/83 Investigate the approach other Parishes take to playground maintenance and inspection
15/87 Speak to B.Cllr Foley regarding removal of low-hanging branches and replacement of damaged posts at Strouds Hill car park
15/89 Put a donation for the Probation Trust on the agenda for the next Full Council meeting