15/90. Declarations of interest.
Public recess.
There were no members of the public.
15/91. Approval of minutes.
The minutes of the meeting held on 20 July were approved by Cllr Walton, seconded by Cllr Brady; all those at the meeting in favour.
15/92. Matters arising.
All covered elsewhere on the agenda.
Action points
- Cllr Bates has spoken to contractors about the removal of fir trees and will liaise with Cllr Walton to ensure extra labour and use of a chipper via the Probation Service. This work should be completed in the next two to three weeks and Cllr Walton will notify the Clerk with regard to all outstanding materials costs.
- BIOS services have been interrupted this summer due to staff holidays and vacancies but should resume shortly.
- The new doors at the Recreation Hall have been installed and primed and will be painted shortly.
- S J S Electrical has been contacted about work at The Old Chapel and Cllr Sunners will make sure that the Clerk is aware of the proposed date for works.
- Cllr Walton has arranged for a qualified technician to take a look at the floor of the Recreation Hall and the Clerk will check our insurance cover for any work required.
- Cllr Walton has obtained a quote for rubberised speed bumps on the track leading to the Recreation Ground. The total cost for three bumps (including installation) would be in the region of £1020. Cllr Walton has also obtained a quote for tarmac speed bumps which would cost £1000. As tarmac bumps would be more robust they seem like a better option so the Clerk will obtain a second quote for those, for the purposes of comparison.
15/92. Matters arising (continued).
- A donation of £500 of equipment for the Probation Trust was approved by the August meeting of Full Council. The Clerk will contact Roy Benfield and arrange for the Parish to buy this equipment, so that VAT can be reclaimed.
- All other actions points had been actioned or are considered elsewhere on the agenda.
15/93. Football matters.
Matthew Clarke told the meeting that the new post hole sockets have arrived and cost £146.52, which the Parish Council had agreed to cover. The new pitch will be marked out on Wednesday and Cllr Walton told Mr Clarke that the Probation Service would be available to help out in two weeks time. Cllr Bates has access to a post-auger which Cllr Walton will pick up. Between them Mr Clarke and Cllr Walton will obtain a quote for fixing the new posts and covering up the old sockets.
Mr Clarke confirmed that one goal had been left in-situ for children to play football and that it was safe and secure. He reported barriers that have fallen down behind the goal and Cllr Walton will arrange a mobile welder to fix this and to cut back any stanchions that are sticking out before the Probation Service repaint the barriers in white.
Once the costs for all of the above have been finalised Cllr Walton will contact the Clerk so that approval for the work can be sought from the Finance Committee.
Mr Clarke has heard that some footballs have gone missing from the storeroom and will investigate this further.
Cllr Walton suggested that the Council might look to create a storage compound by the Pavilion for football club equipment, possibly in the form of a secure container unit. Mr Clarke welcomed this idea and the Committee will consider it at a future meeting. The committee also confirmed that the Football Club can have access to the Recreation Hall on match days if they wish to offer tea and coffee.
Mr Clarke confirmed that there will be eight teams playing at the Recreation Ground this season: under 8s, under 10s, under 13s, under 15s, under 16s, Saturday and Sunday adult teams and a Veterans team. This means that over 100 players will be making use of the facility. Mr Clarke also confirmed that, in dry weather, the Club will allow limited parking on the grass to accommodate these numbers.
Mr Clarke then confirmed that the recent Fun Day had been a great success and was attended by approximately 180 people.
15/94. Tennis Club.
The Clerk read out highlights of a report sent in by the Tennis Club. The third court will be open to the public and a booking system is being arranged through Oakley’s Spar. The hiring fee will be £10 per hour.
The courts are being well used and Chiseldon teams have won one league and gained promotion in another this year (with one result still to be determined). There is a healthy junior coaching programme in place and two Great British Tennis weekends have also been well attended. In addition there are plans for an official ‘grand opening’ event in March of next year.
Current membership stands at 67 and the committee discussed ways in which the Council could support further recruitment – e.g. using our website, The Ridgeway Bell and the Chiseldon Parish Facebook page. It was also noted that the floodlights will inevitably make the courts more popular during the winter months.
A Tennis Club representative will be attending the next Full Council meeting.
15/95. Castle View Play Area (CVPA)/Teen area.
The Clerk has investigated best practice with regard to the inspection and maintenance of playground areas and the standard to be applied is ‘reasonable care’.
SBC inspects its playgrounds weekly and twice weekly in the summer months. The society of Local Council Clerks also recommends some form of weekly check.
The main legal requirement, however, is an annual inspection by an independent qualified body. The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) can provide this service for £65. For an additional £30 they also produce a checklist that can be used for weekly checks during the following year.
ROSPA recommends that weekly checks are carried out by an individual who has received some relevant training, and they provide a one-day course at a cost of £250.
Following a discussion the committee agreed to re-name the existing weekly checks as ‘maintenance checks’ rather than ‘inspections’. The Clerk will arrange an independent ROSPA inspection on November of this year and, depending on the outcome, the committee will review the current arrangements for weekly maintenance checks at that time.
The latest weekly maintenance check reports no problems.
15/96. Pavilion.
Nothing new to report.
15/97. Recreation Ground.
The Environment Committee recently approved a quote for £125 for strimming the access road to the Recreation Ground and the Chair of the Recreation Committee has agreed to share this cost across the two budgets.
The Clerk asked if anyone had heard from Scarrott’s funfair about possible use of the Recreation Ground in late August. Nobody had an update so the Clerk will check with her predecessor.
15/98. Recreation Hall.
Cllr Sunners confirmed that new doors have been fitted and primed and would be painted shortly. Quotes for the flooring and lighting are awaited.
Cllr Brady reported that a temporary camera might be available for use in the area and undertook to follow this up.
15/99. Youth Activities.
The Wednesday evening youth MOBI is due to resume in September.
15/100. Care of Vulnerable People.
Cllr Bowles reported a discussion at a recent Parish Plan Steering Group meeting which suggested that there might be vulnerable and isolated people within the Parish who are not aware that help is available.
Cllr Brady agreed to visit the GPs surgery and see what literature was on display there. Cllr Sunners said he would draft some copy for the October edition of The Ridgeway Bell and the Clerk undertook to complete some research on the help available via the Church, Age Concern, the Good Neighbours Scheme, and SBC etc – with the aim of producing a leaflet that could be left in the Spar and other local outlets.
15/101. Any Other Business.
Cllr Walton stated that he was in the process of organising a village tea party. Cllr Brady volunteered to help.
The meeting closed at 8.15pm.
Summary of Action Points
Cllr Brady
15/98 Pursue a temporary camera for use at the Recreation Ground
15/100 Visit GP surgery to look at information available to vulnerable people
15/101 (with Cllr Walton) Organise a village tea party
Cllr Sunners
15/92 Notify the Clerk as to proposed date for electrical work at The Old Chapel
Cllr Walton
15/92 Notify the Clerk as to all outstanding materials costs for work at the Recreation Ground and at The Old Chapel.
15/93 Obtain quotes for fixing the new goal posts, covering old sockets and fixing the barriers at the Recreation Ground. Send quotes to Clerk.
15/101 (with Cllr Brady) Organise a village tea party
15/92 Obtain a second quote for tarmac speed bumps at the Recreation Ground, for purposes of comparison
Contact Roy Benfield regarding purchase of equipment.
15/95 Re-name weekly CVPA checks as ‘maintenance checks’ and organise a ROSPA inspection in November 2015
15/97 Check the situation with regard to Scarrott’s funfair
15/100 Research local sources of support for vulnerable people