18/50. Declarations of Interest.
Cllr Matt Harris lives in Norris Close, in relation to the proposed layby plans.
18/51. Approval of Minutes of meeting on 18th June 2018
There were no changes to make to the minutes
Cllr Harris proposed the minutes be an accurate representation of the meeting. Cllr Jefferies seconded. All Cllrs were in favour.
18/52 Matters arising and action points
Matters arising –
In reference to item 17/77 a site visit is needed to inspect the drains, gullies and roads on the new Manor House development and the surrounding streets of Slipper Lane and Turnball Mews. Cllr Jefferies and Rawlings will do this.
Any issues will be followed up with Ward Cllrs.
17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site.
17/78 Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING. CLLR MILLS IS PROGRESSING WITH PHILIP MARTLEW AT SBC. Cllr Mills to report back at next meeting
17/80 Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Local opinion to be gathered before making a decision.
17/96 Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. ONGOING.
18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. SBC will cut back hedges but will not re-tarmac the parking area. They will arrange for it to be swept.
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction. ONGOING
18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
18/43 Ask SBC for current planning situation for replacement windows at Whichway Cottage. DONE. Planning permission shows applicant needs to repair windows rather than replace.
18/45 Make sure Transport Concerns document is discussed at next meeting
18/46 Ask Ward Cllrs to get a cost of installing the speed activated sign on Hodson Road should the supplier not do this.
18/46 Investigate options for speed activated signs. ONGOING
18/47 Go back to SBC Highways to ask for amended plans for Norris Close parking. ONGOING
18/48 Ask PC Best if there is any police advice on choosing the best sign, DONE. Police have no advice to offer
Cllr Mills
Matters arising July 2018 To report back on New Road build out information gained so far – document to be provided before the meeting. Move to next meeting
Cllrs Mills & Cllr Hill
18/48 Investigate the scheme where AONB pay for traffic matters. Report back at next meeting. Move to next meeting.
Cllr Hill arrives at 19.46
18/53 PLANNING. S/18/1353 for Demolition of agricultural buildings & erection of 5 dwellings. Chiseldon Farm, Draycot Foliat.
There is a letter on the planning portal of the SBC website showing the objections raised to this proposal by the forward planning dept.
It states the proposal is in conflict with the SBC local plan; doesn’t fall within a supported housing category in the NPPF; has public transport issues due to the remoteness of the site and has no affordable housing on the plan.
The committee also noted that it was visible from Liddington Castle and is within the North Wessex Downs AONB.
The committee agreed that these points were all relevant to the planning application
A proposal was made that the comments above form the comments back to SBC Planning with an objection to this plan. Cllr Harris proposed this, Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/54. PLANNING. S/HOU/18/1455 Rear dormer window. 19 New Road, Chiseldon
There were no objections or comments to this application.
A resolution was made that this application be approved by the Parish Council. Cllr Harris proposed this resolution, Cllr Rawlings seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/55. PLANNING S/18/1434 Installation of sewerage works. Unicorn Business Park. The Ridgeway, Chiseldon.
There were no objections or comments to this application.
A resolution was made that this application be approved by the Parish Council. Cllr Harris proposed this resolution, Cllr Hill seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/56. PLANNING S/HOU/18/1460 Single Storey Rear extension. 40 Station Road.
There were no objections or comments to this application.
A resolution was made that this application be approved by the Parish Council. Cllr Rawlings proposed this resolution, Cllr Jefferies seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
18/56. PLANNING. S/EIA/18/1472 EIA (Environmental Impact assessment) scoping option for Inlands Farm, the Marsh, Wanborough.
The Parish Council were not mandatory consultees of this application and as such decided not to pass comment on to SBC in regards to this application.
18/57. PLANNING. Review planning list
There were no comments on the planning list.
18/58. PLANNING – ACV for Calley Arms pub in Hodson.
The merits of the Parish Council requesting an ACV (Asset of Community Value) were discussed by the committee. As this does not tie the Parish Council in to any commitment, it just means that any interested parties have a 6 week time period to propose a plan to SBC to run the asset as a community venture, it was decided to take it to full council for final vote as the Planning Committee had no issues or objections and proposed this went to full council in favour of applying for an ACV for the Calley Arms.
Clerk to add to October Full council agenda.
18/58. CIL request for New Road application
If the New Road application goes ahead it is prudent for the Parish Council to advise SBC on how they would like the Parish portion of CIL applied.
This can be used for additional new parking spaces for example, or funding for a community transport system. New play areas or improvements to play areas – for example a new play area at the Rec ground with outside gym equipment. Road safety measures could also be requested.
The Clerk would need to contact SBC to advise on these requests.
The Planning Committee would also need to state the Parish Councils willingness to take on maintenance for any new housing areas created when contacted for comments on the application. (such as grass cutting, litter bins and dog bins etc)
18/59. TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT. 6 areas of concern document
The document had been circulated prior to the meeting. The committee went through the areas of this document.
- M4 J15 improvements. An update on any progress is needed from SBC and Ward Cllrs.
- New Road/Aa346 junction. The idea was raised that if the New Road application does go ahead, an item to be negotiated with developers and SBC could be a left hand turn slip road onto the A346.
- New Road build out – no update at this time
- Patriot’s Arms roundabout – no update at this time
- Parking issues – this area is being worked on – with Norris Close hopefully benefitting in 2019/20. Castle View Road and Windmill Piece to also be looked at.
- New Road/Mays Lane road surface. This will hopefully be re-surfaced by SBC in Spring 2019 pending consultation.
The document will have an additional item added which is 20mph speed limits in rural areas such as Badbury and Hodson.
The Clerk is to update the document.
18/60 TRANSPORT DEVELOPMENT Hodson Road Speed activated sign
There are 2 current options investigated by Cllr Jefferies and she is waiting on information on a third. The current information has been circulated to all Committee members. The decision on which sign to purchase is to be made at the next meeting.
The location on Hodson Road is to be investigated by Cllr Hill, Cllr Jefferies and the Clerk and brought back to the next meeting for a decision.
18/61 HIGHWAYS. New Road build out. Cllr Mills reports.
As Cllr Mills was not in attendance, this item has been moved to the next meeting.
18/62. HIGHWAYS. Norris Close parking area.
There was no new information from SBC on this item so it was moved to the next meeting.
18/63. HIGHWAYS. Hodson Safe passing area
There are a couple of questions before any decisions can be made.
- Is it legally acceptable to create this parking space? If it is used as part of the Highway and there is a traffic issue – who is responsible?
- Is there actually a problem that requires the expenditure to fix it
- Is the problem (if there is one) worth £900 to remedy it as Precept money will be used.
It was decided that Cllr Walton who lives in Hodson would be asked to find out local opinion and report back. To be added to next meeting agenda.
18/64 BUDGET ITEMS FOR 2019/20 Precept. Anything further items to add?
There were no extra items to request in the budget from this committee.
18/65. AOB
Cllr Brady advised that SBC Enforcement would be visiting the property on New Road near the layby to ensure they do not drive over the grassed area to park in their front garden.
Cllr Hill advised that the X5 bus has seen a lot of new passengers since 2nd Sept. This means there are more people crossing the A346. The question was again raised of whether it needs a proper crossing place in the middle of the dual carriageway. (Near Butts Road)
Meeting closed at 21.00
17/77 Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Ensure that the clearing of drains is including on this list ONGOING. Request site meeting for next 4-6 weeks to ensure remedial work is discussed before developers finish on site.
17/78 Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING. CLLR MILLS IS PROGRESSING WITH PHILIP MARTLEW AT SBC. Cllr Mills to report back at next meeting
17/80 Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. ONGOING. Further discussion in Nov meeting.
17/96 Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert. ONGOING.
18/24 Ask SBC Highways about tarmacking Draycot Foliat parking area and cutting back hedges. CHASED WARD CLLRS
Ask Ward Cllrs for process for requesting a speed limit reduction.
18/28 Raise with Ward Cllrs the need for an A346 crossing point for bus users. TO CHASE WARD CLLRS
18/46 Ask Ward Cllrs to get a cost of installing the speed activated sign on Hodson Road should the supplier not do this.
18/46 Investigate options for speed activated signs. ONGOING
18/47 Go back to SBC Highways to ask for amended plans for Norris Close parking
18/58 Add ACV for Calley Arms to October full council agenda.
18/63 Ask Cllr Walton to canvass residents of Hodson ref passing place
Cllr Mills
Matters arising July 2018 To report back on New Road build out information gained so far – document to be provided before the meeting.
Cllrs Mills & Cllr Hill
18/48 Investigate the scheme where AONB pay for traffic matters. Report back at next meeting.
Cllrs Jefferies & Rawlings
18/52 Arrange a site visit to the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. Report back on items to be rectified so they can be reported to Ward Cllrs for action