16/11 Declarations of Interest
Cllr McMurray advised he has a declaration of interest in Planning Applications S/16/1187 and S/16/1188 so will not partake in discussions or decisions about these applications.
16/12 Public Recess
No public
16/13 Minutes of Meeting of 8th June 2015
Page 1 – Amend the day of the week to be Wednesday
the minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2016 were then approved on a proposal by Cllr Hill, seconded by Cllr Rawlings; all who attended the meeting in favour.
16/14 Matters Arising
Cllr Sunners advised he was stepping down from the Planning Committee with immediate effect. Cllr Sunners then left the meeting.
16/15 Parish Plan – To Look at Old Plan and Discuss Subsequent Strategy
Paul or Claire Maycock were not in attendance at the meeting for an update to the Parish Plan.
They provided an update for the Clerk to read out in regards to the number of Parish Plan leaflets that had been received back and that the deadline for replies has been extended.
It was noted that the 2004 plan made reference to affordable housing and local traffic concerns.
Action for Clerk to schedule this for October 2016 Planning Meeting and invite Paul or Claire Maycock along to discuss the results.
16/16 Review Outstanding Plans
John and Jonathan Nettleton from Edward Blake Ltd and Arthur Witchell from Savills joined the meeting to discuss application S/16/1187 for Draycot Farm.
They explained how they wanted to demolish the existing asbestos barn and recycle the steel, replacing it with 4 dwellings, 1 detached house and 3 terraced houses.
They advised that the volume and height of these proposed dwelling were half of the existing structure.
They have tried to ensure that the plans are appropriate for Draycot Foliat, the access route is the same and there will be no farm machinery traffic.
they will employ local people to do the work and they believe it is in improvement to an area of Outstanding Natural beauty.
A bat survey has been carried out and sent to SBC. There are no bats in the new grain store.
The architect then discussed how they are trying to keep the development traditional and maximising privacy of the new dwellings along with those of existing residents. The site will have an open car port with parking for 2 cars per house plus visitors parking.
After making their proposal, the 3 speakers lefts the meeting at 8.08pm
Planning application S/16/1188 was then discussed. The plan is for a grain store on Quebec Road. Cllr McMurray advised that he believes the maximum weight of vehicle to be used will be 20 tonnes. The frequency of use is largely unknown due to the grain market. The farm machinery would not use local roads to get to the grain store.
It would be situated 10 meters off Quebec Road, past all the dwellings on Quebec Road.
Cllr McMurray then left the meeting so that the decisions could be discussed and voted on.
The Parish Council’s comments for Swindon Borough Council are:
S/16/1187 – Objection. This is agricultural land and a Greenfield site. There will be traffic issues with extra vehicles on a single track road. These are classed as new builds in the countryside.
S/16/1188 – No Objection. Concerned to be raised with lorry movements and the weight of lorries going through Draycot Floiat.
Clerk to send these results back to the SBC Planning Department.
It was noted that the appeal for the refusal of planning permission for the storage area at the Esso Garage and also the internal changes has a deadline of September. it is not thought that an appeal has been entered yet by the developer/company.
Clerk to add this Planning Application back on the list of Planning Applications so the appeal can be refused.
It is also thought that the Methodist Church in Turnbull will appeal against their application being refused.
16/17 Manor House Development Update
We are still waiting to hear from SBC as to whether and when Slipper Lane will be closed. It was confirmed that the planning application was for 11 dwellings.
16/18 DayHouse Lane Road Closure
Nicola at SBC had confirmed the closure of DHL would only be considered further once the plans for the business park where going ahead. This is some years in the future.
Redrow and Persimmon had brought the land on the condition that they could close the road. There will still be access from the North, and it is thought it will close when it crosses to the industrial area.
SBC are still talking to the developers about the new school at Badbury Park. Its location is having to be moved due to roman ruins being found.
Our question for our Council is – Do we want to keep this road open? Shall we start a dialog with the developers to ask them to hear our thoughts?
Gorden Wilson at Liddington PC would like to keep the road open.
Proposed action for the Clerk to write a letter to the developers to ask what their current plans are for DHL and whether they are willing to meet with us to start a dialog.
Cllr Wright proposed this action, Cllr McMurray seconded and all those at the meeting in favour.
16/19 Burderop Estate
there is nothing in the current proposal that includes affordable housing. There should be a provision for 20% affordable housing. There are no plans available at present.
16/20 Hannick Homes Meeting
The proposed meeting for Monday 5th September at 7.00pm was approved. Clerk to confirm with Nick Cleverley.
16/21 Any Other Business
it was confirmed that the Planning Councils comments on the NEV development went through by the deadline.
The meeting closed at 9.23pm
Action Points
- 16/15. Ask Paul or Claire Maycock for an update on the Parish Plan and invite them to attend the next planning meeting on 3rd October to update the Committee.
- 16/16. Send comments back to SBC Planning dept in reference to S/16/1187 and S/16/1188.
- 16/16. Add planning permission for Storage area at Esso Garage and internal changes back to the planning document so we can track any appeals.
- 16/18. Write to the developers of Babbury Park Development to ask them to engage in a dialog about plans for DHL.
- 16/20. Confirm meeting on 5th Sept with Nick Cleverley from Hannick Homes