
Declarations of interest

Cllr Matt Clarke is a member of the football club.

18/01 Public Recess

No public

18/02 Minutes of the previous committee meeting held on Thursday 22nd February 2018

No amendments

The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd February 2018 were then approved on a resolution by CB and seconded by PC; all at the meeting were in favour.

18/03 Matters Arising

There was a query on old documents, it was confirmed they are still stored on site.

18/04 Action Points from 22nd February meeting


  • 17/51. Clerk to sign up to SLCC course. ONGOING
  • 17/96. Create a tender requirement document. ONGOING
  • 17/101. Ask SBC for grants available to create community book swap services and reply to Wroughton library with regards to their library funds request. ONGOING
  • 17/119. Add TC discussion to April Finance meeting. DONE
  • 17/121. Talk to Lloyds bank about number of signatories for payments.  ONGOING. TALKED TO METROBANK BUT THEIR CHARGES WOULD BE £120 A YEAR MINIMUM
  • 17/122. Purchase NAS drive for storing documents. Add item to agenda for 6 months’ time for an update review. PC TO PROVIDE A RECOMMENDED PURCHASE TO CLERK.
  • 17/124. Talk to Matthew at Sansums to see if PC can accept Memorial fund grant for Football club and purchase their mower and gift it to them. DONE. THIS WAS APPROVED BY SANSUMS AS BEING AN ACCEPTABLE PROCEDURE
  • 17/127. Add agenda item to March full council meeting to recommend moving contract for grass cutting for Rec ground, CVPA and cemeteries to Allbuild. DONE
  • 17/128. Make sure Clerks annual review includes discussion on CVPA checks DONE.

Cllr I Henderson:

  • 17/83. Create Data Protection policy for review at Nov 17 Finance meeting.  POSTPONED TO 2018. REMOVED ACTION AS GDPR PROCEDURES HAVE TAKEN OVER FROM THIS

PC commented that regards to the Tennis Clubs comments about owning 2 bank accounts, he feels that the Council should see statements from these accounts the next time there is a review.

CB commented that the first 10 weeks of netball team revenue will be lost to the Tennis club as the netball club are playing at the school.

Fiona Allen from the netball club, Julie Porte and Brian Boston from the Tennis Club arrive at 19.51.

18/05 Policies and Leases – Review Tennis Club leasing of courts to Netball club

The question for all 3 parties to decide is whether to allow the TC to lease to the NC via a change in the existing lease to allow subletting, or whether the PC creates a new lease direct with the NC.

(NC – Netball Club, TC – Tennis Club)

Julie reported that the public court isn’t being leased much by the public at present. The TC were going to allow the NC to start training but without the use of any markers to start with. They are still happy in principle to go ahead with the hire of the courts.

The hire fee is still to be decided on. The NC are paying the school for the hire of the courts – at £20 per session.

The TC doesn’t know yet how easy it is to take down the nets; they need Phil Kerley the coach to advise.

The NC season would be April to Sept approximately. If the TC were to charge £20 a session for 2 sessions a week (once the junior team was running) that could be a good revenue stream for the TC.

It was decided that CB will talk to Royds Withy King in regard to the best way to handle the lease.

It was confirmed that revenue would go to the TC regardless of how the lease was amended.

Julie and Brian leave the meeting at 20.16

18/06 Finance – Review April figures to date

The committee reviewed the figures and there were no comments.

A proposal was made by PC the figures were an accurate representation. Seconded by CB and all Cllrs in favour.

Resolved that:

  •  The accounts are a true and accurate reflection of the income and expenditure to date for the month of April.

18/07 Expenditure Grant request of £500 from netball club for start up fees

The committee was in favour of this grant request.

A proposal was made by CB to grant this request. Seconded by PC and all Cllrs in favour.

Resolved that:

  • A grant of £500 be made to the netball club in order to help purchase equipment. 

Fiona Allen will notify the Clerk when a bank account has been created so a cheque can be raised.

Fiona Allen leaves at 20.22

18/09 Expenditure – Purchase of shed for mower for the football team via Parish accounts

This purchase will allow the club to claim back the VAT, making the purchase more costs effective. It had already been confirmed by Sansums accountants that this was a legal accounting procedure.

The Calley Memorial Hall fund has approved £800 in funds which will be paid direct to the Councils bank account. This will be added to the £500 approved in this meeting to go towards the purchase of the shed.

A proposal was made by PC to purchase the shed on behalf of the club. Seconded by IH and all Cllrs in favour.  MC did not discuss or vote during this item.

Resolved that:

  • The council shall purchase the shed, recovering the VAT and gift it to the football club.

18/10 Expenditure – Purchase of Office shredder to comply with GDPR data destruction

The committee was in favour of this purchase and asked the Clerk to make sure the model purchased was of office quality and not home quality.

A proposal was made by MH to grant this request. Seconded by CB and all Cllrs in favour.

Resolved that:

  • The clerk purchase an appropriate office shredder and report back on costs at the next meeting

18/11 Policies and Leases – Hiring of Chapel as meeting venue

The Clerk reported back that the recent hire of the Chapel to McMillan was successful and the Chapel has been booked a further 3 times by them.   The Committee agreed to start finding other avenues to hire out the Chapel.

The Clerk is to purchase tea and coffee supplies for the hire of the room and claim back on expenses.

The existing rate of £30 per morning of afternoon session is a good starting price but the Clerk can use her discretion over fees whilst interest is gauged.

18/12 Staff & HR – SAC document on Clerks pay scales

The Committee had received a copy of a communication from SAC with proposed changes to all grading points with a 2% approx. increase to salary applicable from April 2018.  There is a further proposed change to grading points from April 2019 which the committee can use in preparation for the Clerks 2019 review.

CB had recently carried out the Clerks 2018 review and will report back to the committee.

The committee will need to see the final approved figures from SAC. The Clerk is going to ask the Secretary of SAC for confirmation of these figures.

The Clerk will work with CB and MH on these figures so CB and MH can report back at the next Finance meeting. The proposal will be to backdate the figures to April 2018.

The figures will be circulated prior to the next meeting.

18/13 Staff & HR – Clerks extra hours request

Due to GDPR workloads the Clerk requested extra hours of work. It was proposed to approve 15 extra hours of work, with a view to reviewing and approving extra if required.

A proposal was made by MC to approve an additional 15 hours. Seconded by PC and all Cllrs in favour.

Resolved that:

  • The clerk be approved overtime of up to fifteen hours to catch up on work relating to the General Data Protection Regulations. 

18/14 Any Other Business

A working party meeting with MH, CB and IH is to be arranged for May/early June to approve all GDPR information created to date. Clerk to arrange a date.

Meeting closed at 20.44


Action Points to be completed by next meeting date


  • 17/51. Clerk to sign up to SLCC course. ONGOING
  • 17/96. Create a tender requirement document. ONGOING
  • 17/101. Ask SBC for grants available to create community book swap services and reply to Wroughton library with regards to their library funds request. ONGOING
  • 17/122. Purchase NAS drive for storing documents. Add item to agenda for 6 months’ time for an update review.
  • 18/11. Ask SAC Secretary for details of when SAC proposed pay increases for Clerk will take effect.
  • 18/13. Create a working party consisting of Cllr Brady, Harris and Henderson to go through GDPR procedures.
  • 18/05. Talk to Royds Withy King about changes to the NC lease or a new TC lease

Cllr Brady:

  • 18/11. Report back to Finance Committee on Clerks 2018 annual review

Cllrs Brady/Harris:

  • 18/11. Work with the Clerk and Cllr Harris to prepare figures for the Clerks pay increase in-line with the SAC guidance (pending approval of the new figures). To be presented at next Finance meeting and circulated prior.