17/95 Declarations of Interest
17/96 Public Recess
Mrs Claire Eggert raised the issue of recent hedge and wall damage at her property on the corner of Hodson Road when leaving the village towards Hodson. This is now 6 incidences in 2 years.
Mrs Eggert has already emailed Ward Cllr Foley with the details and Cllr Foley is going to talk to SBC Highways.
The PC propose to write a letter to SBC Highways showing the incident numbers as recorded to the police to show the accumulated evidence that this section of road needs measures to stop accidents. Horse riders, cyclists and pedestrians are all at risk. Mrs Eggert is going to try to provide these incident numbers to the Clerk.
The speed and width of the road along with the number of HGV’s is the issue. CPC will ask Highways to meet on site to discuss the issues. There is the possibility that the vehicle activated speed signs can be placed in this area to assist? There needs to be an emphasis on the fact that the road is narrowing on the bend.
Mrs Eggert leaves at 19.38
17/97 Minutes of Meeting of 22nd January 2018
No changes
The minutes were proposed as an accurate representation by Cllr Harris; seconded by Cllr Henderson and all those present at the meeting were in favour.
17/98 Matters Arising and Action Points
Matter arising
Action points
- 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. ONGOING. Ask Ward Cllr Foley to get involved in this also – pavements and drainage needs sorting
- 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING. Waiting for Philip Martlew to reply. Offer given for Cllr G Mills to attend and talk to Mr Marlew
- 17/78. Follow up with Cllr Harris and Cllr West to ask them to start creating their on-line data gathering tool for transport issues, CLOSED. GOING TO USE DIFFERENT MEDIA TO GATHER INFORMATION. Will add to PC website, Ridgeway Bell and raise at annual meeting
- 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. Cllr Henderson to get a photo of the location. ONGOING. Photo received, Clerk to progress with Langton Estate.
- 17/84. Ask SBC if PC can repair the verges on New Road/Castle View Road and invoice SBC back the costs. ONGOING. CLERK HAS CHASED. Mike Ash at SBC is going to investigate and reply to Ward Cllr Shaw
- 17/87. Ask SBC Planning for exact details of the changes to 17 Badbury’s plans. DONE
- 17/91. Talk to Jodie the Clerk at Wroughton PC in regards to J16 M4 work and how it affected them. DONE. No major impact, contact name for Highways England passed on
- 17/91. Carry forward M4 J15 meeting request to next meeting. DONE
- 17/04. Next meeting – add vehicle activated sign for New Road to agenda. DONE
Cllr Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. ONGOING – IF REQUIRED
Cllr Harris & West:
- 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee. ONGOING – NEEDED FOR PUBLIC CONSULTATION. REMOVE ACTION POINT. NOT NEEDED
17/99 Planning – 9 Burderop planning application S/HOU/18/0280
There were no issues with these plans.
A proposal to accept these plans was made by Cllr Mills. Seconded by Cllr Costigan and all Cllrs present were in favour
17/100 Planning – 10 Burderop planning application S/HOU/18/0287
There were no issues with these plans.
A proposal to accept these plans was made by Cllr Henderson. Seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs present were in favour
17/101 Planning – 16 Badbury planning application S/LCB/18/0218
The new proposed outbuilding was felt to be dominating the original line of the existing property.
The committee also concurred with the Highways report on the access route with regards to extra levels of traffic and pedestrian safety.
The committee object to these plans.
If SBC planning approve this application the Parish Council want it to go to planning committee for final decision.
The comments were approved on a proposal by Cllr Mills, seconded by Cllr Harris and all Cllrs at the meeting in favour
17/102 Planning – Whichway Cottage Badbury, detached garage only S/LBC/18/0444
The dimensions of the proposed garage are too high for the original cottage. The roof height needs to be reduced and the overall maximum height considered. The committee object to these plans.
If SBC planning were to approve this application then the Parish Council want it to go to planning committee for final decision.
If this application is approved the Parish Council request that the space be granted for storage purposes only.
A proposal to reject these plans was made by Cllr Harris. Seconded by Cllr Jefferies and all Cllrs present were in favour
17/103 Planning – review current applications on “pink” list
There were no items to note on this list
17/104 Planning – loss of playing fields at Burderop Park and no CIL funds from Manor House development
Cllr Brady will discuss this topic outside the meeting with Cllr Rawlings as no other Cllrs had any questions on the issue
17/105 Transport Development – M4 J15 update
No updated information available. SBC and Highways England are still modelling from the data. More traffic on Plough Hill than first thought
17/106 Transport Development – Area of concern document update
The Clerk is to send this document to all Cllrs as it needs to be completed with examples of concern, and evidence. A map is to be included in the document. The annual meeting will be used to gather ideas for this
17/107 Highways – speed activated signs x 2
Hodson Road, on the final bend as you enter/exit village towards Hodson was discussed as a useful location.
The committee would like to invite Peter Rydell and a representative from Ramsbury Parish Council to attend the next meeting to discuss this further.
The item will be added to the April full council agenda for further discussion.
New Road is another possible location, in 2 areas of concern. Another location is the entrance to Badbury.
17/108 AOB
Meeting closed at 21.22
Summary of Action Points
- 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane. ONGOING
- 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans ONGOING
- 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question. Cllr Henderson to get a photo of the location. ONGOING
- 17/84. Ask SBC if PC can repair the verges on New Road/Castle View Road and invoice SBC back the costs
- 17/96. Write a letter to SBC Highways requesting a site meeting at Hodson Road to discuss safety improvements. Letter to contain incident numbers from the police provided by Mrs Eggert
- 17/106. Send areas of concern document to all Cllrs for extra information to be added. Add to list of items to be discussed at annual meeting
- 17/107. Invite John Martin and Peter Ridell to next meeting to discuss speed activated signs. Add to April full council agenda
Cllr Brady:
- 17/104. Talk to Cllr Rawlings outside of the meeting about agenda item 17/104
Cllr Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. ONGOING – IF REQUIRED