
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Public recess
    members of the public may address the Committee on any Recreation related matter for a maximum of five minutes
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held on 20th February 2017
  5. Matters arising and Action points
  6. Football Matters
  7. Tennis Club
    TC rep to present and review club’s accounts for repairs and maintenance purposes
    Discussion and Possible vote on using a court for a Netball court
  8. Castle View play area (CVPA)/Teen area
    Discussion and vote on expenditure/work on CVPA
  9. Pavilion (Items not addressed under Football Matters)
    Discussion and vote on heating work for Pavilion after electrician visit
  10. Recreation Ground
    Approve annual pitch rolling – cost of £302.36 plus VAT. Vote required
  11. Recreation Hall
    Table Tennis club have asked if their fees will be increasing this year. Discussion and Vote
  12. Youth activities
  13. Care of Vulnerable people
  14. Any Other Business
    Discussion and possible vote on joining with other Parish’s for fund raising activities