16/09 Declarations of interest
16/10 Review of minutes from 23rd February 2017
No changes needed
Cllr McMurray proposed that these minutes be accepted as an accurate reflection of the meeting on the 23rd February. Cllr Brady seconded this resolution, all Cllrs were in favour
16/11 Matters arising and action points
Matters arising – Need to invite all Ward Cllrs to the next meeting to ensure we have all discussed M15 M4.
Would like them all to attend the 10th April full council meeting to hear an update on this
Cllr Hill advised we may lose evening bus services in the summer.
Action points – All Actions complete
16/12 Vote on the official name of this committee
After a discussion a proposal was made by Cllr McMurray that the new name of the Committee be the “Transport Development” Committee. Cllr Beaumont seconded this resolution, all Cllrs were in favour.
16/13 Terms of reference of the committee
The Committee reviewed the draft document that had been drawn up for the meeting and once the recommended changes are added by the Clerk, the document will be the Committees approved agenda.
This was proposed by Cllr Hill, seconded by Mills and all those at the meeting were in favour.
16/14 Ward Cllr and SBC input
Cllr Mills opened the discussion by stating the need for the committee to work with Ward Cllrs, and in the future invite to meetings either a cabinet member for transport, or the head of Highways to attend a meeting.
Ward Cllr Sumner asked for an outline of the Committees remit.
Cllr McMurray advised that it started with the New Road build out and our need to understand how we can make transport and road schemes work for us within the Parish. Our Parish Plan has transport issues as the main priority. We want to work with SBC on how to resolve issues.
If we have a good understanding of what we can achieve and the priority of each item then we can make informed recommendations.
We need to consider the M4 J15, A346, Hodson Bridge and any new larger planned developments.
Cllr McMurray asked who within SBC is the person to talk to on strategic issues. Cllr Sumner advised either Jason Humm or Suzanne Coles.
Once we have worked out the priorities needed after consultation with the community, then we need input from SBC.
Cllr Sumner recommended that any large plans be included in the 2019/20 budget. Cllr McMurray advised that this is why we want advice now, so that we don’t spend 2 years planning for an improvement only to find out we have approached it the wrong way.
We need to have a short term and long term list of improvements, then approach SBC for guidelines to make sure we are approaching in the correct manner.
We will review available data, form our own views and then have a public consultation.
Cllr G Sumner left the meeting at 20.41
16/15 Review local maps, and data for bus and cycle routes and division of parish for proposed works
The Clerk had been unable to obtain data for this meeting, however Cllr McMurray is happy to review the data once it arrives ready for the next meeting. We will also look at previously received data on New Road.
For the document noting areas of concern, each Cllr will take away an action to update this list ready for the next meeting. We will have a brain storming session to list concerns and after this we can invite the public to put their views to the committee.
The Clerk will email this document to all Committee members
This item is to be added to the next agenda.
16/16 Vote if needed on appointment of planning transport/highways consultant
It was decided to move this agenda item to the next meeting. However it was decided to find out the cost of a consultancy firm so this can be raised at the appropriate time with full council.
There is already a sum of money set aside in the budget for this work, and also a public consultation.
16/17 AOB
J15 M4 – to be discussed at 10th April full council meeting. Cllr Mills is to sort the required information for this.
The meeting closed at 21.10
Summary of Action Points
- 16/11. Invite all ward Cllrs to the April 10th Full council meeting and the next Transport Development meeting to discuss M4 J15
- 16/12. On future paperwork change name of this committee to “Transport Development”.
- 16/13. Clerk to update Terms of Reference document with approved changes
- 16/15. Clerk to email the areas of concern document to all Cllrs and make sure the review of this document is covered in the May agenda.
- 16/16. Move agenda item of appointing a consultant to the next meeting.
Cllr G Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee
- 16/17. Prepare briefing document on M4 J15 for 10th April full council meeting
Cllr I McMurray:
- 16/15. Review traffic data from SBC for next meeting