17/57 Declarations of Interest
Cllr Harris lives in Norris Close and parking issues are to be discussed there and Cllr Hill lives near the New Road build-out.
17/58 Public recess
The first discussion was in regards to a planning application for 17 Badbury.
Mrs D Goddard who is joint owner of the property addressed the committee:
They have concerns over the Conservation Officers report, they believe they haven’t visited the site and the report is generic with many comments copied and pasted from other documents. They believe it is not specific to their property.
The current pitched roof is leaking and needs repairing urgently. A roofer has inspected the roof and said that the flat roof has a limited lifespan. They don’t want to replace the flat roof, they want to enhance the building by adding a pitched roof. The agree the current plans are too large and are looking to reduce the roof level.
The dwelling is on a sizeable plot and can cope with a 1 room extension. No other living areas overlook the extension.
They have done a lot of work on the property since they owned it and they would only add timber windows and look to match the new pitched roof to the existing garage building.
They would not do anything to make the property look worse.
It has been confirmed that 17 Badbury is not listed.
They have spoken to SBC about the conservation comments and will object to them.
The next discussion was in regards to Whichway Cottage in Badbury.
Mrs A Hogg from 13 Badbury addressed the committee:
The property in question is across the road from them and they believe the extension will spoil the cottage particularly in view of the materials being used in the new extension. It is out of context with the original building, and they have concerns over the future plans for the site.
The cottage is visible from the road despite the owners having declare this not to be the case. The owners ticked “no” on the planning application when asked if the property is visible from the road. Mrs A Hogg questions the size of septic tank in light of the proposed new size of the extension to the property. Their drainage is via soakaway. Bats have been reported as nesting in the roof of the property. In light of its grade II listed status the owners are proposing to install plastic double glazed against the conservation rules for listed properties, the owners are not using building materials in sympathy with the age of the original building e.g. Plastic windows rather than timber and concrete roof rather than thatched or welsh slate.
Mrs Dudman of Laburnum Cottage also addressed the committee:
The cottage in question is over 300 years old and they believe the builder who bought the property will improve it and then sell it on. They don’t think he intends on keeping it as the original cottage with a sympathetic extension. They have heard of future plans for a double height garage and this small road doesn’t need any more traffic on it
Mr Dickens then addressed the committee in regards to HGV’s at Ladysmith Road:
Since the facility for HGV testing was opened, there are now more examiners there and the site is open on a Saturday also. Other local centres have closed down moving more traffic to this centre.
The vehicle size on the road has increased to 42 tonnes and the road isn’t suitable for this size of vehicle. It is part of the Ridgway Trail and walkers are encouraged here yet there are no footpaths.
Mr John Martin then addressed the committee in regards to his application for change of land use for 39 Home Close:
This application has been refused by SBC and Mr Martin would like the PC’s support. Before he makes his appeal to SBC he wants to talk to them as per the guideline for appeals.
He is finding it difficult to get someone to talk to. Ward Cllr Shaw and Sumner have supported his case. He believes SBC’s current decision is exaggerated and incorrect.
In addressing these and other matters, the Clerk has an action to find out when Ward Cllr Sumner runs his surgeries and to advise Mrs Goddard so she can attend.
The issues will all be discussed by the committee when relevant in this and subsequent agendas.
17/59 Minutes of meeting of 28th September 2017
No changes
The minutes were proposed as an accurate representation by Cllr Hill; seconded by Cllr Harris and all those present at the meeting were in favour.
17/60 Matters arising and action points
Matter arising
Page 3 – The Clerk confirmed that SBC were asked to check the drains and gullies in Slipper Lane once the Manor House building work was complete.
Action points
- 17/31. For Full council – tree report on all trees owned by the Parish needed. MOVED TO FULL COUNCIL
- 17/44. Carry forward the Transport Concerns document to review at the next meeting. DONE
- 17/46. To contact SBC to make sure that the 3 local gullies to Slipper Lane are checked after Manor House work complete to make sure they are not filled with building materials/soil. DONE
- 17/46. Check to see if Burderop Park planning application is on the next SBC Planning Committee meeting agenda. DONE. IT WAS NOT
- 17/46 & 17/49. Follow up with Ward Cllr Shaw and Foley ref yellow lines on Hodson Road, and layby parking allocation on New Road. Also ask how long the Hodson Road roadworks will last for, check the traffic light phasing and make sure lights are always working. HODSON ROAD WORKWORKS COMPLETE. NEED TO CHASE DYL
- 17/50. Update FB and website in regards to Draycott Foliat bus stop work. DONE
- 17/51. Add change of speed limit and removal of hedge for parking in Draycot Foliat to Transport Concerns document. DONE
- 17/52. Add Community Car Share to Transport Concerns document. DONE
- 17/53. Make sure Peter Rydel M4 J15 update is first item on next agenda. DONE
- 17/54. Add traffic flow on Mays Lane to the Transport Concerns document. DONE
- 17/55. Update Standing Orders to show new committee TOR approved. DONE
- 17/56. Add Finance Committee agenda item to create new data protection document. POSTPONED TO 2018 AS SLCC ARE PREPARING A DOCUMENT
- 17/56. Add crossing on A346 by bus stop to the Transport Concerns document. DONE
- 17/56. To ask Cllrs Mills, Henderson and Costigan if they are ok with the meeting date changing to 4th Monday of the month. DONE
Cllr Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. ONGOING
Cllr Martin:
- 17/54. Form a project group (reporting to the committee) to include Cllrs Rawlings & McDonald. Objective to review the Transport Concerns document and allocate priorities. DONE
Cllr Harris & West:
- 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee. ONGOING
Clerk is to remind the Manor House development to use their wheel wash and also to make sure SBC carry out the assessment of the roads and pavements when the build is completed to arrange for repairs.
17/61 J15 M4 review from John Martin and Peter Rydell
The meeting with Robert Buckland won’t be until 2018 now. The main objective of the meeting is to find out how they are going to deal with extra traffic whilst construction is in place. This is a particular concern to Liddington Parish Council. Swindon Borough Council and Highways England are to be involved in this meeting also.
Referring to the A1 documents on the modelling – there isn’t much information on the J15 roundabout. The results don’t seem to make sense for the proposed 8000 new houses in the area.
The modelling shows that the A346 and A419 will have modest increases in traffic due to the new developments being planned.
After the work is done, the proposed increases are 7% AM and 4% PM for rush hour traffic, once the extra homes are in place.
Every 1% over that will result in queues.
If all proposed development traffic has been included by SBC then the planned improvements should cope with the extra traffic volume.
The M4 east exit towards the A419 has a proposed traffic increase of 29% according to the models.
Not sure if this includes future growth as there is no “current state” figures shown as far as they can see.
We need to understand how they have calculated the pre-work numbers.
Cllr Mills commented that the information received so far doesn’t have any dates on it to understand when then start period was.
Cllr Martin advised that the committee need to concentrate on areas that it can influence, we need to make sure that there is meeting to explain how the work will happen during the construction period.
A plan was proposed for the action group to write a letter to Ward Cllrs and Councillor Mary Martin to advise we need to know what is happening when the works are in place so we can help our residents. What lessons have they learned from J16 work.
We need to keep reminding Ward Cllrs Sumner and Foley to ensure the Jan 2018 meeting goes ahead.
17/62 Local Traffic Concerns document review
A new item was added to this document for parking issues at Norris Close and Castle View Road.
There was a suggestion that the committee write to Ward Cllrs with the top 5 concerns that are being looked at, requesting their help and assistance with resolving them.
Then the PC can advise residents we have started to work on these issues.
Vehicle activated speed signs were discussed – can we use these to slow down traffic in New Road or in Hodson. This will be referred to Finance for inclusion in next years budget.
The Clerk has an action to write to Ramsbury and Ogbourne St Andrew to ask them how their signs are working for them.
Cllrs are to send their top 5 priorities to the Clerk. A weighting system can then be worked on, to be used to draw up a letter for Ward Cllrs. This means we can show the progress made to residents and ask for their opinions.
Agenda items 14 and 15 for safer children crossing areas at Castle View Road and Hodson Road and the HGV issue at Ladysmith Road to go onto the local traffic concerns document for review.
Clerk to make sure these are added.
17/63 Decision on the “Transport Requirements for Development” document from SBC
The Clerk will send this document around to all Cllrs and it will be voted on at the next meeting for the comments to be sent back to SBC.
Peter Rydell leaves at 21.15
17/64 Review and Vote on new submitted applications
The committee viewed the conservation document from SBC, as well as other documents on the portal and considered the views from the public, during public recess.
The proposal for this application is that the Parish Council currently object to these plans in their current form. This is due to the design and materials used, and we concur with the conservation officer.
Cllr Costigan proposed this course of action. Cllr Mills seconded and all Cllrs at the meeting were in favour except for Cllr Martin who abstained from voting as he had not read the materials prior to the meeting.
S/HOU/17/1876 for Whichway Cottage , Badbury.
This property is visible from the road and is also listed. The owner wants to add UPVC windows which are in direct contravention to the listed status of the cottage. There is a large proposed new footprint and there may be inaccurate information on the application form.
There may be a problem with inadequate foundations on the current property.
The Committee proposed to gather more information and vote on this at December full council or a December meeting of the planning committee if this can be convened.
The Committee wants to ensure the conservation officer visits this site – Clerk to action request back to SBC planning.
17/65 SBC 2036 Local Plan – updated document
The planning committee will review this document outside of the meeting and will report back to December full council with a proposal for the reply to SBC. Or planning meeting in December
The Clerk will send this document to all committee members.
17/66 Review of SBC new planning tool
A brief update from Cllr Hill: In April 2018 there will be a new tool available to see what the standard of the roads, infrastructure, houses etc need to be in an area, regardless of the current number of houses. The home builder in that area must adhere to this information.
17/67 Adoption of land by SBC and CPC on newly built sites
A brief update from the Clerk: Where a new parcel of land is developed in the Parish, the usual occurrence is that SBC would adopt the land once work was complete. Due to parishing, SBC would then probably try to pass the upkeep of the land to the PC.
If at the planning application stage, the PC does not wish to adopt the land for maintenance, they MUST make it clear in their reply to the planning application. This may then cause SBC to not adopt the land, and state that a private management company must maintain the land.
17/68 Review outstanding application list
No items of discussion
17/69 AOB
Cllr Brady updated the committee on the travellers illegally entering the Chiseldon Firs site. CPC have asked SBC to send the relevant officers to the Dec 11th Full council meeting to explain future security and the future of the site. The PC want the area cleaned now and not when the travellers leave.
The dog running loose in this area had been reported to the dog warden.
The meeting closed at 21.43pm.
Action Points
- 17/46 & 17/49. Follow up with Ward Cllr Shaw and Foley ref yellow lines on Hodson Road, and layby parking allocation on New Road. Also ask how long the Hodson Road roadworks will last for, check the traffic light phasing and make sure lights are always working. NEED TO FOLLOW UP ON DYL Add Community Car Share to Transport Concerns document
- 17/57. Find out when Ward Cllr Sumner has his surgeries so resident can talk to him.
- 17/59. Clerk to remind Manor House development to use their wheel wash now that weather is wet again. Also make sure SBC do road and pavement assessment to repair damage
- 17/61. Draft a letter to Ward Cllrs and SBC’s Mary Martin in regards to an update meeting for J15 M4 so we can assist residents during this time.
- 17/61. Remind Ward Cllr Foley and Sumner that 2018 meeting still needs to go ahead.
- 17/62. Cllrs to send the Clerk their top 5 traffic issues so a priority list can be drawn up and sent to Ward Cllrs for assistance in starting these projects.
- 17/62. Refer purchase of speed activated vehicle signs to Finance Committee for 2018/19 budget.
- 17/62. Write to Parishes using these vehicle activated speed signs to ask how they are working for them.
- 17/62. Make sure safe children crossing areas at Castle View Road and Hodson are on the Transport concerns list. Also the HGV’s at Ladysmith Road.
- 17/63. Clerk to send all Cllrs the Transport Requiremednts for Development document so it can be read and a proposal put to Dec full council for how to reply.
- 17/64. Plans S/HOU/17/1876 to be voted on at Dec full council once more information is known.
- 17/64. Clerk to request SBC planning conservation officer visit Whichway cottage before writing their report.
- 17/65. Clerk to send SBC 2036 local plan document to all Cllrs for a recommendation to Dec full council on how to respond to SBC.
Cllr Mills:
- 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee
Cllr Harris & West:
- 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee