17/70 Declarations of Interest


17/71 Public recess

The resident who lives in Badbury had a query on the “no HGV sign” at Badbury Bottom.   It was confirmed that the note about this sign being advisory only was in relation to the sign at Badbury Bottom so there is no restriction to large vehicles making deliveries.

It was noted that SBC recently funded this stretch of road to be resurfaced and already one of the reflective road edge markers has been knocked down.

Cllr Brady noted that the Parish Council will request that any planning applications for this area have deliveries offloaded into smaller vehicles for the drive down Badbury Bottom.

17/72 Minutes of meeting of 27th November 2017

No changes

The minutes were proposed as an accurate representation by Cllr Rawlings; seconded by Cllr Hill and all those present at the meeting were in favour.

17/73 Matters arising and action points

Matters Arising


Action Points


  • 17/46 & 17/49. Follow up with Ward Cllr Shaw and Foley ref yellow lines on Hodson Road, and layby parking allocation on New Road. Also ask how long the Hodson Road roadworks will last for, check the traffic light phasing and make sure lights are always working. NEED TO FOLLOW UP ON DYL
    Add Community Car Share to Transport Concerns document – DONE
  • 17/57. Find out when Ward Cllr Sumner has his surgeries so resident can talk to him. DONE
  • 17/59. Clerk to remind Manor House development to use their wheel wash now that weather is wet again. Also make sure SBC do road and pavement assessment to repair damage. DONE. Letter hand delivered FAO the site Manage
  • 17/61. Draft a letter to Ward Cllrs and SBC’s Mary Martin in regard to an update meeting for J15 M4 so we can assist residents during this time. DONE
  • 17/61. Remind Ward Cllr Foley and Sumner that 2018 meeting still needs to go ahead. DONE
  • 17/62. Cllrs to send the Clerk their top 5 traffic issues so a priority list can be drawn up and sent to Ward Cllrs for assistance in starting these projects. DONE
  • 17/62. Refer purchase of speed activated vehicle signs to Finance Committee for 2018/19 budget. DONE
  • 17/62. Write to Parishes using these vehicle activated speed signs to ask how they are working for them.  DONE
  • 17/62. Make sure safe children crossing areas at Castle View Road and Hodson are on the Transport concerns list. Also the HGV’s at Ladysmith Road. DONE
  • 17/63. Clerk to send all Cllrs the Transport Requiremednts for Development document so it can be read and a proposal put to Dec full council for how to reply. DONE
  • 17/64. Plans S/HOU/17/1876 to be voted on at Dec full council once more information is known. DONE
  • 17/64. Clerk to request SBC planning conservation officer visit Whichway cottage before writing their report. DONE
  • 17/65. Clerk to send SBC 2036 local plan document to all Cllrs for a recommendation to Dec full council on how to respond to SBC.DONE

Cllr Mills:

  • 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee. AS REQUIRED

Cllr Harris & West:

  • 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee. ONGOING

Cllr Hill reported that Cllr Mary Martin from SBC was on local radio recently to advise that M4 J16 work would be finished March/April 2018 and then J15 would start as soon as all plans were in place which is expected to be June/July 2018.

17/74 Planning review and vote of Whichway Cottage, Badbury

Cllr Brady reviewed with the committee the main points of the Conservation Officers report from SBC. The plans were discussed by the committee.

The decision was made to respond to the application with an objection, stating the agreement to the Conservation Officers report and also add the committees own comments. The final draft is as follows:

The Planning Committee of Chiseldon Parish Council has reviewed the planning applications for WhichWay Cottage –  S/HOU/17/1876 and S/LBC/17/1877 and OBJECT to the both planning applications. We also would request that the Planning applications are referred to Swindon Borough Council Planning Committee.

Chiseldon Parish Council Planning Committee would also like it noted that:

We give full support to the objections and comments raised by the Conservation Officers report dated 4/12/17 – specifically noting 

  • That the proposed extension as a result of its design, excessive size and visual bulk completely dominates the existing building and interferes with the architectural integrity of the existing main component of the building and competes with the hierarchy and linear nature of the host building and its position within the street scene and the conservation area. 
  • The proposed extension would completely remove the listed building from the street scene when approaching the building from the top of Badbury Lane. 
  • The heritage statement presents an inadequate assessment of the historical significance of the Grade II listed building within the Badbury Conservation Area and fails to assess its significance and the harm upon that significance to either the historical building or the location of the building.
  • The proposed garage construction is unreasonably large for a host dwelling and the external staircase is not a requirement if this is to be a storage facility in the roof.
  • Alterations to the internal grade II listed house impacted by this extension have not been specified.
  • Whichway Cottage is a grade II listed dwelling in an Area of Outstanding National Beauty and as a result all due developments must recognise the impact of the alterations to the existing building and its grounds.

Further comments refer:

Residents of Badbury have contacted the Parish Council to voice their concerns over this application,  we will continue to send over their comments to be recorded. 

Chiseldon Parish Council Planning Committee would lso like it noted that so far the property has had the surrounding hedges removed without permission. Likewise a tree in the garden has been removed and a new exterior fence has been erected without permission.  Paul  Maher, Arboricultural Officer is aware of the hedges and tree and has been sent photographic evidence by the Clerk of Chiseldon Parish Council. 

If this application is altered and re-submitted by the owner of Whichway Cottage,  it is the request of Chiseldon Parish Council to be allowed to review the altered plans and submit further comment.

The member of the public then left at 8.25pm.

17/75 Planning Burderop Park amended planning application

After discussions over the amended plans the Committee agreed that the comments to send back to SBC in regard to this application were:

The back entrance to the development with regards to turning right from the Chiseldon direction – there are concerns over the safety of this design.

The proposal to send these comments back to SBC were proposed by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Hill and all Cllrs at the meeting were in favour.

17/76 Planning 85 Castle View Road planning application

The Committee were in agreement that these plans were acceptable.

The proposal to send this application back to SBC with no objections were proposed by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Mills and all Cllrs at the meeting were in favour.

Cllr Rawlings then left the meeting at 8.33pm.

17/77 Planning review outstanding applications

Manor House is due to be finished in Jan 2018.  The Clerk is to ask SBC what they are still requiring from the developer. There are outstanding issues regarding drain  clearing, roads and pavements repairs.

What are the final conditions for the developer when finishing the build?

Clerk to ask why the Christmas Cottage application is still outstanding.

17/78 Highways review Top 5 concerns document

The top 6 items were reviewed which are:  

  • J14 M4/Plough Hill improvements
  • New Road/A346 junction improvements
  • New Road Build Out
  • Village Parking (all areas of Parish)
  • Patriot Arms roundabout
  • Mays Lane/High Street upgrade

In regards to the New Road Build Out Cllr Mills requested that the Council request further information from Jason Humm at SBC as Cllr Mills does not believe the Build Out is a recognised design plan.
The Clerk confirmed that a letter was sent to Jason Humm with no reply.

The plan is to go to SBC to propose a collaboration and discuss the top 6 issues within the parish to resolve them together.
We can then go to the public to request examples of the issues that are faced.
The Clerk is to ask Cllr West and Cllr Harris to create their on-line survey tool to gather the feedback.

There is a website called “Fix My Street” that maps issues using certain criteria – it was suggested that ideas from this can be utilised.

The Clerk has an action to start a document for these top 6 areas with a mission statement and list of the problems for review and expansion.

The Committee is keen to get the community involved to note down where there are problem areas.

There is a need to consider making sure an area of concern isn’t pushed elsewhere. There is a need to look at why people do the things they do and make sure the cause is known.

Eg. Why was the build out added where it was – what was it trying to achieve.

We also need a visual plan of issues where “X” marks the spot.

17/79 Review and vote on Transport Requirements for Development Plan from SBC

The committee had previously received the document for review.

Comments to go back to SBC were:

The report doesn’t appear to take into account the significant expansion of housing developments and the impact on traffic through rural areas which are subject to increased rat running.

The committee also want to understand how new housing developments will be supported by this development report.

The comments were approved on a proposal by Cllr Mills, seconded by Cllr Hill and all Cllrs at the meeting in favour.

There will be an updated document available in March 2018, the Clerk is to monitor emails for a new copy of this arriving.

17/80 AOB

Cllr Mills asked whether we need to invite Cllr Mary Martin from SBC to a meeting.  Cllr Brady advised we should wait until there are specific questions that need answering.

The Committee is to watch out for funds being added from the Swindon Enterprise Board as they were going to be adding funds to J15 M4 at some point.

Cllr Hill noted that at New Road where the new laybys are and on Castle View Road the verges are being churned up.  The Clerk is to request that SBC come and repair the verges.

The verges near Home Close are also damaged.

The start of the double yellow lines at Hodson Road needs to go back 3 car lengths as otherwise buses can’t get through if there are cars parked on the other side of the road. The pre-stop sign at Burderop junction has been twisted round. This needs SBC to move it to the same location as the main stop sign to stop it being hit again.

Cllr Henderson commented on the lighting at the A346 at the bus stop area on the Badbury side of the road. It is completely dark there.  Can there be a light at the crossing point? Needs to illuminate the area for walking.

At Hodson there is a bend in the road where the 2 stone walls are where it’s very difficult for 2 cars to pass. Can this area be gravelled so that so there is a safe passing area.  Enquiries need to be made as to who owns the verge area. Cllr Henderson is to try to get a photo of the area.

Action Points


  • 17/46 & 17/49. Follow up with Ward Cllr Shaw and Foley ref yellow lines on Hodson Road, and layby parking allocation on New Road. Also ask how long the Hodson Road roadworks will last for, check the traffic light phasing and make sure lights are always working. NEED TO FOLLOW UP ON DYL Add Community Car Share to Transport Concerns document
  • 17/77. Ask SBC planning what items they are still waiting for from the Manor House development on Slipper Lane
  • 17/77. Ask why Christmas Cottage application is still outstanding
  • 17/78. Follow up with Jason Humm at SBC on the New Road Build Out design plans
  • 17/78. Follow up with Cllr Harris and Cllr West to ask them to start creating their on-line data gathering tool for transport issues
  • 17/78. Create document for the 6 priority transport issues within the parish.
  • 17/79. Send back comments on the Transport Requirements for Development document.
  • 17/80. Report to SBC that laybys at New Road and verges on Castle View Road are churned up and need repairing.
  • 17/80. The pre-stop sign at Burderop junction needs moving to a better location – report to SBC
  • 17/80. Lighting at A346 Badbury side of bus stop needs improving – report to SBC.
  • 17/80. Hodson Road needs a safe passing stop. Ask Langton Estate if they own the land in question.  Cllr Henderson to get a photo of the location.

Cllr Mills: 

  • 16/16. Investigate the costs of a planning consultant and feedback to committee

Cllr Harris & West: 

  • 17/54. Look at creating an on-line survey tool to gather residents primary transport committee