
Public Recess: To receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters.  Members of the public are allowed to address the Chair for 5 minutes.  No decisions will be taken at this meeting.

  1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interests 
  3. Approval of minutes of the Full Council meeting from 9th January 2017
  4. Matters arising and Action points
  5. Swindon Borough Council Reports from Ward Cllrs 
  6. Heather from the national flod forum presentation  
  7. Police reports 
  8. New Parish Council logo update from Cllr Sunners 
  9. Library update from Cllr Hill 
  10. Committee and representation reports
    Finance – to include vote on new Financial Regulations document
    Transport Update 
    Badbury Park – David West
  11. Parish Christmas lights for 2017 
  12. March 4th Litter Pick leaflet delivery 
  13. AOB