
  1. Attendances and apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interest
  3. Public recess
  4. Approval of minutes of meeting held 20th November
  5. Matters arising not on the agenda

Action points

Parishing Progress

No items

Village Appearance

  1. Cllr Sunners to update committee on his discussion with Spar ref rubbish bin requirement
  2. Dog Bins – Bin in Rec field is broken (bottom has fallen out) cost from Allbuild to replace is £179 for a new metal bin, or £225.00 for a plastic bin plus £22.95 delivery. £50.00 to install, remove and dispose of old bin (All ex VAT)
  3. Christmas tree – Update from Clerk
  4. Meadow Stores Bin – Needs a new lock costing XXX. Dicussion and possible vote.

Building & Amenity Priorities

  1. Tennis Club (Note: Lease now falls under Finance Committee)
  2. Tennis Club representative to update Committee
  3. Review quotes for yearly inspection of the courts – Cllr Walton to provide 1 final quote
  4. Sir Henry Calley Memorial Garden – Risk assessment has indicated the slope might be a hazard. Do we need a warning sign? Cost approx. £30.00. Dicussion and vote
  5. Allotments – Large fruit tress on plot 9 to be cut down now tenant has given up plot. Cost of £160 from Morgan Trees. To be voted on
  6. Pitch improvement quotes – Update on pitch improvement quotes from Cllr Walton and Cllr Clarke. Review and possible vote
  7. Vote on Growth Regulator Application to the Rec Ground – Costs are: £500.00 plus VAT for pitches and £600.00 plus VAT for the whole field
  8. SBC Highways giveaway – Do we need any slabs, kerbs or boulders from SBC in their Jan cleanup? Only for CPC use. Discussion and possible vote

Community Priorities

  1. Football Matters – Club representative to update Committee

Any Other Business

  1. AOB (Note: Items in AOB cannot be voted on)