14/31. Election of officers.

Cllr Walton was proposed as chair in place of Cllr Hill, who had stepped down from the post for health reasons, by Cllr Dudman, seconded by Cllr Tucker: all in favour. Cllr Rawlings remained as vice chair on a proposal by Cllr Walton seconded by Cllr Tucker; all in favour.

14/32. Declarations of interest.

Cllr Walton – Badbury Park development; Village Plan.

Cllr Wright – Planning application S/14/1985.

14/33. Public recess.

No public.

14/34. Minutes of meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 5 June were approved on a proposal by Cllr Hill seconded by Cllr Wright; all who attended the meeting in favour.

14/35. Matters arising.


14/36. Planning applications.

S/14/1924 – conservatory to the rear of 1 Wilbury Close (Plot 4 Badbury Park). Approved on a proposal by Cllr Walton seconded by Cllr Rawlings; all in favour.

14/36. Planning applications (continued).

S/14/1969 – Rear ext’n to 49 Norris Close. Approved on a proposal by Cllr Rawlings seconded by Cllr Tucker; all in favour.

S/14/1985 – Side ext’n and porch at St Just Cottage, 21 Coate. Approved on a proposal by Cllr Rawlings, seconded by Cllr Dudman; all in favour.

S/14/2001 – Plant room at Downs View Care Home Badbury. There were no objections in principle but conditions are that the room should be soundproofed and the shrubbery (ie hedging) be reinstated. There was also a question on the size of delivery lorries although this is not a planning issue. Approved on a proposal by Cllr Rawlings seconded by Cllr Wright. Cllr Dudman abstained.

S/RES/14/2005 – Mixed accommodation housing (25 houses) at Badbury Park. No objections, proposed by Cllr Rawlings seconded by Cllr Dudman. Cllr Wright took the plans with her to read more fully.

Cllr Rawlings suggested a meeting be held in early to mid January 2015 involving Chiseldon, Liddington and Wroughton Parish Councils to discuss the proposed closure of Dayhouse Lane. The clerk is to organise.

14/37. Parish Plan Update.

Cllr Walton gave an update on the Parish Plan and reported that John Legge felt that Chiseldon is helped by AONB, which covers the whole of the village. A village design statement has to identify areas where development can take place, and needs residents and members of the Parish Council to be involved. Peter Purcell had resigned from the steering group and any decisions made by it will have to be rubber stamped by the Parish Council which will call a public meeting if necessary. A replacement for Peter is actively being sought and will possibly be Claire Stretton.

14/38. AOB (none for this meeting)

Cllr Tucker mentioned double yellow lines being required in Canney Close to avoid illegal parking of vehicles. She was referred to Full Council on 8 December

Cllr Hill reminded those present of the resurfacing of New Road.

Cllr Dudman asked the clerk to e-mail Rory Draper to remind him to sort out traffic using Badbury.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm.