15/01. Declarations of Interest.


15/02. Public recess.

Mrs Chapman explained the background to the Toll Cottage at 33 Meadow Way Badbury, that there had been attempted break-ins, drug dealings, flytipping and visits by gypsies. She explained that she was ignorant of planning requirements etc and the retrospective planning application was unintentional.

Cllr Hill asked if the property was inhabited, and is the agent being sacked to which Mrs Chapman replied that the property was occupied and that the work had almost been completed meaning it was not feasible to sack the agent.

Cllr Rawlings stated that the wall built is a danger, and Mrs Chapman is willing to reduce the height by the required amount to make it legal.

15/03. Minutes of meeting of 4 December 2014.

The minutes of the meeting held on 4 December 2014 were approved on a proposal by Cllr Hill seconded by Cllr Dudman; all who attended the meeting in favour.

15/04. Matters arising.

Page 2 (Minute 14/36 – Planning Applications). Cllr Dudman stated that there was to be no Biomass Plant at the Downsview Care home. (Application 14/2001)

15/04. Matters arising (continued).

Page 2 (Minute 14/36 – Planning Applications). Cllr Hill stated that all planning applications regarding Badbury Park except one had been passed. The tree, which the developers want to fell has been referred to SBC’s Legal Department.

15/05. Planning applications.

S/15/0472 – double storey side and rear extensions at 104 Castle View Road. No objections.

S/15/0498 (retrospective) – erection of stable block at Toll Cottage, 33 Meadow Way, Badbury. Cllr Rawlings read out the email from Tom Buxton to Andrew Bennett. The committee objected to the plans as presented, as the stable block is in the wrong place, and the ménage, lighting and wall are unplanned. Andy Brown and Tom Buxton should look at the property and send a formal letter to the Parish Council. Retrospective plans should be stopped.

15/06. Other planning applications.


15/07. Low Carbon local development orders.

Cllr Hill was mainly in favour but didn’t agree with the solar farm to be built at Wroughton. The other two councillors were against the development orders and the clerk is to write to SBC.

15/08. AOB.

Cllr Hill stated that a bollard had been supplied by SBC to the developers to stop vehicles driving over the pavements at Badbury Park.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.