The 10th March 2025 full council meeting did not proceed as it was inquorate.
The following reports were received from our Ward Cllrs.
Ward Cllr Sumner – Ridgeway Ward.
Cllr Chris Watts from SBC met with the residents of Badbury Bottom ref the flood events. There is a drainage pipe in a nearby field that is causing issues as the water is being drained towards Badbury Bottom. A site walk will be conducted so that the land owners in question can be requested to take remedial action. Flood prevention such as gullies may need to be re-instated.
The recent flood report that SBC produced did not show the issues at Badbury Bottom as there was a minimum limit of 6 properties to be flooded to meet the threshold.
Ward Cllr Elliott – Chiseldon and Lawn Ward.
WC Elliott met with the Burderop Park residents group to talk about flood issues.
It was noted that sewerage from the site is placed into large tanks and then pumped out.
There is excess water coming from the farmers field and across the road into Burderop Park.
This floods the properties at the lower levels.
They are trying to work out solution with the land owners, a drainage channel may need opening up.
There is an attenuation pond on site but it is not placed at the lowest level so the effectiveness is debatable.
There is an armed forces family fun day at Lydiard Park on 28th June, 11.00am to 4.00pm.