24/121. Public recess. 1 member of the public.
Mr Dallimer would like to assist the PC with investigating how we can reinstate the path between Chiseldon and Hodson/Burderop Park. He’d like to know how he can assist and of any shortfall in funds or expertise etc currently.
He has offered to help with the following:
Arranging hedge cutting.
Talking to Swindon Borough Council
Looking for funding for the project.
The Committee were very keen to discuss this further as they had already agreed that reinstating the path would be an ideal improvement. This is to be added to the next agenda.
It was confirmed that SBC Highways should be the authority that do this work.
Mr Dallimer is also introducing more trees in the Burderop Park area.
He will communicate further with the Clerk on any updates.
24/122. List of apologies with reason given and approval of those apologies.
Cllr Ford has a childcare commitment and Cllr Kearsey is away.
No apologies from Cllr Jackson.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given with the reasons given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/123. Declarations of Interest. None.
24/124. Approval of minutes from 30th January 25. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate reflection of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
24/125. Action points from previous meeting. (Completed items in italics)
Clerk 24/92. Ask W.Cllrs to log TRO process with SBC for crossing on New Road Asked them and chased them – no response at all as of today. Update at meeting: Cllr Hopkins advised at the meeting there are capacity issues within Highways at SBC and a long waiting list of jobs. This is an item that he will continue to raise and push at the appropriate time when they’ve got the capacity.
Clerk 24/93. Ask W.Cllrs to log TRO process with SBC for speed reduction on Hodson Road. Updates same as item 24/92.
Clerk 24/96. Chase solicitor draft email for estate. Chased twice. No response yet. I will contact their head office in a couple of days to see if this gets action. The Clerk will call as the final action.
Clerk 24/105. Prepare statement (to be read at SBC meeting) for approval at the next planning meeting. On agenda.
Clerk 24/112. Ask Jake at SSPC for their signs project costs and any info they can supply related to the signs spec, dimensions etc. Not needed as original spec came from SSPC.
Clerk 24/113. Get 3 quotes for concrete and 3 quotes for bollards to be installed on the verge, on the corner of Castle View Road/New Road T junction. Pending
Clerk 24/114. Initiate process for TRO that is required for the Draycot Foliat layby and speed limit changes. Pending but SBC have been advised that costs approved.
Clerk 24/117. Add item to review and vote on costs of £500 to update the costings for the new rec ground building works to the next full council agenda. Pending.
Clerk 24/119. Arrange printing of 3 copies of the full Regulation 16 documents for members of the public. CLOSED. Consultation ended and docs not needed.
Clerk 24/120. Send Cllrs Rawlings, Ford and Turley agenda request forms. DONE
25/126. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published. Published on the councils Facebook page and on the councils website. There were none.
24/127. PLANNING. S/HOU/24/0982. To determine the content of the statements to be read out when the application is heard by the SBC planning committee.
The points suggested which were taken from CPC’s original comments sent to SBC were agreed as suitable for reading out. When the item is confirmed on a SBC planning agenda the relevant Cllrs will draft their final statements and liaise with other Cllrs.
24/128. TRANSPORT. No items on the agenda but the following issues were raised for noting:
- Tractors have churned up the verge by the Pats roundabout.
- A coach damaged the verge outside the Chiseldon House Hotel on New Road
- Earthline lorries are still travelling through the village.
- Suggested we report this to the Western Area Traffic Office. The Clerk will look into this.
- New Road new surface needs protecting or it will fail again and SBC will have to re-surface again.
- Suggested to write again to SBC with a list of the outstanding issues plus the need to protect New Road. The Clerk will add to the next agenda with a draft letter.
The member of the public left at 19.49
24/129. Rec Ground improvement. To vote on sending the response letter for the Heads of Terms to the estate ref leasing extra land.
A proposal was made to send the draft letter to the estate. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The Clerk will also call the office of the solicitor who did not get back to the PC with the final piece of work required.
24/130. Neighbourhood Plan.
It was noted that CPC requested Liz Beth do the examination. Waiting to see who SBC requests.
The Reg 16 comments have been sent to the Clerk who will make them available to Cllrs. They will be published on the SBC website as well.
24/131. Items for the next agenda. None
Meeting closed at 19.58
Clerk 24/92. Ask W.Cllrs to log TRO process with SBC for crossing on New Road Asked them and chased them – no response at all as of today. Update at meeting: Cllr Hopkins advised at the meeting there are capacity issues within Highways at SBC and a long waiting list of jobs. This is an item that he will continue to raise and push at the appropriate time when they’ve got the capacity.
Clerk 24/93. Ask W.Cllrs to log TRO process with SBC for speed reduction on Hodson Road. Updates same as item 24/92.
Clerk 24/96. Chase solicitor draft email for estate. Chased twice. No response yet. I will contact their head office in a couple of days to see if this gets action. 24/129 – Clerk to call the office as well.
Clerk 24/113. Get 3 quotes for concrete and 3 quotes for bollards to be installed on the verge, on the corner of Castle View Road/New Road T junction.
Clerk 24/114. Initiate process for TRO that is required for the Draycot Foliat layby and speed limit changes.
Clerk 24/117. Add item to review and vote on costs of £500 to update the costings for the new rec ground building works to the next full council agenda.
Clerk 24/121. Add path between Chiseldon and Burderop to next agenda.
Clerk 24/128. Look at details for the Western Area Traffic Office to report Earthline movements too.
Clerk 24/128. Draft a letter to SBC with new highways concerns and add to March agenda.
List of CPC planning application consultee votes (2023 data removed – see old minutes for details)
Application and property | CPC decision | Date voted on |
S/23/1506 Demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/ dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works without compliance with Condition 14 (Closure of Access) of previous permission S/19/1765 – Variation of Condition 14 from Previously Approved Planning Application S/21/1920. Variation of Condition 2 from Planning Permission S/23/0139. At: | Support | Jan-24 |
Burderop Park House, Burderop Park Wroughton | ||
S/23/1507. Erection of 6no. additional dwellings. Variation of Conditions 2 and 18 from Planning Permission S/19/1892. Burderop Park House , Burderop Park Wroughton | Support | Jan-24 |
S/23/1399. Installation of 3 number, 5m high CCTV Columns. At: Chiseldon Firs Transit Site, Marlborough Road Chiseldon Swindon. | Support | Jan-24 |
S/22/1170 Change of use of the Stable Block and Cottage/Restaurant to provide 11no. residential dwellings (Use Class C3), erection of 6no. dormer windows with associated infrastructure and landscaping. At: Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road Chiseldon | Support | Feb 24 Full Council |
S/LBC/23/1113 Alterations to the Cottage/ Restaurant building to internally re-order residential unit RC04, re-introduce an entrance door on the north elevation of the former restaurant and re-introduce a window at first floor level of the former restaurant (amended proposals following listed building consent S/LBC/22/0695). At: Former Cottage/ Restaurant, Burderop Park Mansion Drive Swindon | Support | Feb 24 Full Council |
S/HOU/24/0163. Erection of single storey rear extension, side extension to form garage/store and new gabled roofs to front bay window and front door. 39 Station Road, Chiseldon | Support | Feb-24 |
S/24/0079 Installation of a new gateway and access track for agricultural use, including new hedge planting. Land To The East Of C3088, Burderop | Support | Apr-24 |
S/HOU/24/0317. 2 storey extension. Little Acre. Slipper Lane, Chiseldon. | Support | Apr-24 |
S/24/0424. Erection of two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. 15 Hodson Road, Chiseldon. | Support with comments | Apr-24 |
S/HOU/24/0278 Air Source heat pump. 4 The Orchard, Chiseldon. | Support with comments | Apr-24 |
S/22/1170 REVISED. Change of use of stable block to 1 dwelling. Burderop Cottage, Hodson Road, Chiseldon | No comment | May-24 |
S/HOU/24/0509. 2 storey/first floor side extensions & single storey rear extension. 28 Carisbrooke Terrace, Chiseldon. | Objection with comments | May-24 |
S/HOU/24/0552. Single storey side extension & detached out building. 31 Berricot Lane, Badbury | Support with comments | May-24 |
S/PHOU/24/0568. Prior Approval notification for conservatory 5×3.3m. 13 Cambrai Road, Chiseldon. | No vote taken | May-24 |
S/HOU/24/0586. 2 dormer windows, front velux, and hip to gabled roof to create first floor. 39 Station Road, Chiseldon. | Support | May-24 |
S/HOU/24/0857. Single Storey rear extension. 40 Draycott Road. | Support | Aug-24 |
S/HOU/24/0953. Single storey rear extension. 13 Cambrai Road. | Support | Aug-24 |
INSPECTORATE APPEAL. S/HOU/24/0409. 2 storey/first floor side extensions, single storey rear extension, erect detached garden shed. | No further comments. Objected to original application due to size. | Aug-24 |
S/OUT/24/0982. Up to 42 homes, landscaping, open space and assoc works at land at Hodson Road. | Objection. | Sep-24 |
S/OUT/24/1013. Permanent rural workers retirement dwellings and assoc works. Ladysmith Equestrian Centre. | Support | Sep-24 |
S/24/0886. Replacement detached dwelling, garage and summer house. The Bungalow, Hodson Lane | Support | Sep-24 |
S/HOU/24/1027. Summer house, greenhouse and gazebo & re-render. The Hollies, 26 Badbury. | Support | Sep-24 |
S/ S/HOU/24/1344. 37 Carisbrooke Terrace. Single storey rear extension, loft conversion to first floor extension to rear, and dormer to front. Porch to front. | Support | Nov-24 |
S/24/1412. Erection of a steel frame building to house MOT testing facilities. Bush House Unit 6, Marlborough Road Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0HS | Support with comments | Jan-25 |
S/HOU/24/1518. Erection of garden store. Gatekeepers Lodge, 1 Mansion Drive, Swindon SN4 0GA | Support | Jan-25 |
S/24/1485. Erection of 2 no. adjoining stables, tackroom and haystore (Variation of Condition 6 – Approved Plans from Planning Permission S/12/1756 part retrospective) Land To Rear Of Staddlestones, Butts Road, Chiseldon Swindon SN4 0NN |
Objection with comments | Jan-25 |
S/AMEND/24/1505. Non material amendment to previous approval S/17/0128 regarding the demolition of the pavilions, change of use of offices and ancillary buildings to 25no. apartments/dwellings, erection of 52no. dwellings, construction of new access and associated works. 2 The Coach House,2 Cardeville, Burderop Park, Swindon | No comment | Jan-25 |