24/211. Approval of apologies given.   No apologies

24/212. Declarations of Interest.  None

24/213. Public recess. No public

24/214. Approval of minutes 20th Jan 2025.

A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/215. Action points from previous meeting.


24/164. Complete the application for the National Lotteries Heritage Grant – £15,000 PENDING.

24/196. Compile figures for the annual budget of £8000 to see if its viable to have a self-employed parish cleaner. To add to Feb agenda.   To also talk to handyman to see if he has any contacts who may be interested. DONE. On Feb agenda.

24/197. Draft a report responding to the comments on the survey.  Send to committee before publication. PENDING

24/204. Ask Handyman to clear the waste at the rear of the cemetery and take photos when complete. DONE.

24/216. Parishing. To discuss and vote on buying new hi-vis vests for Allbuild to wear.

It was decided to postpone this item pending a further discussion with Allbuild over litter picking.

24/217. Parish appearance and safety. Approve a date for the Parish Litter pick as part of the Great British Spring Clean.

A proposal was made for the morning of Sat 5th April. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/218. Parish appearance and safety. Discuss and vote on providing a new litter bin with weekly collections for the end of the allotment path at The Ridgeway

A proposal was made to approve a new bin plus installation from Allbuild of £313.56, plus £2.50 per week emptying costs. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The item will go to the March Finance meeting agenda as there are not enough EGPA funds to cover this expenditure.

24/219. Parish appearance and safety. Discuss and vote on next steps for the cleaning budget of £8000 towards parish appearance for 2025/26. To review the draft document showing costs breakdown for a self-employed person to do this role.

A proposal was made for Cllr Sunners & Cllr Rawling to meet with Allbuild to discuss how Allbuild could assist with these services. To also discuss current litter picking services. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

Tues 22nd April EGPA meeting proposed.

There was concern that we may not full the role using a self-employed person so should look at either utilizing existing contractors and services, or try to combine with other local PC’s to get a deal that was more cost effective or have a larger PC do the work and invoice CPC. The Clerk will respond to the SLCF email about possible shared services.

To be discussed further at EGPA meetings.

24/220. Parish appearance and safety. To discuss and vote on purchasing a second hand street cleaning trolley from Haydon Wick PC costing £50.00 HWPC can deliver.

A proposal was made to approve this expenditure of £50. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The item will go on the March Finance meeting agenda as there are no EGPA funds to cover this expenditure.

24/221. Building and amenity priorities. Football Club report. No report received

24/222. Building and amenity priorities. Tennis Club report. No report received

24/223. To discuss and vote on the Tennis Clubs request to remove court cover from the insurance provision that the PC take out.   This is to reduce the costs that the TC pay on their annual lease.

A proposal was made to not remove the insurance portion of the lease. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/224. To discuss and vote on approving costs for hiring the Rec field.
Suggested costs were:

£72.00 per AM or PM or evening session.  This rate would increase as the pitch hire costs increase as the fee is based on 1 adult and 1 junior pitch hire. This is the nett rate and the RFO will add VAT to this rate depending on whether the activity is sport related or not – as per HMRC requirements.

A proposal was made to approve £72.00 for each session (VAT to be added if required). The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/225. Building and amenity priorities.  Pavilion. No items

24/226. Rec Hall, ground and carpark.  No items

24/227. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  To review and vote on a quote for rubbish removal from Butts Road cemetery
A proposal was made to approve the quote of £110 to Allbuild to remove the rubbish. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The item will go on the March Finance meeting agenda as there are no EGPA funds to cover this expenditure.

24/228. Chapel, Museum and graveyards.  To vote on whether to approve a request from the War Graves Commission to remove a tree from the Butts Road cemetery that is obscuring graves.  They will remove the associated waste.
A proposal was made to approve this request. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/229. Community Priorities. No items

24/230. Allotments.  To note the termination of the tenancy for Plot 11B and £50 refund of deposit will be processed.

A proposal was made to keep the deposit amount to cover unpaid lease fees. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/231. Vulnerable People & Youth provision. No items.

24/232. Castle View Play area.  To vote on adding matting to the pull up bars at the play area – due to the area getting muddy.

A proposal was made to delegate powers to the Clerk to make arrangements for matting to be installed under the pull up bars. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

The item will go on a future Finance meeting agenda as there are no EGPA funds to cover this expenditure.

24/233. Items for next agenda.   None

Meeting closed


All Actions to be completed by the next EGPA Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.


24/164. Complete the application for the National Lotteries Heritage Grant – £15,000

24/197. Draft a report responding to the comments on the survey.  Send to committee before publication.

24/216. Add hi-vis vests back on agenda when ready to vote on it. After meeting with Allbuild.

24/217. Clerk to promote the litter pick and make appropriate arrangements.

24/218. Add new bin to March Finance agenda and then make arrangements for install and collections.

24/219. Arrange meeting with Allbuild and Cllrs Sunners and Rawlings for parish appearance budget for 25/26 and litter picking.  The Clerk will facilitate and attend.

24/220. Add costs for trolley of £50 to March Finance agenda for approval.

24/227. Add costs for waste removal at Butts Road cemetery to March Finance agenda for approval and then arrange the work.

24/232.  Gather costs for adding matting to the pull up bars and get a Finance committee to approve the costs.