24/60. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Matthew Hinton & Jon Jackson both have work commitments. Absence without apologies: Cllr Quidwai.

A proposal was made to approve the apologies for absence with the reasons given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/61. Declarations of interest and vote on any dispensations submitted.


24/62. Public recess.


24/63.  Approval of minutes from 4th December 2024.

A proposal was made to approve this set of minutes. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/64. Action points. (Completed items in italics)

Clerk 24/41. Arrange road sweeper work. DONE.

Clerk 24/53. Arrange further rec hall roof repairs (£512.00 & VAT). DONE.

Clerk 24/55. Butts Road cemetery hedge cut. DONE.

RFO 24/57. Move remaining bell tower refurb allocated funds to unallocated reserves. DONE.

24/65.  To vote on a new Vice Chairman for the committee to May 2025. (Not a legal requirement).

A proposal was made to approve Cllr Stephen Turley as Vice Chairman for the committee to May 2025. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.


24/66. To review the dividends received in the CCLA account.

The dividends were discussed and noted. Performance will continue to be monitored at every finance meeting.

24/67. To review adding a further amount to the CCLA account to maximise interest payments of council funds, as recommended by the internal auditor.

A proposal was made to approve a further £200k transfer from Unity to the CCLA, to maximise the return on council funds. The RFO will also test the process to retrieve funds. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/68. To approve an extra amount to the training budget to run to 31.03.25. £200 suggested.

A proposal was made to approve an additional £200 to the training budget to run to 31.03.25. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/69. To consider a vote on a grant request from the Wiltshire Ornithological Society for the provision and installation of owl boxes.

A proposal was made to approve £250 to the Wiltshire Ornithological Society for the provision and installation of owl boxes. To date, the formal application has not been received. However if a grant request is received for a higher amount before payment, the clerk should bring this item back to the March meeting for consideration, with details about how many owl boxes it will fund etc. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/70. To discuss and vote on any local charities or organisations where the PC can provide a donation from our remaining grants and donations fund.

Cllr Ford suggested Chiseldon Primary school and the Roxi Foundation. The school will be encouraged to contact the clerk about non-curriculum items the PC may be able to help fund. Cllr Ford will contact the Roxi Foundation to identify what a grant award would enable them to do to, and to scope how much should be suggested. Max £500 per recipient. Cllr Kearsey will also request suggestions from Cllrs at the full council meeting on Mon 13th Jan.

24/71. To review the latest budget vs expenditure report and note any areas for concern of over and underspend.

Cllrs noted the red and amber items. The rec hall roof issue and grant award funds will be discussed at the full council meeting on Monday. Cllr Ford suggested shopping around for an electricity supplier, RFO to check when contract end dates are.

24/72. Discussion and vote on paying a further £650.00 to Andrea Pellegram Ltd for the work they did with the Hannick Homes planning application.

Cllrs accepted that, whilst the work completed did not follow the proper process due to communication issues at Andrea Pellegram Ltd, it would have been required for the application. Cllrs noted the issues arose during AP Ltd management changes and should not reoccur.

A proposal was made to approve the additional £650 for work completed for the Hannick Homes planning application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/73. Contracts: No items.

24/74. To approve the council’s reserves policy.

A proposal was made to approve the reserves policy with some minor amendments. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.

24/75. Insurance and risk assessment. To review the insurance provision for crisis management cover and internet/email cover after last risk assessment.

Cllrs requested insurance quotes to cover both items to gauge the cost and for this to be brought back to the March meeting.

24/76. Items for next agenda. None.

Meeting closed 20:55

Action Points:

RFO 24/67. Arrange £200k transfer from Unity to the CCLA and test the process to retrieve funds.

RFO 24/69. Arrange payment of £250 to the Wiltshire Ornithological Society

Cllr Ford and Cllr Kearsey 24/70.

  • Cllr Ford to contact the Roxi Foundation to identify what a grant award would enable them to do to, and to scope how much should be suggested. (Max £500 per recipient)
  • Cllr Kearsey to request grants and donations suggestions from Cllrs at the full council meeting on Mon 13th Jan.

RFO 24/71. RFO to check contract end dates for elec suppliers and add a calendar reminder to shop around.

RFO 24/72. Arrange payment of £650 to Andrea Pellegram.

RFO 24/74. Supply amended copy of the councils reserves policy to the clerk.

RFO & Clerk 24/75.

  • RFO Get quotes for crisis management cover and internet/email cover.
  • Clerk Add crisis management cover and internet/email cover quotes to March meeting for consideration.