Chairman’s welcome: Vice Chairman Andy Rogers representing the Chairman Ian Kearsey.

Welcome to the attendees, thanks to those who provided reports for tonight, and opened the floor to questions/comments from the electors of the parish.

Electors Comments/Questions:

Statement about disappointment on matters of local concern that a NHP cannot mitigate/discuss – such as local traffic issues, pavement provision/condition etc.

It was discussed how the NHP is a legal document and therefore must meet the legislative requirements to ensure it passes all tests and scrutiny. Other local issues should be progressed/investigated in other ways. A NHP is used to ensure that new development in the parish is controlled in a way that the parish wish to see it.

Question regards traffic issues in the parish.

It was stated that the PC are trying to get SBC to agree to a location for a SID on New Road. The previous suggested location was rejected by SBC as not suitable.

The A346/New Road junction was mentioned as a current issue, as well as trying to restrict larger vehicles on certain routes with weight restrictions being introduced.

Ward Cllr Hopkins commented that SBC may be looking to bring back speed cameras in the borough.

PCSO Watson will ask the officers who do police speed checks to visit the parish.

Community reports:

The Clerk read out the reports from the Chiseldon Local History Group, Chiseldon Tennis Club and Washpool Area Restoration Project (WARP).

The Clerk will send Ward Cllr Hopkins the latest leaflet for the Washpool so he can get this placed on SBC comms.

Council reports:

Cllr Rogers read out the Chairmans report for Cllr Kearsey.

The Finance Committee, EGPA Committee and planning committee reports were received.

Reports are available on the councils website.

Monthly finance reports are available on the councils website.

Report from PCSO Watson:

20 crimes reported in March and 39 incidents.  This includes the Badbury Park area.

An ASB issue with a youth wearing a balaclava at the Castle View Road green area has been dealt with. The youth and their parents have been talked to. If the behaviour continues further sanctions will be put into place by the police.

Increase in keyless vehicle thefts. 2 in Badbury Park and others in Tadpole Village. This is organised crime from outside the county.

Wanborough allotments had a theft of metal water tanks, to be sold on for scrap.

The meeting closed at 20.16