Disabilities are not always visible. Please let a member of the council know if we can assist you. We ask all those attending our meetings to speak clearly, slowly and address the room so that those with communication difficulties are able to hear you.

1. Public recess   –   to receive questions and comments from the public on Council related matters.  Members of the public are allowed to address the Chairman for 3 minutes.  No decisions will be taken at this meeting. Discussion will only take place when a subject raised is within an agenda item.  Maximum 10 minutes. Please contact the Clerk if you would like a copy of any additional information noted on the agenda.  Any additional information (unless confidential) can be requested from the Clerk prior to the meeting.

2. List attendances and vote on approval of apologies for absence (Absences without apologies to be noted separately)

3. Declarations of interests – and vote on any dispensations requested.

4. Approval of minutes – from 27th Feb 25.

5. Review action points from the last meeting. 

 PLANNING NOTE. (Bio-Diversity Net Gain) A reminder to councillors that the new Gov BNG policy should be checked against the relevant applications to ensure the applicant has stated the method for their 10% BNG increase. (house extensions are excluded from BNG). SBC are the body for controlling BNG.

To note, as of 24.3.25 there has been no confirmation from Swindon Borough Council for a date that S/OUT/24/0982 (land at Hodson Road) will be heard by their planning committee.

6. PLANNING.  To discuss and vote on the response to S/HOU/25/0303. Erection of a two storey gable entrance, single storey side extension, roof alterations, internal layout alterations, three bay garage, and external landscaping works.

Opry House, 1 Talavera Road, Draycot Foliat Swindon SN4 0JG

7. PLANNING. To discuss and vote on the response to S/HOU/25/0369. Erection of single storey rear extension, a first floor side extension, detached garage and conversion of existing garage into habitable space.

64 Station Road, Chiseldon, Swindon SN4 0PW

8. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council after the agenda is published.  Published on the councils Facebook page and on the councils website.

9. TRANSPORT. No items

10. Rec Ground improvement.    To receive any update from Cllrs Ford and Stevens who, with council approval formed a focus group for this project.

To note that the Clerk wrote to the Estate Trustees to provide an update on the Heads of Terms received and request that a land lease of 99 years was considered. (No update from the estate as of 24.3.25)

11.  HIGHWAYS.  Draycot Foliat hedge removal for new layby installation. To determine if to accept the SBC quote of £3900.00 or to gain other quotes.   To also vote on whether this phase of work should wait until after the nesting season. See additional information.

12. HIGHWAYS. If required, to approve costs of £75.00 plus VAT to Allbuild to move the New Road SID to the alternate location on New Road by the allotments. (Has been in place 6 months) See additional information.

13. HIGHWAYS.  Earthline and the Western Area Traffic Office. Does the council wish to lodge a complaint over the Earthline Licence and if so, what should the complaint contain. Vote on actions to take. See additional information

14.  HIGHWAYS. Review any information received about the path clearance/creation from Chiseldon to Burderop. To vote on the following:

Whether to request to full council that CPC CIL funds can be used for full or part funding.

Whether to go ahead and request quotes for this work from contractors so the extent of the project can be assessed for feasibility.

To ask SBC for absolute clarification as to whether they will program this works into their forthcoming schedules.  See additional information.

15. HIGHWAYS. To review and vote on the letter to send to Swindon Borough Council with the existing Highways issues that need resolving. See additional information.

16. Neighbourhood Plan.   To approve the costs to Andrea Pellegram Ltd for working on the Reg 16 feedback and the examination matters that the Inspector may report. This is using the Localities Grant Fund already received for NHP work. £1464.14 plus VAT See additional information.

17.  Items for next agenda. (Cannot be discussed and/or voted on at this meeting)