23/196. Public recess. No public
23/197. Approval of apologies given.
Absence with apologies: Cllr Jefferies, personal issue. Cllr Quidwai, away with work, Cllr Whitehead, personal issue. Cllr Rawlings personal issue.
A proposal was made to approve the apologies given. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/198. Declarations of interest. None
23/199. Approval of minutes from 12th February 2024. No changes
A proposal was made to approve these minutes as an accurate account of the meeting with the above change. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/200. Action points from previous meeting.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner. CHASED. Ward Cllr Sumner advised that due to pressure with SBC in the enforcement dept, this issue has not yet been resolved. Mark Robinson at SBC has been chased.
23/168. Make sure budget for 24/25 is loaded onto council website. DONE
23/171. Update policy and load onto website DONE
23/173. Add approving Cllr Woodham onto Finance Committee to Feb full council agenda. DONE
23/174. Ask HeartSafe if they can do training for the new Hodson defib. PENDING. Waiting for dates.
23/184. Reply to Wiltshire Council with CPC vote on PROW change. DONE
23/185. Reply to the consultation on Ward boundary changes with CPC decision. DONE
23/188. Answer questions raised with regards to delegated powers for the Clerk DONE
23/189. Update 2 documents and add to council website. DONE
23/190 and 191. Update SBC on vote on planning applications. DONE
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update. PENDING. Ward Cllr Elliott is aware this item is waiting.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend. PENDING. Ward Cllr Elliott is aware this item is waiting.
23/201. Police and Community report. Cllr Sunners
Jan 24, 6 reported crimes for the area. PCSO Watson will be attending the April Annual Parish meeting.
The Clerk advised that fly tipping incidents in the parish have increased significantly. (Although the overall numbers are still low compared to other parishes)
23/202. Ward Cllrs reports. Ward Cllr Elliott for Chiseldon and Lawn Ward.
The 20mph zone document has been forwarded to Philip Martlew at SBC. To note the current head of Strategic Highways at SBC has now left the council. (Ward Cllr Sumner has also submitted the document on behalf of Badbury)
It was suggested that when feedback is received from SBC that full council make any further decisions. This will be tabled when appropriate. It was advised there are many more steps in the process before a conclusion.
Both Ward Cllrs Elliott and Sumner sat on the panel for the new Corporate Director role at SBC. This is to create safer and stronger communities. Someone has now been appointed to the role.
Ward Cllr Sumner for Ridgway Ward (Badbury)
Vacant positions within SBC are suffering with lack of candidates and competition from neighbouring councils offering competitive packages.
The Ward boundary review has looked at creating a new Chiseldon and Badbury Ward as this would represent similar community types. Lawn and Badbury Park which are part of Chiseldon and Lawn ward are very different areas to Chiseldon with different needs.
Ridgway Ward cannot stay as a 1 member ward.
The potholes on Medbourne Lane have been reported and patched.
The Local Plan review is expected Summer 2024. Sites have been put forward but they have not been made public yet. Feedback will be given as soon as its public.
Ward Cllrs Elliott and Sumner leave the meeting 20.18
23/203. Discussion and vote on the current position of the council with regards to SBC’s proposed transfer of services.
There was a lengthy discussion where views were shared. It was concluded that until SBC provide more information on the services to be transferred, the cost of running these services and the transitional funding available to each PC, then the council was not in a position to make any final decisions.
A proposal was made to respond to SBC that Chiseldon PC need to make the best decision for their parishioners and this means having all the information required and sufficient time to make an informed decision. The proposal was seconded and the majority were in favour. Cllrs Woodham and Cleaver were not in favour and would have rejected SBC’s proposal.
23/204. A discussion and vote on approving £500 to fund 2 youth sessions over Easter with Headstart Skillz.
A proposal was made to approve the payment of £500 for 2 easter sessions, the proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/205. A discussion and vote on how to distribute the remaining £1749.00 grants and donations fund for 23/24.
Suggestions were:
£500 to Chiseldon Primary School to run first aid sessions for all children in Y3 to 6.
£500 to Washpool to help start a fund for track repairs to the site.
A proposal was made to approve the 2 payments listed above. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
The remaining funds of £749.00 will be decided at the 26th March Finance Committee meeting. The Clerk is to ask all Cllrs to provide ideas for consideration.
23/206. FINANCE. Updated discussion and vote to approve amending the delegated powers to the Clerk to be able to approve quotes under a certain amount of money for work required where the council is losing money or being penalised for not having work done ASAP.
A proposal was made to approve the Clerk having delegated powers to spend a maximum of £500 on any issue that requires immediate attention that is costing CPC money or other negative effects. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/207. Approve the Sickness and Absence policy.
A proposal was made to approve the policy, the proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/208. PLANNING. Vote on application S/HOU/23/1515 Erection of a rear dormer window. 10 Canney Close, Chiseldon
A proposal was made to support this application. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/209. PLANNING. Discussion & vote on any additional planning applications received from Swindon Borough Council where a time extension is not approved to hear the item at the next planning meeting. There were none.
23/210. February finance report.
A proposal was made to approve the report on February’s Finance figures. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/211. Committee reports, Correspondence and risk assessments.
Committee reports were acknowledged. Cllr Rogers advised that the tennis club were interested in the future of the site with regards to their own fund raising and future. The EGPA committee had confirmed no plans to remove the tennis club facility and would want to improve it in the future as part of the wider plans.
Cllr Jackson leaves the meeting 20.58
23/212. Items for next agenda. For the planning committee – increase double yellow lines on Station Road/New Road corner. 3 recent traffic incidences on the A346 at the various junctions in to Chiseldon – can this have bearing on the priority of changes to the junction?
Meeting closed 21.01
All Actions to be completed by the next Full Committee meeting unless otherwise specified.
23/29. Chase up Badbury hedge cutting and white line painting issues with Ward Cllr Sumner.
23/174. Ask HeartSafe if they can do training for the new Hodson defib.
23/203. Reply to SBC with the Parish Councils current position on transfer of services.
23/204. Add to March finance agenda the need to allocate the remaining £749 grants and donation funds and ask Cllrs for suggestions.
23/212. Add 2 items to next planning agenda for discussion and vote.
Ward Cllr Hopkins and Elliott
20/16. Investigate end of Badbury footpath being blocked. Waiting for SBC officer update.
23/10. To find out the current situation with regards to public footpaths and maintenance after the Countryside Access talk that SBC did not attend.