23/14. To vote on the approval of a committee Chairman for the period until May 2024.
A proposal was made to approve Cllr Ian Kearsey as Chairman of the Finance Committee for the period until May 2024. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/15. To vote on the approval of a committee Vice Chairman for the period until May 2024. None.
A proposal was made to approve Cllr Andy Rogers as Vice Chairman of the Finance Committee for the period until May 2024. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/16. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Jon Jackson & Fareed Quidwai (away). Absence without apologies: None.
23/17. Declarations of interest & approval of any dispensations. None.
23/18. Public recess. None.
23/19. Approve the minutes from 2nd May 2023. No changes.
A proposal was made to approve the minutes from 2nd May 2023 as an accurate representation. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/20. Action points
Clerk/RFO 22/109. Clerk/RFO to get grant applications from Chiseldon Primary School. Application not yet received, offer expires 30th June. No application received, offer expired. DONE.
Clerk 22/111. Clerk to supply amount for 2 new SIDS for Hodson and Draycot Foliat. 2 new SIDs would cost £6,490 ex VAT. The supply and install costs for poles and ground sockets would be in addition to this. DONE.
RFO 22/107. RFO to arrange for funds to be moved from Santander. DONE.
Clerk 23/10. Clerk to organise youth provision from BEST during school holidays. DONE.
Clerk 23/11. Clerk to request quote from CIS based on actions Cllrs suggested from the IT/security audit. (Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?). Quotes not received from companies, x2 approached. Can purchase a new router and work on rest of issues. ONGOING.
23/21. To review and approve the Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Planning, Highways and Transport Development committee.
Cllrs discussed the content and requested some formatting updates.
A proposal was made to approve Terms of Reference (TOR) for the Planning, Highways and Transport Development committee. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/22. HR: Review & vote on Admin Officer/RFO risk assessment ref lone working requirement.
A proposal was made to approve removal of an item on the risk assessment to keep the Chapel door locked during times of lone working. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/23. Budget vs expenditure report review. Actions for all committees/full council to be voted on. If required.
Cllr Rogers discussed progress on the budget item Parking & Traffic solutions, where plans may involve planting a native hedgerow during the autumn season, to help alleviate parking issues near Chiseldon Primary School. Cllrs discussed CPC grant funds expenditure and suggested if no applications are received by Christmas 2023, we may advertise for local clubs/organisations to come forward with appropriate grant applications before 31st March 2024. Cllrs requested any DIV errors are removed from the variance report.
23/24. To approve the expenditure of up to £150 for the planning committee on survey leaflet and poster printing for the proposed 20mph zones project. To come from their 2023/24 £1000 budget for professional and legal fees. (virement for use of funds)
A proposal was made to approve expenditure of up to £150 for the survey leaflet and poster printing for the proposed 20mph zones project. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/25. To review allocated reserves as of Aug 23 to see if any expenditure of funds is required before financial year end in March 2024.
Cllr Kearsey suggested moving the rec ground drainage fund into the rec hall fund, so these items can be part of the same project. Progress is underway for Windmill Piece and Draycot Foliat parking projects. The SID allocated reserves will be linked to plans for 2 new SIDs in Draycot Foliat and Hodson. It was also suggested the skate park, muga goals and pump track could be consolidated with the rec hall replacement project.
23/26. To review and vote on the bench costs of approx. £1572.00 and possible £500 SBC fee as approved by the August EGPA committee.
A proposal was made to approve the bench costs of approx. £1572.00 and possible £500 SBC fee as approved by the August EGPA committee. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/27. To review and vote on any action to be taken from bad debtor for hall hire. To be reviewed in conjunction with the council’s “Bad debtor” policy. See additional documentation.
Cllrs noted recent payments made to reduce the debt. The council will continue to closely monitor recovery of the debt and will consider any further action if defaulting on future repayments persists.
23/28. To vote on a new hourly rate for hiring the Chapel office. (The AM or PM cost is £30). For comparison the Rec Hall hourly rate is £10.
A proposal was made to approve a new hourly rate of £10 per hour for hiring the Chapel office. The proposal was seconded and all Cllrs were in favour.
23/29. Contracts: No items.
23/30. Items for inclusion on next agenda. None.
The meeting closed at 20:11.
Clerk 23/11. Clerk to request quote from CIS based on actions Cllrs suggested from the IT/security audit. (Request CIS to quote on remediation of issues raised. AWS account backup of Microsoft server – solution for backup and a diagram of how it works. Get them to do authentication, quote for new router, fix all problems, options for ongoing support but advise it doesn’t warrant a monthly fee. Do they do pre-pay or pay as you go plan? Would they administrate office 365? Checking once a month updates are pushing, checking encryption is on, get a basic service cheaply. What is the hourly rate or cost of an annual review?). Quotes not received from companies, x2 approached. Can purchase a new router and work on rest of issues.
Clerk 23/21. Clerk to update the format in the TOR file.
RFO 23/22. RFO to update the Admin Officer/RFO risk assessment for the lone working item.
Clerk 23/24. Clerk to purchase survey leaflet and poster printing for the proposed 20mph zones project.
Clerk 23/25. Add item to next agenda to approve virements to move allocated reserve items including the rec ground drainage, skate park, muga goals & pump track to the rec hall project
Clerk 23/26. Clerk to progress purchase of 2 benches (suggested locations at New Road near allotments and Hodson Road/Home Close), as approved by the August EGPA committee.